CROSS-REFERENCE SHEETS URGENCY PROBLEMS In any event, it is important to determine how long the patient expects to be in the area when scheduling appointments. Your assistant should not feel that her function is to "screen" calls, as such an attitude appears to isolate you from the caller. the mother states that the child has a temperature but denies nausea vomiting diarrhea or other signs or symptoms. Roentgenographic procedures Abuse of the telephone is seen in the patient attempting to obtain detailed professional counsel or a diagnosis over the telephone. When the patient is thoroughly Other people can read faxes, even if they are specifically sent to a certain person. Some offices use a printed fill-in card. No matter how your corporation operates or the particular problem is haunting you todaywhen management asks, How do we assure this doesnt happen again? part of the answer inevitably involved better policies and procedures. This should be thoroughly explained to the patient during the consultation or review of examination findings prior to initiating a comprehensive therapy program. You must determine this, according to the patient's progress. Reading material should be placed neatly in a rack. This requires that your plan incorporate frequent control checks ("red flags") on patient volume, referral rate, cash-flow, working capital, net profits, collections, debt limit, etc. One survey indicates that less than 6% of new patients will be referred by sources other than present patients. "I cannot hear you" or "I can't understand you" should not be used. Documentation helps employees understand their tasks and responsibilities, which ultimately leads to improved productivity. It is good policy to have a simple daily record kept of all important mail sent out of the office each day that requires action by another person. Positive initial and continuing impressions are an integral part of developing and maintaining a successful practice. This is especially true if the appointment is greater than 2 or 3 weeks in the future. In any professional office, the purchasing process must consider both quality and quantity if the practice is to avoid an unnecessary hardship. An assistant should also prevent patients from crossing each other's paths. The appointment book is your diary of professional activities and determines how you will schedule your professional time. Your entire staff should be cautious in keeping records out of sight of patients. Heating and air-conditioning units should have their filters replaced as necessary. There are some federal and state privacy laws (e.g., 42 CFR Part 2, Title 10) that require health care providers to obtain patients' written consent before they disclose their health information to other people and organizations, even for treatment. If the situation involves a clinical or financial problem, the assistant's memo of the call should be clipped to the patient's record folder or ledger card so that you have immediate reference if necessary. When your assistant pulls records for patients with appointments, they should be placed on the desk in the sequence that the patients are to be seen. Sources available will be listed in the yellow pages of the telephone directory. What controls must be established to assure success? Caller: Do I have to be x-rayed? A record eliminates guesswork and avoids the chance of forgetting instructions or patient's comments. To assure the facts before closing, all data submitted by the caller should be recapitulated before the conversation is ended. Papers within a subject folder should be arranged by date, with the most current date in front. The specific days given in this example are not as important as grasping the logic of the procedure involved. 3.31). Preferably, this should be within another cabinet or at least another drawer. The basic information gathered from a patient new to the practice is often called statistical data or identifying information. Each new procedure or modified procedure should be based on general guidelines (policies) from which specific procedures can be developed and meshed with other policies and procedures. A sound inventory control system should at least tell you what items must be ordered, how frequently they must be ordered, and what the quantitative reorder point is for each item. No organization can grow and prosper without adequate records." she calls to report that she is out of two of her regular medications, has been running a fever for two days. This is an unpleasant task, but it is much better than for patients to arrive and find the office door locked. DELEGATION CONSIDERATIONS PATIENT ORIENTATION TO APPOINTMENT POLICIES You can not gain consent to catheterize without these three test results. Your staff can do much to create an impression of punctuality, concern, efficiency, and cooperation in the minds of patients by rigidly setting a positive example. Yes. Worker's Compensation (local office). * Turn on equipment Technique Aside from patient record files, additional card files that remind you and your assistants of important dates and matters to be taken up at a later date reduce burdening memories with sundry details. Unit 1 is the last name in capitals, Unit 2 is the patient's title, Unit 3 is the first name, Unit 4 is the middle name or middle initial, and Unit 5 is the person's nickname or name by which the patient prefers to be called, enclosed by parentheses. * Initials of reciever, * Business letter style Subject Files. Most patients will be more receptive to suggestions after they have fully expressed themselves. Such records must be referred to often during initial treatment and whenever the patient needs subsequent care. Policies communicate the connection between the organization's vision and values and its day-to-day operations. A "Telecommunications Hour," for example, is sometimes printed on the doctor's stationery, posted in the dismissal area, and explained during consultation. Opening, salutation, body, complimentary closing, reference initials, and signature When working capital deteriorates, the cause can usually be traced to accumulating operational losses, poor collections, excessive payroll expenses, or unusual disbursements (eg, unexpected legal expenses, repair costs). The ideal number would be an inventory of records and forms that would offer the least number of items in stock which would allow the simplest and most efficient method of practice management. Organization. Strive for a balanced day where, for instance, you are not idle in the morning and overworked in the afternoon, or vice versa. Each procedure should briefly describe its purpose, support materials needed, technique (by steps) required by the assistant, and safety measures when applicable. When the mail is opened, care should be taken to assure that all contents have been removed from the envelope. If you are a consultant to an insurance company, one of your roles will be that of reviewing claims. Basic Requirements Most calls that must be handled by you can be noted by the assistant so that you can return the call between patients or after the last patient has left. Depositing such a check may make it impossible to collect the full balance due. This method is much more restrictive, yet it assures achievement in the shortest possible time by preventing distractions. Thus, it is important that you give each patient a quick review of the progress made to date and the progress needed during each visit. Yet even in cases of justifiable excuses, the patient must be impressed with the necessity of maintaining the treatment schedule. Your assistant should strive to take care of most phone inquiries. A patient that leaves the office without an appointment is often considered lost to the practice for all practical purposes. 4. provider to be seen, date, time. Patients with undependable appointment habits must be frequently re-educated to the importance of their time reservations. If your assistant cannot hear the caller clearly, she should use extra tact and courtesy. Each doctor has preferences of what type of calls should be handled by an assistant and what calls the doctor wishes to take personally. 10. employer and work # Planning and time management are learned behavior patterns. If this should occur, the issuing company should be notified immediately by telephone to avoid financial responsibility for unauthorized charges made against your account. If you wish to arrange a special consultation prior to your appointment, he can see you either next Monday at 10 o'clock in the morning or Wednesday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. How will you access and/or transmit this info complying with HIPAA rules? They are efficient as they are usually based on a great deal of creative thought as opposed to a letter developed "off the top of your head." Patients tend to view professional offices with a critical eye. Are you on schedule or behind schedule? First-class professional mail Daily Routines * Waits cause fear, anxiety PULLED FILES what kind of paperwork must be completed, and what information will the hospital require prior to admission? Worker's Compensation forms If the patient still refuses an appointment, your assistant should let him know that she will pass on the message to you and that you may want to call him. Regardless of size, every office has daily routines that must be conducted at the proper time so that the practice will run smoothly, efficiently, and professionally. When noted, your assistant should tactfully call this to their attention so that a correction can be made. Your business might embrace new technologies. Following is a list of typical numbers to include: Caller: It's been getting worse over the last 2 weeks. Know your own pace and capabilities, as well as those of your staff. Visualize the plight of the mother with a sick child who cannot make contact with your office because the line is busy. Envelopes They prefer quality bond stationery and supplies. The "I Care" message must be conveyed. Surprisingly to some, the most frequent complaints from patients do not concern fees or health services. For the patient who habitually cancels, the charge is thought to be a motivation for regularity. Emphasis is on policies that assure steady growth. DATA REVIEW Answering Services and Equipment There are several reasons why it's important to have workplace policies: They ensure compliance In the workplace, compliance refers to the act of adhering to a rule, particularly a state or federal regulation. Consistent achievers stack the odds in their favor. An adequate amount of postage should be purchased to keep trips to the post office limited to a monthly basis. In the office-hours system, patients are seen in the order they arrive during office hours. Opening, salutation, body, complimentary closing, reference initials, and signature. Because people tend to forget and because "no shows" waste valuable time, a few minutes on the telephone confirming the next few days of appointments will keep office time productive. Although appointment schedules should be arranged as far as possible to suit a patient's convenience, the patient should never be allowed to determine the interval between appointments. I've entered your name on my calendar for a time reservation at 10:30 in the morning on next Tuesday. On or near the doctor's desk and each assistant's desk should be trays to receive incoming and outgoing forms, reports, and correspondence. "You're coming along quite well Mrs. Jones. First, it should be remembered that a health practice is a service operation. Basic Areas of Financial Concern (4) rehabilitative care, or This chapter describes fundamental office policies, procedures, and systems, and their role in practice planning and conduct. Mailing lists Billing and collection procedures ", CONTRACTS may invite a problem. If an assistant is delegated the responsibility for appointment scheduling and control, the appointment book must be considered personal domain. Whenever a document, letter, report, or form may be looked up under two or more names or subject titles, a cross-reference sheet or one or more copies of the original should be used. Active, inactive, and former patient files are usually placed in an alphabetical file where the folders are placed behind alphabetical tab dividers. (2) acute case, During the visit, it is customary that you enter notations as to case actions and progress and not on the visit slip the services rendered. There are two basic types of planning processes: by induction or deduction. If a patient feels he or she cannot wait until tomorrow, your assistant should respond that you would be able to take a quick look at the condition today, but it might be preferable to have an appointment the next day when you will have more time to thoroughly evaluate the condition. Patients will frequently insert small notes when paying bills. MICROFILM FILES coverage w/verification of preauthorization The "I Care" message must be conveyed. After the telephone contact, the next typical areas of contact the office has with a patient are the exterior of your building and the reception area. The prime requisite of any good record system is accuracy, completeness, and immediate accessibility, along with simplicity in recording, filing, and retrieving information. A wide variety and styles of guides can be obtained from a business supply store. obliterate. Sound policies and procedures can relieve you of mundane decision-making chores so that time is available for more pertinent tasks. All major equipment should have a maintenance checklist attached to assure that the manufacturers' recommendations have been followed. Assistant: All patients do not need to be x-rayed, but the necessity must be discussed with the doctor in light of each patient's individual needs. Philosophy ROR. Technology in this area, for both hardware (equipment) and software (programs), is advancing rapidly. For example, if a patient has not visited the office in 2--5 years, the patient's records are placed in an inactive file. Make any changes necessary to keep your operations flowing smoothly and to comply with any legal or regulatory changes. First and foremost, a business needs policies and procedures to meet the standards of an effective compliance program, as outlined by the U.S. Justice Department. These points can then be transferred to the patient's permanent records. State and National Chiropractic Associations * Stay close to appointment time Patient preparation Rather, the assistant's function is to handle those calls she can so your clinical time is not reduced. While the case history indicates the patient's health status at the time of the initial visit, progress records indicate the patient's state of health at subsequent points in time. When everyone is following policies and procedures, your organization can run smoothly. The person who answers the phone creates the first impression of the office. Depending upon the quality of this approach, either positive or negative impressions will be made. Doctor's fee schedule It is only natural that some patients become irritated when they have established a specific appointment time and are kept waiting a half hour or longer. 4. record what patient says, rather than paraphrasing. Practice Objectives and Philosophy This is the first direct human contact the new patient has with your practice. The assistant totals the slip, determines how fees will be paid, and enters the completed visit slip into the patient's records. Thus, proper training of assistants in correct telephone technique is essential. It avoids any question who sees the doctor next, provides a record of the patients the doctor sees each day, and allows the assistant to gather patient files in proper sequence. NOTE: Because the cost of computers and software have continued to decline since the 90's when the above was written, and because of the convenience of combining billing, faxing, e-mail, and word processing all in once convenient location, computers are the most efficient tool for man office procedures. Approved programs are usually listed periodically in the state chiropractic association's communications. A major function of planning is to be able to visualize what your practice is at one stage and what it can be at another. In addition, well-documented processes also make it easier for new employees to come on board and get up to speed more quickly, which can translate into faster results. Most states have established specific requirements for re-licensure. This takes discipline because life presents many distractions and invitations to procrastinate. Anyone involved in the preparation, organization, or filing of records should fully understand how they are to be processed efficiently. Used for billing purposes. In addition to supplies, it is important for tax and insurance records that all furniture, accessories, equipment, instruments, and books be inventoried when purchased and placed on a proper depreciation schedule. Accounts receivable procedures The word "convention" should be avoided as it has a negative connotation to many people. 3.34). You may request patients with acute or rapidly progressing conditions to report their daily progress. Abruptness should be avoided such as, "Mr. Brown, this is Dr. Carey's office. As professional competence should be taken for granted, patient satisfaction makes the difference between success or failure. This will give you an opportunity to differentiate between reasons and excuses. Dead leaves from plants should be removed, and the plants should be rotated for sunlight. In addition to gaining informed consent and substantiating the medical necessity, you should explain to the patient and differentiate between therapeutic, rehabilitative, and maintenance care necessary in your judgment. * Talk naturally * Sort emails: date, subject, sent, received, importance Provide the name of the acid that corresponds to the formula given in the following table. A practice cannot be controlled or a professional health service provided if it is based on uncooperative patients who are unworthy to both the practice and their own health needs. CONTROLS OPENING ROUTINES Inductively, you can build up short-term and intermediate goals into long-range objectives. However, if the writer only desires specific information regardless of source, the assistant is usually allowed to compose the letter over her or the doctor's signature. This can only be detrimental to a good doctor-patient relationship. If the situation involves a clinical or financial problem, the assistant's memo of the call should be clipped to the patient's record folder or ledger card so that you have immediate reference if necessary. The most common areas of concern are a low patient volume, decreasing working capital, reducing profit margin, and rising debt level. PERSONNEL The office copy of a purchase order will automatically file information as to the name of the supplier, what was ordered, the quantity, the cost, and the delivery date. It also helps to speak at a slower rate. Typical categories include: Office policies related to clients and their records. A sample format sheet is shown in Figure 3.32. However, except for form letters, it is good policy to at least quickly review all office letters that are mailed regardless of whose signature they contain. While several doctors in different areas who practice closely alike may cooperate on a case of a commuting patient, it is most difficult to do so. The typical format of a procedural manual is usually a three-ring binder where each work station has its own tabbed section. Priority. CONTROLS You can examine a patient to determine the cause of a health disorder. how much time is required to see this patient? It either builds a patient's confidence, creates a greater respect, and develops a greater appreciation for you and what you represent, or it builds a patient's doubts, resistance, and lowers respect and appreciation for you and what you represent. What is the status of your practice at this time? An objective analysis of the important phases of patient contact will often spotlight weaknesses in the office system. Problem areas should be identified quickly so that they can be remedied as soon as possible. In both physical appearance and mental attitude, be sure that your office has a reception room and not a waiting room. Contingency plans should be at hand to meet uncertain effects. To the practice with a tight schedule, cancellations and "no shows" represent a drastic influence on practice stability. Time must be allotted to achievement planning and actions. After a severe accident, a patient may be rushed to your office without time for someone to alert your office that the patient is coming. This will reflect thought, care, and concern. This implies that assistants should be familiar with all office policies, instruments, equipment, and clinical procedures used in the practice. Following are the benefits of documentation for the workplace. * Avoid by scheduling efficiently. Typical Records Patient care policies The first place to start with health policy examples covers those designed for patient care. Clinical equipment repair service It creates a warm impression when your assistant replies to the call, rather than waiting for the caller to make a second effort to reach your office. Before transfer, the date and number of the check made in payment should be noted on the invoice. How much you make is not as important as how much you can keep. Data of your attorney, accountant, banker, insurance agent, and travel agent can also be placed on this list for ready reference. Specialized Appointments and Time Demands. Demonstrate trustworthiness that makes colleagues feel secure when one is responsible for the care of patients. Good planning is essentially a problem-solving adventure where certain questions must be answered. If the case plan is being affected, you should take time to have a heart-to-heart talk with the patient on the importance of appointment regularity. Consent forms These factors build patient satisfaction, reduce complaints, and encourage referrals more than many other "clever" techniques. * Give your name If a clear vision of what the practice is and where it is headed is not at hand, it is impossible to plan or achieve a course of action. Note: As the doctor is legally responsible for the actions of his employees in the conduct of the practice, it is your responsibility to place specific limits on what an assistant may discuss with a patient, either directly or on the telephone. Appointment schedules can be established accordingly, depending upon the clinical judgment of the doctor. A constant busy signal is quite discouraging and may result in the patient calling another doctor. A cross-reference filing system is necessary in addition to the types mentioned for a numerical indexing system and a subject file. Document Routing Slips. With experience, the length of each procedure can be accurately anticipated and the estimated time can be allotted. Time is often borrowed from other patients such as prophylactic cases or unworthy patients. (2) patients' financial records; and As health processes may be involved that are unknown to either the patient or the assistant, nothing should be done to encourage development of a tentative health care plan. Whether a practice operates at a profit or a loss often depends upon the quality and reliability of assistance the doctor has. This only takes a few moments, but it reinforces why the patient must return as scheduled. When patients do this, there is a breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship reflecting that the patient questions your authority, competence, or sincerity. 6. address MIDDAY ROUTINES A supplies purchasing control sheet is helpful in quickly reviewing the purchase history of an item and offering basic reorder information. The cleanliness and organization of all rooms should be frequently checked. If a salesperson should call at the office without an appointment, the assistant should request a card and the purpose of the visit. The choice is a matter of policy determined by your preferences. The expression, "How are you today?" PPO-you do not need to select a primary care physician Tone - The medical office administrative assistant should always speak with a positive and respectful tone. Form letters Cleaning and janitorial supplies. NEW PATIENT REFERRAL FOLLOW-UP People are curious and can easily be frightened by what they read and misunderstand. An annual meeting calendar for the current year is helpful in advanced scheduling (Fig. Include a disclaimer in your documentation that states the manual serves as a guide to the practices policies and procedures and does not explicitly or implicitly create a contractual relationship. Less than a 3-month supply is usually poor economy. * Check prescription pads Related supplies might include the following: Assistant's professional cards Tickler Files Pathology labs When it is realized that 94% of all new patients are the result of direct patient suggestions, the importance of recognizing and thanking patients sincerely for each referral is underscored. This consists of an accurate picture of your present status. Each person then initials and dates his review before forwarding. At the end of a personal report, it is customary that the patient be given an opportunity to ask any questions that remain unanswered to his or her satisfaction. Very cheap carbon paper, file folders, and typewriter ribbons have an extremely short life and are a poor long-term investment. Procedural routines guard against forgetfulness, and most routines can be delegated to well-trained assistants. When letters are given to you for your signature, your assistant should have separated those that you have dictated from those that an assistant or someone else prepared for your signature. A procedure is an even more specific method or system, limited in scope, by which a policy will be administered. When they are printed on a bright-color paper, they are quickly noticed and speed retrieval. Registered letters For example, if all expense reports are supposed to include itemized receipts (thats the policy), and all reports are to be submitted via a certain online system (thats the procedure) you can more quickly find those employees who arent submitting expense reports with itemized receipts. This is Miss Andrews. This advanced information will help your staff in preparing initial records and offer you a preview of the situation. Clinical Files. * Casual openings When you will be extremely late or delayed for several hours, new appointments should be scheduled for those patients who do not wish to wait. * encryption, * Website reliability: association sites, gov't websites Most authorities feel that the general economic situation has only a moderate effect on health practice success. Basic Concepts. As your assistants must work with and integrate specific policies and procedures each day, they are often in a position to offer constructive suggestions. Thomas H. Lee, MD, chief medical officer for healthcare management consulting firm Press Ganney, noted that "the most important predictor of patient loyalty is a patient's confidence in their provider Periodic staff meetings should be regularly used to analyze the different phases, procedures, and control points involved in the services offered and to seek areas of improvement. she calls to report that she is out of two of her regular medications, has been running a fever for two days. Common procedural pitfalls, mail and correspondence processing, personalized form letters, filing, reminder systems, follow-up systems, and typical reports are portrayed. Color codes can also be used to indicate any number of signals such as patients who are excellent sources of referrals, the numbers of years the patient has been an active patient, etc. Former Audi CEO Stands Trial Over Emissions Scandal, FinCEN Files Unveil Weaknesses in Global AML System, guidance on compliance with the U.K. When a caller must be placed on hold while your assistant gathers some information, the assistant should always request permission to do so and state approximately how long it will take. For example, evening hours may be a benefit to the new practice even if few doctors in the community provide such a service. As health practice is not a business but a profession, any reference to "salesmanship" here might be in poor taste. Short life and are a low patient volume, decreasing working capital reducing... Conditions to report their daily progress and signature as necessary is essential assistants should be before. 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