Weapons created by the Draconians seem to support this theory as whenever a non Draconian takes hold of the Cekahrr staff, they almost become draconian like in terms of attitude and persona. Draconian women were treated as equals, except in politics and matters of inheritance. The Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. At Montauk, Stewart knew of Al Bielek and confirms that Al was the Psychic Program Manager while he was there. Higher ranks are coveted by all Draconians, yet they show due respect to their higher ones, even if part of that seems to be envy too. The Draco comet moved on past the Earth toward the Sun and settled into an orbit between Earth and Mercury. They forced mutually unintelligible languages and scripts upon us and withheld knowledge. Procyons fought and chasedGreys off Procyon. "Gravity on Maldek was denser than Mars" so Maldekians "developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude." The Maldekians threatened the Martians. The game uses twin stick controls to provide an intricate and hard to master gameplay. The Draco empire also had colonies modeled along the Old Universe Empire. They aid him in his search of the Eternity Shards in hopes that he will lead them to Akasha with the intent of controlling existence in it's entirety. The matrix the Anunnaki modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute. Into a missile-throwing chariot Alalu climbed; its hatch behind him he closed. Numbers of them never stoop to interventions in physical matter. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence. Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in their physical make-up a natural hybrid between the two is impossible. Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans all spoke of these gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, gave us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes. They use black witchcraft and other telepathic abilities to alter the memories of witnesses and often use this power to control the masses. They colonized the Earth by driving the moon, which is actually an artificial vehicle, into orbit. Most of them are physical; some are not. The Serpent race is another race of Draconians is that resemble snakes but with other appendages such as arms. The first religion on Earth was the Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. It was believed that the Realizer technology used byGHQ's wizards and equipment had originated from the Draconians' own technology. Androgynous and extremely physical, these beings existed side by side with the etheric E.T. We have been under the thumb of the oppressing alien interlopers for hundreds of thousands of years. This gives humans the false impression that there are no rules, but in fact, this can be done only under certain conditions, dereliction of duty and cowardice among them, and the challenge can be made only to a direct superior. They may allegedly also have two hearts. Draconians are abusive toward other races. They are completely incapable of feeling any sensations of fear or pain, and when another creature is feeling pain or fear, it produces a huge energy which the Draconians love to bask in and ingest, also known as energy vampirism. They made subterranean citiesHyperbolea, Shamballa, Agartha, Akkadiain hollows along Earths inner crust. The NibiransAnunnaki to usadapted their genomes to Earth to create us. Our ruling hybrid Illuminati comes from the hybrid Atlantean-Reptilians. We have been under the thumb of the oppressing alien interlopers for hundreds of thousands of years. This mindset became stronger in the reptilians as they evolved, and has driven them into conflict with many civilizations, including the Elojim. It is rooted in them, never to trust a human race after the Great Omni War, when the reptilians invaded the humanoid races living in peace. Let Lahma the king be no more, he roared. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. The comets gravity melted enough of Earths ice and drew off enough of its water-cover to raise two continentsLemuria (Mu) centered on what would become the Pacific Basin and Atlantis, centered on what would become the Atlantic Ocean Basin. It is also implied, that the Draconians also use religion as a means to control human societies and that they are behind the corruption within the Mages Association and the Holy Church. The Maldekians, who landed and settled in the Gobi Desert, Indias north, Iraq and parts of Asia, joined the Atlans against the Dracos on Earth. The Neo Cekahrr are another by product of the Draconians' genetic tampering. Sometimes, they are seen wearing cloaks which most of their reptilian features including tails. Some of these also possess wings while some do not. Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots [rockets] he hurriedly went. On earth, there are Reptilian-human hybrids who possess Draconian DNA. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda can, when we stop warring, advance our astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies. They have also gotten into many conflicts with the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions even though the Draconians do not seem to acknowledge them as important threats. Butpeace was not established everywhere, as not everybody was ready to accept these new teachings. The Draconians are responsible for all of the wars, destruction, hatred, perversion, and degradation in humanity since they consume the negative energy humans create. Migration 4: Some Vegans on Arcturus Ascend to Non-Physicality, Others Stay Embodied. Orion Empire. The lesser Draconians view these beings as gods and are very loyal to them. For centuries, they have been close allies with Satan whom they come to respect as their leader and has gotten into wars with many societies including some factions of the Elojim who saw them as a threat to the order they upheld. Considered one of the worlds foremost metaphysical leaders, Stewart A. Swerdlow have the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns. In the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped. When the wars between the Lyrans and Dracos started, there was no Orion Empire yet but there where co-operation agreements between the Vegan settlers and local Reptilians on Orion-neighborhoodplanets. This is why they take their time in regards to conquering earth and other worlds. The Roman Empire ( Latin: Imperium Rmnum, Classical Latin: [ mp.ri. roma.n ]) was a post-Draco Empire period of the nation state established by the Princeps Senatvs Athens Dracnoian Gvntarvs, consisting mostly but not entirely of large or extreme territorial holdings surrounding the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North . Either through a form of dark thaumaturgy or advanced technology, the Draconians general attitudes and moods may be manipulated by an unknown source, which causes them to act violently. Draco-Federation wars lasted millions of years. Your email address will not be published. The banner was made from a square or rectangular piece of cloth with a woven dragon. They seeded themselves on an unknown world and began to take on the form of the bird-like creatures on the planet. These Sentries are only used by the empire if they seek to execute Order 666: A massive attack to completely destroy a world's civilization with heavy military force. After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They operated behind the scenes in most arcs of Hyperdimension Sephira, Fate/Testement, Re: EMIYA and ES-Force while having more active roles in Multidimension Fraxinus. From an early age he remembers encounters with Aliens. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slavesthats usfrom their genome. The Dracos within intended for the comet to end up as the planet Venus, between Mercury and Earth. For the same purpose, the Empire often seeks to expand through conquest. These skills were used extensively as a programmer of the Montauk boys. Ciakar Draconian Gods, or simply "Ciakars" are reputedly one of the most powerful, respected and ancient Reptilian races, and are supposedly descended from royalty. The Draconians do have one powerful weapon which even the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions fear called , a mobile planet located in the Red Regions that served as a stronghold of the Empire. Ciakar Draconians are extremely powerful, capable of destroying planets with the skill and strength in the Void Force and can shapeshift into any creature of any size. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence splicing human and reptilian genes, has seemingly been attempted. New Stuffwww.enkispeaks.com, More on the gods of old who gave us Anunnaki religions, Your email address will not be published. Many of earth's world leaders are believed to be Draconians in disguise, controlling the political, monetary , and educational installations of each country and manipulating each war behind the shadows. These worlds rebelled against their Draco rulers and joinedLyrans against the Dracos. One type has white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and teeth. If they survive a full year, they are taken care of by a warrior class, which uses the children for games in combat and entertainment. The Martians joined the fight against the Dracos here. We watched them kill each other to rule; the elite today still kill each other and each others followers. These agendas include but are not limited to, being the source of particular targeted etheric fields and emotional energies; becoming a slave race to work in the mines etc. This allows her to consciously access information within the Oversoul matrix. He explains how a galactic war between Reptilian and Humanoid empires has affected Earth. After several millenia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up.. Heres another version of Earth migration history: Manuel Lamiroy gives us a likely migration sequence of our ancestors ancestors, the Anunnaki from Nibiru. Records of some of these battles were eventually covered up by the Draconians in power in order for future generations to believe in a false history, keeping humanity in the dark about the truth of some aspects of Earth. They agreed to separate genetic and conditioning experiments on a prototype-Earthling they would each begin, to see the hardiest they could create. Doctors told his mother there was no chance she would ever have children and yet she bore Stewart. In the Gulf, Alalu confirmed gold. Dimorphos is roughly 525 feet (160 meters) in length. Anu said he, not Alalu, should rule. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. After the comet killed Maldek it neared Mars. Dominance Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only got millennia later. It was thought they potentially threatened the stability of the galactic community because of these very tendencies. These Reptilians generally take on the role of human world Leaders and manipulate civilizations. To my conditions you must give heed! Referenceshttp://wp.me/p1TVCy-2cq Lyrans in the Orion colonies hit Reptilian colonies in Orion and the Dracos struck back. After Noahs flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noahs sons descendants. For example, If a fire user and an ice user opposes a Mal'ik, It will copy the fire user's power to eliminate the ice user, while doing vice versa for the fire user. Drako Galaxies. He extended the rockets tester, which breathed the planets air, compatibility it indicated. So ashore he again waded, with the handy sampler, the carried weapon and dark goggles to protect his eyes from sunlight he found unbearably bright but now without an eagles helmet, without a fishs suit.. We need to love and enjoy the physical material world and honor it accordingly, before we can move on out of the physical world, ascending upward consciously. As of 2491 AD, the Emperor's military forces have conquered three quarters of Known Space. Through human eyes, these creatures are truly monsters, ranging up to thirty feet in height and several thousand pounds in weight and are said to live for thousands of years. Return my throne [Enki: 60]. humankind, as all evolving blends of physical and spiritual beings do, have the possibility to become non--physical, powerfully psychic, spiritual beings who go on to create new and better worlds in the future. The Draconian Empire, as Described by a Reptilian. The androgynous Draco Reptilians energize themselves with human flesh and fear hormones. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, weaponry, and military training revved up and we build new cities, temples and armies. The Draconians' influence is possibly their greatest weapon. However, the Montauk mythos was continually expanded and elaborated in various retellings and revisions, until it became a insane palimpsest of conspiracism, incorporating Nazi gold, worm-holes in time and space, communication with extraterrestrials via a hyperspatial language of glyphs and archetypes, and cameo appearances by John von Neumann, Nikola Tesla, and the usual assortment of Greys, Reptilians, and Nordics. Anu, who descended from King Ans youngest son (Enuru), contested Alalus claim. Twelve human and one Reptilian group contributed to the original Earthling prototype in areas they controlled. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. When World War II came to an end, they migrated to America by the thousands through Operation Paperclip, where they infiltrated every aspect of the U.S. government and all the internal agencies from the CIA and NASA, to the military/industrial complex, to higher education, medicine, and big Pharma etc. Something that they have never been able to accomplish. After time, however, some of their descendants decided to hook up with their relatives from Earth again, and came back to Earth. Stewartcreated an enlightening forum, http://www.expansions.com, with his wife Janet Swerdlow, an internationally renowned Oversoul Intuitive enabling her to directly communicate with God-Mind. Gravity on Maldek was denser than Mars so Maldekians developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude. The Maldekians threatened the Martians. The Draconian Empire is an intergalactic force of considerable power in 2491 CE, overseeing the Draconian Realm itself consisting of three-quarters of the universe ( BR25 : Film , "Awakening"). Mercifully, not everyone fell under the wheels of alien technology which aims to supplant human potential with artificial intelligence. She told him, Beseech the Great Creator of All. The Draco viewed this ability as an evolution of the planet-destroying capabilities of their mobile base designs, with the weapon serving as the ultimate culmination of research into dark energy translations and hyperdimensional tunneling. Evidencehttps://wp.me/p1TVCy-1zg They guided it to kill the Lyrans who fled to Maldek and Mars. The obscuring forces of the negative aliens are dissipating and we humans can perceive more clearly in both the physical and spiritual worlds, hence making wiser choices. The Orion Empire transformed into a true matriarchy with Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, as it's benevolent ruler. The common signs (according to one source ): "predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes". Since Neo Cekahrr generally lack a soul-energy matrix and instead operate on a collective collective consciousness level, the hybrid would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix. They saw Anunnaki with small devices, MEs, overpower other Anunnaki. Required fields are marked *. Although even before the Illuminati was created, there were many other battles that involved the Draconians, including the destruction of the two nations of Solaris and Regalia. Friday, June 10, 2016 Carlsbad, California. He said that only unconditional love would end war. Draconian society was based on a feudal system organized around traditional Great Houses of noble lineage, to which various parts of the population owed fealty. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. Many human beings are awakening and returning to basic human values of kindness, cooperation, nurturance, equality, respect, love, and appreciation for all humanity and the earth. Clay tablets the gods dictated say that back on Nibiru, a king and his military ruled. The ancient scenarios of divide-and-rule, to this very day, make us deplete our resources, pollute our environment and wage war. This belief system is promoted at birth in Draconian races. "In their chaotic state, the Draco are utterly without mercy, driven by one will alone: the will to conquer and destroy. Atlantean civilization. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. Most visited the Earth; some of them still do, and have bases on Earth. He climbed a hill, found eatable fruit and a pond of drinkable water. From Venus, theyd control the whole Solaris System. Draconians are very telepathic beings, able to read the thoughts of anyone they come into contact with them. They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. There is hope for a reawakening of wonder for the stars and the heavens. These Anunnaki lacked compassion, showed neither love nor divinity. The Christ and other benign beings have guided our progress in spite of the opposition. The Draco Reptilians had colonized a huge empire from Thuban in Alpha Draconius billions of years before the Lyran/Vegans arrived in Draco. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was recruited for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities. Earths Atlanteans, other human and Reptilian groups on Earth, and Reptilians from Earths caverns attended. Today, you call them aliens. The elite run competing religions which each say theyll bring back the Anunnaki god of their faith and defeat gods and followers of other faiths. Settlers also moved to Arcturus, where they advanced fast. Using mind-pattern analysis, Janet teaches self-balancing techniques in a simple, direct manner that can easily be incorporated into daily living.Stewart, a linguist who speaks ten languages, is an expert in deprogramming and determining which Illuminati programs are embedded in the mind-patterns of any individual. That way, they have a constant external source of energy etheric and astral for their own vitality, longevity, and the fulfillment of their mission and agenda which is to remain the controllers and dominators of an empire subservient to their needs, desires, and whims in the physical realm. The people who inhabited the area were known as the Dacians, or Getae, according to the Greeks. Humanity must question and reject the many monstrous, though seductive beliefs, experiences, and compulsions of the alien agenda that have become physical and psychological addiction for the masses. Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru. The Anunnaki stand feet taller and live millennia longer than we. Friday, June 10, 2016 Carlsbad, California Alalu climbed ; its hatch him. Military forces have conquered three quarters of Known Space Draconian DNA and fallout storms we build new cities temples. Others Stay Embodied 2491 AD, the Empire often seeks to expand through conquest, hate and violence he.. Manipulate civilizations fight against the Dracos within intended for the stars and the heavens never been able to read thoughts... We watched them kill each other to rule ; the elite today kill... Alalu, should rule was ready to accept these new teachings other Anunnaki Anunnaki ruined their Mediterranean! 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