These compounds are highly concentrated in the leaves, which should not be consumed [7]. We follow a strict editorial policy, especially related to the sources we use. In a clinical trial of 232 people, A Chinese herbal medicine containing rhubarb called Danning Pian improved non-alcoholic fatty liver disease symptoms and reduced ALT levels, a marker of liver damage [10]. Estroven works in a similar way. I used this product regularly for hot flashes and it really helped me but I no longer need the product. These cause you to feel a sudden rush of warmth in your face and upper body. View abstract. Rash. Xenobiotica. Rhubarb Reduces Hot Flashes The results, published in the journal Menopause, showed that treatment with the rhubarb extract significantly reduced the frequency and severity of hot flashes in the perimenopausal women compared with the placebo. This supplement has the key ingredient Rhapontic Rhubarb Root Extract, which includes the key active ingredients rhaponticin and desoxyrhaponticin. There were many good reviews from women who stated that this product had really changed their lives and made their period of menopause much easier. In a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 109 women with menopause-related problems, use of a standardized Rheum rhaponticum. (Chinese Journal of Modern Developments in Traditional Medicine) 1985;5(6):382-384. American College of Gastroenterology guideline: management of acute pancreatitis. Our articles are resourced from reputable online pages, with research drawn from academic institutions and peer-reviewed studies. Lu L, Li HQ, Fu DL, Zheng GQ, Fan JP. Zhou, H. and Jiao, D. [312 cases of gastric and duodenal ulcer bleeding treated with 3 kinds of alcoholic extract rhubarb tablets]. Gut 1993;34(8):1099-1101. In 78 people with SIRS, Chinese rhubarb powder added to the conventional treatment helped cure the disease, and reduced organ damage and deaths. The present study aimed at further substantiating the safety of ERr 731() in terms of endometrial hyperplasia and at the same time test for potential estrogenic effects in the bone. [Nitrogen balance in uremic patients treated with rhubarb retention enema]. Wilson M, Konda V, Heidt K, Rathinasabapathy T, Desai A, Komarnytsky S. Int J Mol Sci. Rhubarb reduced the duration of the hospital stay and the use of artificial breathing machines, helping the patients recover consciousness more quickly [30]. This might reduce the effects of cyclosporine. Its root and underground stem are used in traditional Chinese medicine combinations. Aloe-emodin can also act as a laxative [8]. Strengthens The Bones We already saw that rhubarb packs a good dose of vitamin K, which plays a role in bone metabolism and helps prevent osteoporosis i . The feedback form on this page can be used to report content that is not accurate, up-to-date or questionable in any manner. 1996;21(6):364-6, 384. Zhu, W., Wang, X. M., Zhang, L., Li, X. Y., and Wang, B. X. Pharmacokinetic of rhein in healthy male volunteers following oral and retention enema administration of rhubarb extract: a single dose study. Wang, Z. and Song, H. [Clinical observation on therapeutical effect of prepared rhubarb in treating pregnancy induced hypertension]. Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a learning journey to decode his DNA and track his biomarkers in search of better health. Byeon JH, Kil JH, Ahn YC, Son CG. View abstract. 2004;24(12):1084-1086. Zhang, Z. J., Cheng, W. W., and Yang, Y. M. [Low-dose of processed rhubarb in preventing pregnancy induced hypertension]. Wei, J., Ni, L., and Yao, J. A review. In rats, rhubarb extracts cleared an infection of H. pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers. Studies have shown the ability of these substances to activate estrogen.[2]. which enables users to obtain detailed information and reports based on their genome. Clinical study on rhubarb extract tablet in treating simple obesity. In 56 people, Baoyuan Dahuang Decoction, a different rhubarb-containing Chinese mixture improved the quality of life in people with chronic kidney failure [17, 18]. 2023 Feb 14;15(4):949. doi: 10.3390/nu15040949. The special extract ERr 731 from the roots of rhapontic rhubarb has been regularly prescribed for women with menopausal symptoms since 1993. You can click on the numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, etc.) 1993;73(6):343-5, 380-1. Epub 2021 Apr 27. 2015 Mar;12(1):61-9. 1990;10(3):162-3, 133. We address the endometrial safety of a rhapontic extract and test potential effects in the bone. View abstract. For Chinese rhubarb in a crude powder form, a common dosage is 10-30 g/day. View abstract. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) causes widespread inflammation. Introduction Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). View abstract. Joint pain reduction. Zhong.Xi.Yi.Jie.He.Za Zhi. Infantile cholestatic hepatitis syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes bile build-up in the liver of newborns. Do not take black cohosh if you are taking cisplatin (Platinol-AQ). Rhubarb leaves are possibly unsafe. including rhapontic rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum), ginseng (Panax . 2000;20(9):660-663. View abstract. View abstract. The efficacy of ERr 731(), a commercially available extract isolated from Rheum rhaponticum, in terms of menopausal complaints like hot flushes, depression, anxiety and vaginal dryness has been proven in a two-year clinical study. It appears to have some benefits for the treatment of menopause symptoms ( 26 ). View abstract. In some people, rhubarb can cause diarrhea. SelfDecode is a personalized health report service, Disclosure of Material connection: Some of the links in the post above are "associate sales links." A meta-analysis of 12 studies concluded that Chinese rhubarb has a beneficial effect on people with pesticide poisoning. Chinese rhubarb combined with mineral powder and blood purification was more effective at treating severe herbicide poisoning than the standard procedure. View abstract. Pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and excretion of five rhubarb anthraquinones in rats after oral administration of effective fraction of anthraquinones from rheum officinale. 1991;11(9):547-9, 518. Sun, D. A. In another study, Chinese rhubarb with Captopril also normalized levels of a marker of kidney dysfunction (IL-6) in the urine of people with chronic kidney failure [16]. Epub 2006 Oct 17. Essentially, during menopause levels of estrogen decrease in the body, creating symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Similarly, in a clinical trial of 83 people with clogged arteries, a Chinese rhubarb preparation (50 mg/kg) lowered total and LDL cholesterol and also improved artery health [40]. Abdominal pain and cramping Uterine contractions Nausea and vomiting Side Effects of Eating Too Many Rhubarbs (1) Too Much Dietary Fiber Is Bad For Stomach Consuming rhubarb on a regular and moderate basis has been found to be very beneficial for our stomach and helps in keeping our digestive system healthy. Zhang, W. L. [Treatment of hemorrhage of the upper gastro-intestinal tract with the Chinese drug hai huang san. Combining it with digoxin (Lanoxin, Digox), used for treating heart failure, can be especially dangerous [60]. Please note that you cannot upload a file that is larger than 2MB. Always consult your doctor before using any supplements. 1993;13(5):286-8, 261-2. [Clinical evaluation of crude rhubarb powder and cimetidine in upper gastrointestinal bleeding]. This is Vitamin B2, and its often used in dietary supplements. Rhubarb has been traditionally used to heal a wide variety of issues such as constipation, fever, inflammation, and kidney failure. They can also kill cancer cells and prevent metastasis by blocking excessive cell division [8, 9]. Our team comprises of trained MDs, PhDs, pharmacists, qualified scientists, and certified health and wellness specialists. Basu TK, Ooraikul B, and Garg M. The lipid-lowering effects of rhubarb stalk fiber: A new source of dietary fiber. "Water pills" can also decrease potassium levels. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Li, T. [Rhubarb in the treatment of viral hepatitis and its mechanism of action]. Zhou Y, Wang L, Huang X, Li H, Xiong Y. Add-on effect of crude rhubarb to somatostatin for acute pancreatitis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Yang, J. W. and Li, L. S. [Effects of Rheum on renal hypertrophy and hyperfiltration of experimental diabetes in rat]. 2021;12(2):108-15. A Chinese herbal with rhubarb (Jiangzhuoqinggan) was as effective as the standard drug, irbesartan, at reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure [42]. Is Rhapontic rhubarb the same as black cohosh? Taking rhubarb with other stimulant laxatives might cause more diarrhea and very low potassium levels. Effects of rhubarb tannins on renal function in rats with renal failure. Rhubarb can cause some side effects such as stomach and intestinal pain, watery diarrhea, and uterine contractions. Heres what I found on WebMD: For menopausal symptoms, the dose of black cohosh used in studies has been 20-40 milligram tablets of a standardized extract taken twice a day. Zhong.Xi.Yi.Jie.He.Za Zhi. Wu, C. X. Chinese rhubarb extract (5%) was moderately effective at speeding the healing from recurring mouth ulcers in a clinical trial of 125 people [49]. In the US, you may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at No valid clinical evidence supports the use of rhubarb for any of the conditions in this section. Chinese rhubarb, which the majority of the studies used, is usually combined with other Chinese herbs and medicinal plants. Rhubarb has the potential to boost liver function, reduce fatty liver, and improve bile flow alongside conventional treatments. Botanically, rhubarb is a vegetable (its related to sorrel and dock) but its thick, fleshy stalks are treated as a fruit, despite their tart flavour. How does alkaline phosphatase affect P-nitrophenol? 2013 Sep;108(9):1400-15; 1416. doi: 10.1038/ajg.2013.218. Complement Ther Med. Zhang, JH, Yao, XD, Song, Y, and et al. Please see our Medical Disclaimer for more information. Up to 83% reduction in hot flashes. Scand J Gastroenterol. Its active ingredient is rhapontic. Clinical study on effect of shenlong oral liquid combined with radiotherapy in treating nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It probably acted by lowering inflammatory substances such as TNF-alpha and C-reactive protein (CRP) [44]. it banned the export of the seeds to block the growing of the plant elsewhere. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. If you take warfarin, do not take excessive amounts of rhubarb. He J, Si X, Ji M, et al. Jonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD (Pharmacology), Relieves menopausal symptoms and menstrual pain, Helps with sepsis and pesticide poisoning, Can cause diarrhea due to laxative effect, Various plant pigments (anthraquinone compounds such as, Laxative phenolic compounds (anthraquinone glycosides such as sennosides), Antioxidant phenolic compounds (catechins), Traditional Chinese Medicine combination remedies (most common). Nutrition Research 1998;18(5):893-903. In addition to experiencing fewer hot flashes, women taking Siberian rhubarb extract can expect broad spectrum improvements in menopause symptoms, including better mood and better sleep. Renggli, H. [Gingivitis-and plaque-inhibiting action of Pyralvex Berna and its components]. What drugs and food should I avoid while taking Echinacea? Rhubarb might harm the liver. Rhubarb is known for its very sour, celery-like stalks, which vary in color, from pale pink to pale green. The benefits possibly derive from its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties [6]. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. Rhubarb is a type of laxative called a stimulant laxative. They tend to get woody in late summer and dont taste as good. Fairbairn JW. Kwan TH, Tong MK, Leung KT, et al. Others have side effects that are sometimes underestimated. Related: 13 Quick And Effective Home Remedies For Constipation 2. J Am Coll.Nutr 1997;16(6):600-604. Rhubarb has been studied for the management of GI and renal function disorders, and for the treatment of hyperlipidemia, cancer, and acute ischemic stroke. J Midlife Health. View abstract. 7) Complications of Blood Poisoning (Sepsis), Animal and Cellular Research (Lacking Evidence). Confirmation of the efficacy of ERr 731 in perimenopausal women with menopausal symptoms. View abstract. Graduated from ENSAT (national agronomic school of Toulouse) in plant sciences in 2018, I pursued a CIFRE doctorate under contract with SunAgri and INRAE in Avignon between 2019 and 2022. It also relieves you of mental exhaustion while at the same time relieving joint and muscle discomfort. Avoid coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, or other products that contain caffeine. This is used as an inactive ingredient in supplements like this, as well as in food and toothpaste. Phytother Res 2018;32(8):1450-8. The site is secure. Gut 2000;46:651-5. Zhongguo Zhong.Xi.Yi.Jie.He.Za Zhi. Rhubarb is a type of laxative called a stimulant laxative. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Complement Ther Med. If the egg is released and there is a viable sperm waiting to fertilize the egg, you can, and will, get pregnant. View abstract. It could also make your sleep more restful and freer of hot flashes. Black Cohosh Side Effects Stomach upset. This increases the fluid content and volume in the stool, easing constipation [3]. Further a recent preclinical study excluded unwanted side effects on Part 182 -- Substances Generally Recognized As Safe. Medicine (Baltimore). Title 21. What are the side effects of rhubarb? View abstract. [Preliminary study of Rheum enema in the treatment of chronic renal failure]. As if the hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and sexual challenges werent enough, now you can add weight gain to the menopausal whammy. 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