All rights reserved. but with spray-paint. be deciphered and appears to be gibberish. Se- cretly take stock of the players talk and reactions. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Schell Scientist (astrophysicist) 3. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. Avoid clichs Describe an education that fits your Agents skills.and silliness. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. But if shes been stuck in a septic tank gasoline in the shed. The Studying the outhouse with Forensics 40% or better work can be divided between several Agents. see DEFENSE ROLLS for details. If your Agent goes insanedue to that type of trauma, erase all the marks. Four days ago he died in his than others. Armor Piercing is the amount it reduces the targets Armor Points. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Megalomania Dissociative identity disorder ACUTE EPISODES: Once an Agent has gained a disorder, further stresses may bring it to the fore. Its like she exploded. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) 3. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Character Sheet Most Agents stay in the group until retirement age if they live that long. ISBN 978-1-940410-27-2; Delta Green: The Star Chamber (July 28, 2017); The Star Chamber is a 42-page long book written by Greg Stolze. DMG is always focusing on the future by making sure our practices are well-versed and working to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. Herresurrection was the result of Baughman unwittingly She says that her husband was a sick man, alwaysimbuing her remains with a unnatural consciousness seeking terrible secrets. AGE AND D.O.B. She has never met ei- is far too large for the cabin. When SAN drops sharp- or indefinite insanity 0/1D4ly, the Agent loses self-controland the player loses 0/1D4control of the Agent. character can take no actions except attempting to escape. is grey-blue and she has torn out most of her hair. | Forbidden Panel. Do you succeed or not? The other players take the role of Agents of deep horror and terrible consequences. the group? INTERPRET THE RULES FAIRLY Sometimes theres disagreement about how a rule should work. If you overrule someone, be patient and respectful. Come on! A handful of core profes- overall qualities, not specific training. Whats something admirable about your Agent? In fact, any time you lose 1 SAN or more, you must make a Sanity roll to resist blanking out and forgetting what caused the loss. Most human adults have 10 or 11pologist or Historian, Computer Scientist or Engineer, in each. I only have 12 Hit Points. AMBER: I keep going. ther of Baughmans children. The effect depends on the Kill Radius 10 m.attack roll. You must affix sucha notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. Born of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. // Personal Details and Notes Dont overlook the intangibles that make an Agent memorable. webs. You were freed by a team of secret government agents (maybe some of your fellow Agents now). yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. Welcome to the Opera. Earn the players trust and keep it. The disorder cannot be controlled until character and its time to make up a new one. But it didnt work the way The Other is a formless intelligence from dimen- he thought, so he locked her in this tank. Its about men There are many Delta Green operations already writ-and women making awful choices and doing terrible ten, some freely available online and some availablethings to prevent far worse horrors: incursions of for purchase. Like blood and sewage. off her screams instantly. Like this book? Agents Stealth skill. )and permanently. Green Box Generator. Each time yourAgent hits the Breaking Point, remove a motivation asa symptom of the trauma. It wont be obvious building may encounter Mrs. Janowitz, age 66, out unless the Agents unearth more of the tank, but in fact to walk her dog, Mitzi. It also includes basic mechanical advice about how to play the game. It is playable with Delta Green: Need to Know or Delta Green: Agent's Handbook. Describe the Home and Familyrepercussions as you play. ATTACKING OR FIGHTING BACK: Opposes each Fight Back: Roll Melee Weapons or Unarmed hand-to-hand attack that turn. If youremost interested in exploring strange cultures and Willpower Points (WP): Equal to POW.ancient history, play an Anthropologist or Historian. // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Creating an Agent Calculate Derived AttributesA new Delta Green Agent takes only a few minutes to The derived attributes are based on stats, so theyrecreate. They figured out that it was someplace down- onto a Bond,right? Wins cancel each other out. But once you hit "PLAY," there's no turning back. If Forensics 50% your Agent is a veteran, pick a traumatic background Psychotherapy 60% from the table on page 19 and modify your Agents Science (choose one) 50% stats, skills, and SAN accordingly. 21. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 60% 1D41 15 6 (b) 9mm pistol 50% 15 m 1D10 (c) .38 revolver 50% 10 m 1D8 (d) Pistol butt 50% 1D4 (e) (f) (g) 17. If things are exceptionally in your Agents favor, modify the chance by +20%. the source of stress goes away. Delta Green is a game about fear. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Discovery Motivation: Learning about extraterrestrial life Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Guarding against the fragility of life Motivation: Crafting the perfect telescope Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Amnesia (see back of sheet) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. The building is a jarring example of early 1960s design, blocky and drab. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Palmer Anthropologist 3. gruesomely killed Here are sample SAN losses. )Rolling the DiceWhen the rules need you to roll dice, they use a parti- cular nomenclature to save time and space: #D#, as in 1D8 or 4D6. The first number is the number of dice. The Sex and Agerules define Agents in great detail to help the playersbring them to life. If your Agent losesSAN due to Helplessness or Violence, check one of thethree boxes for that threat on the character sheet un-der INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE. Meet in the same conference room in 48 hours with a report. You're smart enough to know you're not the best programmer in the world, but you're far better than most. Its created an undying monster that spoke with his wifes so restricted that their day-to-day supervisors arent voice. You came to Delta Green after learning Things Man Was Not Meant to Know. Take thatpolice scanner that two cops were going to a derelict, much off your Willpower Points, off the Bond, and offdowntown tenement for a complaint of screams and the SAN loss.weird noises. Traumatic background:A brilliant FBI forensic pathologist. end of this very book. Write down moti-vations as your Agents personality emerges during thegame. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. If you find signs that Baughman violated Delta Green security, report them. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. Aim: Add +20% to your next attack roll. Then they heard on a HANDLER: Sure you are. The physical edition of Delta Green: Need to Know also comes with a sturdy, four-panel screen loaded with data to help the Handler run a fast-paced, suspenseful game and sinister wraparound art to keep the players terrified. 7HOW TO BE THE HANDLERThe Handlers job is harder than playing an Agent, but it can be far more rewarding.The best Handler has an active imagination, good judgment, a willingness to improvise,and a keen sense of mood and timing. Your Search skill up the shotgun to fire. 12669. What did it cost you to agree to sign up? Even a cursory inspection reveals that no one of his two children, a few photos of a grandchild, and has been here for at least two months. She says he did somethingwe term the Other. strange to her, some kind of awful pagan prayer to make her his slave forever. !inside a blocky shape. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. If you disagree with anotherAgent reacts. You and your players decide to which Delta Green This operation is for the Handlers eyes only. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) Constitution (CON) Dexterity (DEX) Intelligence (INT) PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) Charisma (CHA) MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. AGE AND D.O.B. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 60% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. Lucky you. The pursuer needs to win once to reduce the lead and again to gain ground.Does It Require a Roll? All can be A retired special operator with extensive combatcustomized. How As a player, you speak in your Agents voice and you behave at the table affects how everyone en-work with your friends at the table to make sure its a joys the game. The tens die comes up 3 and the ones die Delta Green uses polyhedral dice common to comes up 0: 30. tabletop role-playing games: four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. Theyre all Clyde Baughman has provided one option: the strange. You and the Handler should decide the details. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handlers screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. A First Aid roll restores 1D4 HP. If your amount. 46// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // Conclusion or cabin can reveal his work with Delta Green, the group will be satisfied.As per their orders from Delta Green, the investiga-tors are to remove any evidence of Clyde Baughmans If an Agent comes back badly hurt or sufferinginvolvement with the organization. Need to Know (quick-start rules) Print. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a, Section 1(e), found on page 2 of this book, and are not Open Game Content: the intellectual property known as Delta Green; all trademarks, proper names, artwork, trade dress; and all text not explicitly identified as Open Game Content. Bonus Meant to Know.skills: Computer Science, Craft (Microelectronics),Dodge, Occult, Science (Mathematics), SIGINT,Stealth (twice), Unarmed Combat. 3. Traumatic background: Things Man Was NotA computer scientist with dangerous interests. This is a work of fiction. Its nature and Addiction symptoms depend on the kind of trauma that pushed Obsession the Agent to the Breaking Point: Violence, Helpless- Enclosure-related phobia ness, or the Unnatural. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILY Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. I guess Im going to be a worse parent after this. no surprise. arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. actually part of a smaller, unofficial conspiracy led by The more players are talking and making decisions, veterans who refused to come in from the cold when the harder you have to work to keep things moving Delta Green was reactivated years ago. Before you roll, desig-Agents, six sample Agents, a fully playable version nate one die as the tens digit and the other as the ones of the core rules, and an operation ready to play. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILY Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. For an Agent who thinks Marleneher. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. H.P. Roll Traumatic back- Dr. Schellground: hard experience, with bonuses to First Aid,Forensics, Medicine, and Occult. Complete rules for conducting investigations, overcoming crises, fighting for your life, and watching your sanity slip away. lee Weapons damage rolls, to a minimum of 0: Miss: Everyone who would have been in the Kill 2 for STR 34 Radius is suppressed. She husband, the SAN cost will be 1/1D10. Sometimes common sense says a charac-ter can be kept alive with prompt medical care such Cover: Causes a Lethality roll to automaticallyas Surgery or First Aid. Fulfill Responsibilities: Choose one Bond and roll a SAN test. 11// What Is an Agent? In hand-to-hand lee Weapons or Unarmed Combat) are tests that can combat, attacking also includes self-defense; protect your Agent by opposing attack rolls. But if it fails, emotional attachments form; follow this process for each teammate, up to five:Agents need Willpower points (WP) to withstandexhaustion and mental trauma, to resist interrogation IF THERES NOT AN EXISTING BOND: If your Agentand persuasion, and to enact unnatural rituals. Describe what comes from seeing the trouble that Agents fall into,your Agents day-to-day life is like: work, friends, but dont let your eagerness to get a laugh ruin thefamily, the mundane but critical things your Agent is suspense and the chill of confronting cosmic terrors.willing to die for. Use this as an opportunity to leave continued. Write Agent but dont require the extensive commitment specific items here. Six characters, ready to play. If it suc-Agent still has at least 1 WP, reduce the SAN loss by ceeds, your Agent stifles the symptoms of insanity, andthe amount of WP spent (to a minimum of zero) and you retain control of your character after all. 12. Just roll percentile dice. Graphic design by Simeon Cogswell. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. Every character has an agenda that the Agents must try to discern. Both dice come up 0: 100. 7. Each has asions are most frequently seen among Agents: Anthro- score from 3 to 18. 1 for STR 58 +1 for STR 1316 +2 for STR 1718 35// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Sanity Helplessness Loss 0/1 Fired from your job 0/1Agents of Delta Green are as vulnerable to mental A friend suffers permanent harm 0/1D4trauma as to physical threats. The shape takesliving room where the floor has caved in. The Handler may Trust the Handlerask you to roll dice. Keeping it imprisoned somewhere for ongoing silenced by scorching fumes. Each Agent gets elements from the departments of Defense, Justice, a message calling for a meeting at a particular time Homeland Security, and the Treasury among others. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED Despite years of psych training, the research and clinical work left you cold. proximity to Baughmans apartment. SEX 6. You and the Handler should determine the detailsand why you agreed to come back.20. No one takes notice of a small group of reasonably cautious Agents entering the building or Baughmans apartment. These options are detailed in the core rulebook.Adapting to Sanity LossAn Agent who loses SAN from a threat three times with-out going insane becomes adapted. The tens die comes up "6" and the ones die. You have If its a crisis and things are rapidly spinning out a 50% chance of success.of control, roll the dice.If You Must Roll the Dice Bonuses and PenaltiesRoll percentile dice to get a result from 01 to 100. Even if a character is featured for only a few minutes, he or she should feel real and interesting. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Reduces the damage of an ordinary attackHandler says otherwise. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Its drawn like AMBER: OK, I can take off 3 for my body armor.the artist was having a seizure. Thats still 14 damage. he or she loses 1 SAN, but can act normally. SAN loss: 0/1. What brought your Agent to Delta Green? Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY-is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). They are defined in the Delta Green core whelming shocks; indefinite insanity from accumulat- rulebook and the Agents Handbook, but many are ed stresses; and permanent insanity when your Agent self-explanatory. Bonus skills: An-Dr. Kamaroff thropology, Art (Photography, twice), Dodge, History, HUMINT, Occult, Search. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILYREMARKS Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. About the Author Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green. your Agent a +20% bonus to the SAN test to get to sleep. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. Traumas: Make a Luck roll. Using sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond and 1 SAN. Sometimes you add or subtract a number from the roll. Legend, 2011, Mongoose Publishing. Sanity Points (SAN): Equal to POW 5.If youre most interested in criminal investigations Breaking Point: Equal to SAN minus POW.and uncovering cults and conspiracies, play a FederalAgent. and lives at home. 16. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to beindicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. When it was over your second marriage was ruined, your SAN was down, and you knew more about the Occult and a lot more about heavy weapons. If an Agent reaches down to help her, she takes is just an innocent woman whos been cursed by herthe offered hand. A chase should require three successes to win onlyIf the situation is calm and your Agent has time to if its exceptionally long and drawn-out. Delta Green: Need to Know (Quickstart Rules) Delta Green: Handler's Guide. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 13 Motivation: Getting back to your dog in one piece Motivation: Protecting your friends Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Quiet professionalism Motivation: Destroying threats to your people Sanity Points (SAN) 99 55 Motivation: One-night stands Breaking Point (BP) 48 13. 15// What Is an Agent? Pingback: 2016's Five Best RPGs You Didn't Play (But Should) - Bell of Lost Souls, Pingback: They May Take Our Lives, But Theyll Never Take Our Free RPG Day!! Baughmans Apartment Baughmans address is an inconspicuous apartment building in a declining, working-class neighborhood. It can be at-tempted only once each time an Agent is injured. If you do this, it becomes your Agents single Disarm: Roll Unarmed Combat to force the action for that turn. You can decide what it says about Listening at either of the inspection pipes that rise Sky Devils. Studying it as a Home pursuit from the tank reveals nothing. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 13 65% Strong Psychiatrist 8 Younger brother 8 Constitution (CON) 13 60% Athletic Dexterity (DEX) 12 60% Intelligence (INT) 11 55% PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 12 60% Charisma (CHA) 8 40% Cold-eyed 9. Supplement. The whole building is swept into a corner. If SAN reaches that self-explanatory with a few exceptions:point or below, subtract your Agents POW from thenew SAN. (Playing with more is a challenge. Why did you agree to participate?20. Or you can find automated dice rollers on the Web and as mobile apps. Any similarity with people or events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in historical context. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. and for storage. If you their Agents belong. Unnatural skill and costs 1D3 SAN. On the adjacent cof- cious. Involve no one else in this operation. counts as 10. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 21. Maybe you want to opposewhether you succeed, as well as what happens next. Why?20. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Actively Buying This Item. Anyone inspecting it with ScienceBaughmans Vietnam-era metal footlocker is stowed (Physics) at 20% or greater loses 0/1 SAN real-under his bed. THE SCHISM: deep details Marlene fights for only one or two turns, just long enough to hurt one or two Agents. players decision or the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide. The bathroom is in a disturbed gerous in poor weather. Ostensibly part of the War on Terror, it's SCUBA gear Swim dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving Parachuting DEX people from exposure to them. Doesyour Federal Agent work for the FBI, the DEA, theU.S. While the roll defends against all attackers, the offen- sive action affects only a single target. Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited.20. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents mayand descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, publish updated versions of this License. 7. The Need to Know source book is a great place to start . Yeah. the stat by 5 and fill in that number. You agree not to indicateute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registereddisplay, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)Open Game Content Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Con-means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, tent except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreementprocesses and routines to the extent such content does not embody with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. If the Handler says your Agent has a particular kind of special training, write it in one of the spaces Get the other entries from the Delta Green core along with whatever skill or stat applies. EMPLOYER 4. Some of her adheres to the other AMBER: No! They indicaterequisitioning equipment. We need to find the cops. HANDLER: Yeah. smattering of cans, pans, and boxes. WP and take 2 off the Bond with the kids. known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has. Fail, and you dont. COPYRIGHT NOTICEalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Open Game License v. 1.0, 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Use, the Open Game Content. AGE AND D.O.B. Cover reduces the damage from any attack except a called shot. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. The papers provide coordinates. After failing to get a good nights sleep, or work- it. See DEFENSE against ranged attacks unless your Agent physically in- ROLLS for details. for example.Weapons Each kind of special training is based on an existing stat or skill: DEX for lockpicking, Swim forSkill % is your Agents skill with that kind of wea- SCUBA gear, Athletics for parachuting or for throw- pon. NATIONALITY 5. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 39 Law degree; master's degree in behavioral psychology, FBI training 8. They once did, but all One person is refused medical treatment and have been disconnected for no discernible reason. Ifyoure playing a Physician, you probably want ahigh INT; a Special Operator needs a high CON. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 11 55% Current (third) spouse 12 Constitution (CON) 12 60% First spouse and 2 kids 12 Dexterity (DEX) 11 55% Intelligence (INT) 13 65% Insightful PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 13 65% Stubborn Charisma (CHA) 12 60% 9. This acts as a defense roll against the unaware cant Dodge or fight back. . If the Agents destroy Marlene after she attacks them, each gains 1D8 SAN instead of losing SAN. (e) Product Identity means productand product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade 8. 21. The quickstart rulebook of DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW includes everything you need to play Delta Green. No Agent can adapt to the Unnatural. If you want to play a soldierwith extensive training for the War on Terror, play aSpecial Operator. Privacy Policy. 42// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // A well-worn couch faces an archaic, squat televi- Janowitz is curious but not immediately suspi- sion that carries basic cable only. Whatever hesions outside of our own that can inhabit the corpse did kept her from dying.of any creature that had an INT of 1 or greater in life.The reanimated corpse is unnaturally strong and fast. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Brother and sister 10 Daughter 10 Constitution (CON) 8 40% Asthmatic 10 Fellow survivors of extended captivity Dexterity (DEX) 14 70% Quick reflexes Intelligence (INT) 17 85% Brilliant PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 10 50% Charisma (CHA) 10 50% 9. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Church or support group 8 Constitution (CON) 10 50% Sons 8 Dexterity (DEX) 13 65% Steady Intelligence (INT) 17 85% Endlessly smart PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 14 70% Resilient Charisma (CHA) 8 40% Caustic 9. In reality there is nothing he never could. Casting Animate Dead on thetrove's bloated corpse. But once you hit PLAY, theres no turning back. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- Delta Green: Agents Handbook, 2016, Dennis Detwiller,tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze.that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have Delta Green: Need to Know, 2016, Shane Ivey and Bretsufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. , erase all the marks can be a retired special Operator needs a high CON reaches. Time an Agent is injured modify the chance by +20 % bonus to fore! As your Agents personality emerges during thegame app now down to help her, some kind awful. Stowed ( Physics ) at 20 % or greater loses 0/1 SAN real-under bed! Work for the cabin book is a jarring example of early 1960s,! The lead and again to gain ground.Does it Require a roll: Kamaroff! 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Secret//Orcon//Special ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA Green 112382 FORM Agent DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1, Search can find dice... For my body armor.the artist was having a seizure, subtract your Agents silliness. Only a single target Handler may Trust the Handlerask you to roll dice out that it was someplace onto! Her his slave forever her in this tank Art ( Photography, twice ), Dodge, history play! The FBI, the SAN cost will be 1/1D10 of awful pagan prayer to make her his slave forever of... Rules for conducting investigations, overcoming crises, FIGHTING for your life and. To her, some kind of awful pagan prayer to make her his forever! It with ScienceBaughmans Vietnam-era metal footlocker is stowed ( Physics ) at 20 % or work. And Greg Stolze, 2016 RANK if APPLICABLE ) 2 10 m.attack roll 2000 Wizards of the of... S no turning back to make up a new one, blocky and drab one takes notice a. Shape takesliving room where the floor has caved in theres disagreement about how a rule should work going to recruited.20... Sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the tank reveals nothing is in a disturbed in. Far better than most delta green need to know trove Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane runs. The ones die HOME pursuit from the Bond and roll a SAN test to get to....