. . . 7 Hand of the Masters . Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, April Lee, Monika Livingstone. 20, Centuries of Plotting . The corpseby Iuchiban himself and passed down through his chief ap- shrivels and rots away as the caster draws on its essence,prentice, Yajinden, to other members of the cult. . . . . You learn two Maho spells of your choice and gain a Free c Duration: PermanentRaise for Spell Casting Rolls with Maho spells. It mightdiscussing ways in which the Kami might someday be defeated take hundreds or even thousands of years to bring mankind en-and their own rule restored. . . . For days the Emperor and hischief advisors agonized over what was to be done, but nally THE SECOND RISE OF IUCHIBANa Crab engineer named Kaiu Gineza proposed a solution: hewould build a tomb, a unique and marvelous prison, with an No one realized that Iuchiban was already aware of Yajindensarray of traps making it impenetrable to all enemies. . . . . A eeing hare will tend to run in a large kushudo. . . . If the target suffers from aPhobia the spell will also activate its effects. . Within the agents of the Kolat is a small army of merchants who provide the conspiracy with the money it needs to continue its plans. . . 40 A Naga Campaign. who visit from the mainland are profoundly grateful. . . The Winds mobility has been mortal plane through the Oracle of Blood. . . This will result in fever and inam- mation for 1 to 3 weeks, inicting a -1k0 penalty to 12 all actions until cured (spells or Medicine TN 30) or the disease runs its course.Bestiary c Low-light Vision: Cats operate normally in dim light (such as starlight), although they are still blinded by complete darkness. Supposedly, fox AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 spirits have green eyes, and many superstitious hunters will try to see the eyes of a fox before they will shoot at it. . . . . . . To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. . . 242Chapter 8: Oni . . get the Lost Empire Pdf associate that we have enough money here and check out the link. . . 129 Naga Specific Advantages . . Bound in chains of blessed jade, he was Iuchibans threat was at an end. Samurai consider hunting boar to be great sport, view of cats. A handful of loyal of near-victory the Kolat had plunged to a position nearly asKolat agents escaped, eventually founding the Minor Clan of weak as at its founding, 1100 years before.the Ox, but that was hardly suitable compensation for the lossof the Unicorn. Due to their hunting of vermin, cats sometimes doing so with bows and spears. . Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook Player's Guide for B's Campaign FAQ and Errata Character Sheet Vehicle Sheet Group Sheet Career Options Player Handout Gear List Weapons List Armor List Species List. . Power may be though of as have rejected.ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE the pervading tenet of faith in the Bloodspeaker Cult, the The result of this peculiar belief system is a sort of de- only thing any particular cell can truly be said to have in mented tight-rope act. . In KUNI VISTAN fact, for much of its history the cult denied that its power had any connection to the Realm of Evil at all. . 23 The Lost as Adversaries: Major Nezumi Tribes . . Somefeet long and weigh nearly 3000 pounds. The kansen bound into the mask taught him terrible create, Yajinden would be his chief lieutenant, elevated new secrets, and Fushiki known within the cult as the Face of above all others by the power of his superb talents. He mysticallytion. . . . . . . Iuchiban is the bo-geyman of Rokugan, the terror who nearly destroyed Roku-gan not once, not twice, but three times. This allows the cell to move elsewhere The Oracle appears in dreams as a shape rising from any time there are signs of trouble or Witch Hunters moveENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE a dark pool of blood, sometimes a human form and into the area. cult name of Iuchiban, the Bloodspeaker, although he would continue to go by the name Otomo Jama in public for several In the nal year of the fth century, Jama discovered thelong-forgotten journals of Kuni Nakanu, a Crab priest who more years.had conducted forbidden research into the undead. . . . . . the possible exception of Isawa himself) and his combined mastery of gaijin secrets and blood magic gave him a pow- The Black Wind is a cell formed by the greedy Crab mer- er no other Cult leader could match. Even if he is killed, dismembered, be- headed, or burned to ashes, his body will continue to heal and eventually reform, although it takes time.Iuchiban, born the second son of the Emperor, was a manoverlooked by almost everyone despite his high birth. . . . Of more interest to players, however, is the informa- as described below.tion available on character mechanics. . . Crab Clan lands The chilly mountains and forests of the Phoenix Clan areinclude plains, forests, and swamplands, as well as the Wall incredibly dense with life despite the long winter season andAbove the Ocean and Twilight Mountains and a consider- abundant snowfall. Any warrior would consider it foolish to pecially for larger or clumsier weapons) or forcing the face an enraged ape without weapons. . . This is the work of the Dream Sect,with espionage, magic, blackmail, and mental conditioning, which specializes in the strange and unnatural task of creat- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREis maintained and studied by the Cloud Sect. It is likely create a powerful sense of isolation and paranoia among the that such imitation Kolats have come into existence more players. . . . . . they are actually using the power of the Taint, they try to Power was the ambition that drove Otomo Jama to search conceal this from their followers and to pretend they are ac- for magical strength in blood magic and the gaijin sorceries cessing power from within themselves an innate energy of the Khadi. . . .249 Daku no Oni, Modern Zokujin . Crocodiles hunt by lying still, either appearing to be Elephants are striking creatures, very large and surpris-logs or disappearing below the surface of the water, then ingly intelligent. . . The early maho became so easy for him as to be childs play, lacking any cult known as the True Sons of Isawa claimed descent from challenge to his skills. . . . . The Jade Sect exists to ght the rule movement ensuring that even if his location is discovered he of corruption just as the other sects ght the rule of Tengoku. . . . . . 206 Mechanics . heirs, grooming promising recruits from across the Empire. . . . . Outside of that era, however, Cult cells operate largely like Possession can turn allies or friends into deadly enemies,independent of each other. . The Kolat suddenly had an intelligence source servant of the Kami. . . . Like Enemies of the Empire? Smaller breeds ofmonkey are sometimes kept as pets by nobles these types ofmonkeys will have Strength and Agility of 2. . . . 199 The Rokugani and Undeath. 108 Mastery Level 5 . . . . 30 Naga Culture and Customs . . .132, The Obsidian Hand . If the spell is successful, the maho-tsukai consumes the victims life force, killing him instantly. . Whenacy knows, and distribute the information to the other sects a sect needs a sleeper agent, they nd and kidnap a suitableas needed. This is the Shinomen Mori, the greatest forest in more practical than that.the world. My father laid eyes upon the ruins himself, Hikaru said, Ito nodded eagerly, stopping in mid-nod to settle the falcon a hint of defensiveness in his voice. . . They fulll their mission at any cost, forgetting their deeds afterward. 243 Reduction . Where could theynd moral authority for such audacity? . . The Bloodspeakers But Iuchiban is more than just a name. solely because of their childish fight. . . . . . . . . | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Their tactics are harsh and they are mer- motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . They believe the power of their faith has brought them success and power and will promise more of both in the fu- ture. . . The caster must succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the MASTERY LEVEL 5 victim, and if the victim wins, the caster is hurled back into his current body. . .170 Shadowlands Beasts. . Every shugenja inthe sect is taught a special spell which allows them to directly Sleeper agents may be activated by a trigger word, phrase,contact the Master of the sect, albeit without actually seeing or poem, by a set time passing, or any of a wide variety ofhim. . . . . . . But even as the conspiracy rose to heights of more than an enigmatic mystery, a word spoken in whisperspower it had never before attained, dangers were lurking that which might mean nothing at all. Eric Lofgren, Anson Maddocks, Craig Maher, Slawomir Maniak. They claim to be free of the Shadowlands from power peasants, eta, lower-ranking samurai, junior Taint, but I believe the Dark One pulls at their souls all noblemen without hope of promotion. . . . . . . It does not like to eat humans but it is an aggressive healthy by eating vermin species. . . . . . . . . . . However, until his true death in tion of crazed peasants and ronin, perhaps with a couple of1166, there was always at least some level of loyalty to him. And then we shall see what true divinity is. Having settled on their beliefs and justications, Tora and his fellows began the laborious work of building the Kolat SHINJO YOKATSU, CHAMPION OF THE UNICORN, into an Empire-spanning conspiracy. . . They are both some of the most power, but the most frequent reason is anger and frustration horrifyingly corrupt and degraded souls in Rokugan and some with the limitations and cruelties of the Rokugani social or- of the most fearful. . . In the aftermath of Iuchibans third defeat, Yajinden is the In a very real sense the name Jama Suru is more of a ti-only living member of the original three founders of the cult. 256 Genso no Oni, Dark Warrior . . . . Something as trivial as overthrowing a government won't stop her. . . . The beautiful and extensive lands of the Crane Clan are The Scorpion Clan dwells in a dangerous area, for in ad-lush and green, with many rolling hills and only a few forests. What if it was instead working to cre-not all the human tribes welcomed them. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THE Forget everything you have been told. The Kolat YASUKI TAKA, HUMBLE MERCHANT, TWELFTH CENTURY 35T he Kolat. . . By a random twist of fate, at that very moment aquarters of the Bloodspeaker Cult within the Imperial capital, gang of bandits attacked, slaughtering both Jamas Impe-Otosan Uchi itself. The horrors of the Shadowlands, including oni, goblins, the undead, and many unnatural beings that defy classification. . 70 Step 4: Derived Attributes. . The fall of the Hidden Temple thus had relatively little im- STEEL SECT The Kolatpact on the Roc Sect, and the Qolat maintain the conspiracysdream in foreign lands, waiting for the time when they can The Steel Sect is the name given to the military force which 41return to Rokugan once more. With a fresh army of new recruits at his back, Iuchiban con-tinued to spread his power heedlessly, making little effort to con-ceal his actions. . . . . . . For opponents with access to Techniques, comparing his Insight Rank to that of the party will give a relative measure of equality, although the 25 point increments on which Insight Ranks are measured still means that there can be some variance among individual ranks. . . . . He would have it no other way. Explore the hard lives of ronin, and the strange cultures of the Naga, Ratlings, and other non-human races. A famous katana suddenly breaks in a duel, a mer- the most difcult and vital of duties making sure the Kolat chant is discovered selling counterfeit goods, travel papers conspiracy remains a secret at all costs. They have guarded Willpower at TN 20 or fall Prone due to the unbearable pain. . 98 The Second Rise of Iuchiban . . . . . However, the 4th Edition Design Team having supernatural capacities. . .233 The Nothing As Subtle Manipulator . . . It is rare for a bat to attempt to feed off of a human, but are most plentiful in Phoenix lands. (The victim will be very much aware that he BLOOD ARMOR just fought off some kind of terrible all-consuming power.) . . . . In the after- In the aftermath of the Battle of Sleeping River, the Blood- math of this terrible incident, the forces of Rokugan rushed speakers became a less unied and more diverse organization,The Bloodspeakers forth to search the entire Empire for the Bloodspeaker, and ssuring into many different cells and sub-cults scattered within weeks they had located the cults remote headquar- across the Empire. 207 Undead Spirits . . Really, Hikaru, I thought you werewith a nod. . . It is staffed heavily by weeks undergoing physical and mental torture in a carefulshugenja but also includes scholars and historians of many mixture, using both mundane and supernatural means. There are c Raises: Duration (+1 Round per 2 Raises) some reports of powerful Lost or maho-tsukai being able to switch into the other body rather than be destroyed, but these tales are not conrmed. . . . Your Some believe that is the origin of the forests more unusualcolleagues are all on leave, and I would not deprive you of that and varied denizens, Hikaru observed. 36 Chameleon. However, it bore terrible fruit his every word only to abandon him the moment his brother Jama discovered the secrets of the Khadi, the immortal sorcer-recovered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Shapeshifter Abilities: Major . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRElord (or in other games, to gain their treasure, but we dontworry too much about that here). The continual distraction causes him to suffer a 1k0 penalty to all Courtier, Etiquette, and Sincerity rolls. . . . . . 56 The Alliance with the Crab . Lion lands are noted for their rich supplies of game. . SNAKE (HEBI), POISONOUS ASPPoisonous snakes are found throughout Rokugan but are mostcommon in the central and southern parts of the Empire. ), BAT (KOUMORI) BEAR (KUMA)Bats are usually seen as a good omen in Rokugan, since they Bears are large omnivorous mammals found throughouteat insects such as mosquitoes which are often believed to be mainland Rokugan. . Even tered or power-hungry samurai were also excellent resources as a student he showed an unmatched joy in such creations, for the cult. 28 Chapter 5: The Naga . . . . 204 A Sinister Offer . . . .155 Spirits of Tengoku . . . 96 Beasts of Rokugan . They become obsessed with greater and greater acqui- sitions of magical skill as they look for any means to escape death or to limit the Taints hold on their souls. . Player characters as enemies can lead ably for the best who knows what destruction might have to exciting games, but an overzealous player can quickly resulted from mortals compelling the very highest Fortunes? achieve their desired effect, Steel Sect warriors take a more direct approach. . . ning an organization dedicated to patient long-term plan- The Kolat quickly began to experiment with their new ac-ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE ning. 143 Maigo no Musha,Creatures of Shadow . Yajinden hoped to reach the heart of the Tomb and any clear-cut leadership. . .246 Byoki no Oni, Sample Villain . 39 Threat Three: Ancient Enemies . . Their rst leader was Iuchi Ryutaro, and their Phoenix shugenja chanted continuously, several of them per- cult cell displayed an unusual level of unity and loyalty among ishing, as they worked the spell that would bind Iuchiban into its members. 73 Nezumi-Only Advantages . . Af- fief. . . . . The Empire paid dearly for his anger. . . . . . 243 Sample Kenku . . . . These journals contained the basics of what theT he history of the sinister cult known variously as the Empire would come to know as maho, forbidden blood magic. . . . . . c Technique Rank: 6 (can also be taken at Insight Ranks above 6) c Replaces: Any Technique (or none) at Insight Rank 6 or higher, The words you are searching are inside this book. . . Heimin and eta are frequently members of the con-why would anyone willingly join the Kolat? . . 216 Across Rokugan . . . 136 Yuhmi no Oni, The Nothing As Feral Killer . . become carriers of diseases. . However, Tora argued the Celestial Wheel need When Hantei and his divine siblings fell from the Heavens, not be an eternal circle. . . . . . . Power led countless mortals down the into its power, and above all to escape their own deaths for paths of darkness the Bloodspeakers espouse in the centuries death means facing the judgment of the Celestial Order they after the Battle of Stolen Graves. Even so, the Tiger Master often functions the poisoning and subsequent death. That was the principle It is the Emperors domain, Kitaro corrected. . If the caster wins, the target remains immobilized by the spell (unable to take Actions of any kind) Raise) and suffers 2k2 damage. . . . . . . Knowledge of a ferent in those earlier eras. . . . . . The very thought almost any Rokugani to impotent fury, lust for revenge, or of growing old and dying morties them, since their doc- simple madness and into the arms of the Bloodspeakers. . . Sleepers may awake in the morning The fall of the Hidden Temple all but destroyed the Cloud to nd themselves clutching weapons, their lords blood onSect, an especially heavy blow to the Kolat organization. . . . .118, Mastery Level 2 . . . . . A higher attack roll with lower damage indicates a superior ability to hit with whittling strikes that will This is not simply a book of opponents, however. Less than a year later, Yakamo and Hitomi were expelled Even worse, at the very time the struggle against the Dark- from the Celestial Heavens by the new Sun and Moon, theness was entering its critical stages, the Kami Shinjo unex- Jade and Obsidian Dragons. . . In the aftermath ofWhen Takasho and Minobe exposed him, Iuchiban hastily this incident, Hantei Jama declared that since Suru hadanimated as many corpses as he could, and the sheer horror saved his life, he would be permitted the privilege to serveof facing an army of their own ancestors bodies nearly broke him as Jama Suru. After the Imperial Citys relocation to Toshi Ranbo, the situa-tion changed. They identify and execute those substitution is never discovered. . . . . . This can work especially well in a campaignwhich pursue their goals in many different ways. . .182 New Advantage: Attacks. who detect or betray the conspiracy, as well as noting targets for the Lotus Sect to dispatch. . This was a source moving it across the Empire to the Hidden Temple. NOTEWORTHY BLOODSPEAKERS FIERCE BLOOD OF THE EARTH The following section provides statistics for three notable c Ring/Mastery: Earth 5 (Maho) Bloodspeaker leaders who have plagued the Empires history. . . . . . Once activated, sleepers lose all sense of selfcontrol over his agents without compromising his identity and behave only as previously commanded during their in-even if an outsider learns the spell. . The Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome spans the period from 150 BC to 600 AD and describes the forces of the later Roman Republic and the Byzantine wars as well as the armies of the heyday of the Roman Empire. . This spell works on all Wound damage, even from spells like Jade Strike that nor- mally could not hurt the target. . . . . GMs who want to challenge their players with an extremely tough supernatural Outside of these general philosophies and tendencies, battle without actually sending them into the Shadowlandseach Cult cell will have its own personal agenda, personali- will nd the Bloodspeakers ideal to this purpose.ties, goals, and methods. . . Iuchiban has come back so many times that people areno longer convinced he can be truly defeated. . The lands governed by the Great Clans of Rokugan The Islands of Silk and Spice are Rokugans most uniquecover an enormous area, and each includes multiple types of habitat. . . sage of human supremacy and metaphysical perfection. . . The maximum Experience Point value of anAdvantage or Disadvantage created by the spell is equal to the c Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 (Maho)casters Air + Insight Rank + Taint Rank, if any. Indeed, they believed this event meant the Kolat 37lat found that when their operations failed and drew public plan had to a large degree been accomplished. . For opponents without ac- cess to Techniques, like some ronin, an equal Insight Rank can indicate that there is a potential advantage, however slight, on the part of the characters. . . . In the summer of the year 750 he made the mistake of trying to pos- sess the body of Togashi Yamatsu, an Ise Zumi monk in the Dragon court. . . . For example, a Crab hours per Raise) might become more crude, intolerant, and ruthlessly prag- This spell inscribes a sinister ward onto a at surface. . . . . The effects of the spell are obviousfor the spell onto that person, at the rate of 1 point of Taint food becomes rotten, water turns foul and discolored, andfor every 2 extra Wounds inicted. . . You gain +2k0 on all Courtier and Intimidation Skill rolls.You have access to an intelligence network that can provideyou with a variety of covert information. . .118 Coin Sect . Their early efforts were slow, painstaking, and not always successful. (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point. for such inconveniences as birth, station, or tradition. . . Wound ranks This is usually done subtly while the victim is surrounded by School/Rank: Lotus Assassin 3 (Insight Rank 5) others, maximizing terror while minimizing any chance of detection. Special Abilities: AIR 1 EARTH 3 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 c Blood Frenzy: Sharks become enraged by the presenceENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE of blood in the water, which they can smell up to a Initiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) or half mile away. . . . . . cults maho spells and rituals. . In truth, he does not know yet what that plan might be, and so for the present the Black Wind simply maintains its dark faith and builds its wealth, avoid- ing attention. . . ation but if the player is willing to embrace the drama and tragedy inherent in such a storyline, it can be a very exciting A good way to handle the ow of information and pre- addition to the campaign.vent meta-gaming in a game involving Kolat characters isto make every character write down their actions and pass 45them to the GM. Where it How much they truly believed their own doctrines is dif- had come from no-one knew, and the Crab themselves were ficult to know certainly Tora believed, but many of his suspicious of the object it was clearly magical, showing comrades may have embraced his ideals simply because visions and images to those who gazed into its depths, and they provided justification for the conspiracy. . Table Steel Sect . 200 Where Undeath Lurks . . After the Battle of Sleeping River he hadconcluded his former master was insane and untrustworthy, a The Bloodspeaker Cult survived the nal death of its found-madman who had wrecked the cults dreams through haste and er, but it was considerably lessened in numbers and lackedarrogance. . . . When the war was con- cluded, the Yasuki had joined the Crab and the Kolat inu- ence over the family had grown enormously. Do not sell or share my personal information. .74 Rememberers and Memory Sticks. . Regardless, allis normally only eaten by eta, although peasants and even forms of tiger are dangerous and they have little fear of men.samurai have sometimes eaten it when they had no otherchoice. captain in the Imperial Guard. . . If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. FailedThe Coin Sect is in charge of the Kolats extensive efforts in subjects are killed, and the sect constantly strives to improveeconomic warfare, something the conspiracy has pursued ag- its work and to develop more sophisticated sleeper agents.gressively since the third century. This may be some-is acutely aware that, while the occasional TPK (total party thing as simple as Reduction that cripples a partyskill) can make for powerful stories, it is also a bit of a buzz- ability to damage the creature, or it may be the abil-kill and can severely limit ongoing campaign options. Let us begin.and catalogue these incidents. The matic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and ob- caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, sessed with magical power. Recruits are Almost all cells have only one leader who demands abso- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREcarefully chosen and are not initiated into the Bloodspeakers lute loyalty from other cell members. .101 Bloodspeaker Philosophy . . The mask instantly fuses with the flesh of the corpse and the c Social Position (younger son of the Emperor) kansen within the mask animates the body, creating a zombie. . Only those who withstand this harsh initiation without betraying the Kolat are welcomed into the Roc Sect. . . Master Lotus keeps will do so, but more often the Jade Sect utilizes the Kolats in close contact with Master Silk, with three couriers at each powerful network of control and inuence to bring allies to temple ready to run missives between the two. Enemy of the Empire was drawn by Ian Gibson and John Nadeau. This is and easily slip them into food, drinks, or even gifts. 10 Nezumi Physiology . Most of them are brown or reddish in color and have Initiative: 5k4 Attack: Claws 6k4 (Complex) ora pattern of white spots near their hindquarters. I do not think that Do not alarm the boy with superstition, Kitaro cautioned,would be wise, my lord. . These distant allies, who called them- 36 as the Kolat hoped to do for all eternity. tunities. 78 Casting Name Magic Spells . . How exactly he learnedWe thought you were going to be Emperor, they replied. . . . . . lowers, fellow malcontents who were drawn to his megalo- maniacal charisma. . . Man had been firmly inculcated into the conspiracys re- Hida, lord of the Crab, reluctantly ordered the Eye brought to cruits. . 100 The Bloodspeaker Cult Using the Lost in a Game . . . . . . . 81 Chapter 7: The Nothing . . . . . . 260 Morei no Oni, the Grain Demon. . . 156 Chapter 10: Ronin. . . 23 The Minds of the Lost . .153 New Mechanics: Tsuno Abilities, Akaru no Oni, the Web Lord . This penalty lasts until the end of the spells duration, but does not stack This unpleasant curse impedes the victims ability to heal and with itself. . . Theother stripes. The treatment of captured enemies often depended on their readiness to submit themselves to the will of the Assyrian . . . . From the peak of its power in the early twelfth cen- working against Kolat interests. . They called it the Onis Eye. . stack with other Symbols of Blood. TheJAMA SURU, THE GENERAL OF IUCHIBAN recipient of this sinister blessing is imprinted with a kansen, much like the original Jama Suru, infusing them with both an AIR 4 EARTH 4 FIRE 5 WATER 4 VOID 2 absolute loyalty to Iuchiban and strong magical powers. . . .69 Nezumi Characters and NPCs . . . These conspirators often use methods that closely re- ter the Kolat revealed its existence during the War Against the semble the Kolat, although obviously the Kolat itself has Darkness, the catastrophe that followed was probably only a a much greater reach and much more experience. . . . . . An enemyerything else in between. Ogres find it nearly miraculous that so many slims are willing to pay them for, more or less, what they do in their own lands for free. . Not always pleasant, of course, but nev- (Cipher) 5, Commerce (Appraisal, Mathematics) 8, Courtier er, ever boring. . . . . . It serves as the bestiary for Fourth Edition, but also features threats of a more human nature. . . . . dition to wooded hills and barren plains, the Scorpion over-The Crane holdings are predominantly coastal and as such see numerous dense forests, strong rivers, and dangeroushave plenty of open elds and farmlands, although they also swamps. 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