we have a healthy well bonded family. CPS has violated, and destroy, my son, grandson, myself, and gave my husband a near death heart attack. Do u just go to Trial cuz there lying soo much on my daughter this cps worker has it out for her. I wish I could post it here. I have a bill for $22,000 and he did nothing for me either. Lackies and said at first it was fine. My rights have been violated.! The Cps worker lied under oath to judge when asked if he was appropriate dressed she said no and asked if needed medical attention said yes. Last Updated on August 3, 2022 So yea back to wifes problem her daughter lost granddaughter for drug use. She didnt sign but my son went ahead and petitioned for it anyway. I also find many discrepancies in DCS notes and case records that eliminates the culpability of the parents of medical neglect. Im so sick of these people doing the devils bidding. Justice, by Pierre Subleyras. When we walked towards the car I and him were deciding on who will take that girl home. I need Any help immediately Texas Title IV-E Finance Handbook for County Contracts Desperately need help. Please my daughters gone through this almost 2 years and has done EVERYTHING theyve asked her too ..Thing is they still wont tell me why paternal grandparents got them and now want to adopt them!! Ive been helping my mom fight LA County when she located in Riverside, Step-mom made false accusation and the SW added neglect to while no actual abuse occurred. Supervisors Hand Book for DFCS for the State of Georgia; Title IV Funding. I cannot help them and do need help,please. First of all my baby was 11lbs 2oz at birth and was steadily gaining almost 14 lbs at time occurred babies natural instinct is to suck. im heartbroken. I believe I can prove there has been no domestic violence between the parents. handbook_update_subscriptions@odjfs.state.oh.us. I entered a treatment program of 9 months. Now my son and stepdaughter are being indoctrinated by one who cant even take care of herself. I recently went to a 90 day check hearing and the IOP program I completed was disregarded. Supervisors Hand Book for DFCS for the State of Georgia; Title IV Funding. It is extremely harsh. Odjfs-cps wrongfully took our children. Then 2 weeks later said I failed ok so ended up taking another through a different company with court appointed attorney. Do not trust them. My baby boy is now 3.5 yrs old, Illegally kidnapped at 10mnths old along with my (then ) 10 yrold (now 13soon) Feb 2018. My husband was there with me at the house and she kept on asking to use my phone to call her brother/father. I denied them access to steal my daughter, even with a warrant and with cops. This booklet includes information on: What CPS is. As I disagreed in the beginning I am very thankful now. Its been 5 months, and now were going backwards! they have to give them to you. There are no real authorities out there to fight these guys is real problem. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Vanessa, dont be discouraged Im here in Washington State and my grandson was kidnapped by CPS on 12.11.2017 and has been gone for 2 years. use your Miranda rights 5th amendment. Before getting thr results back they asked for a judges order to remove my son. where the boys are a felon on probation as I type for drugs is one who had my son in law on heroin stole and robed my daughter is watching them and living in the house. I live in watertown ny and a mother of four that has been in custody for over three years, I did everything they asked me to do and the caseworker and defense attorney just keeps saying lies in court to keep my kids in custody which is perjury, Ive tried everything as far as contacting commissioners, congresswoman, Senate, human resources etc. june 5th they try to take my son to a shelter which I wasnt going, we are in a world pandemic and my health and age im high risk! You can start a search for more legal document information here: Alphabetical Index. And have only had a few phone calls. }, { Hey Kacie, I am totally going through an extremely similar situation here in Kentucky. I lost everything including my son whom was 5 months at the time. That is hardly an ice cube clipped off the iceberg The agency has single-handedly destroyed my family, among many other families, as well as the sole scumbags responsible for the murder/death of my step-daughter. He has legal guardianship of them. I followed all the doctors orders even regards to her diet. What is this ? Sometimes the road is tough. I didnt have a phone because every penny was being saved to provide us in a new home and I thought that was more important at the time. What matters now is I am clean and my drug test is clean. Always get the number for their superior!!! They fabricated this big horribly evil story for his history. Minnesota has various programs to help children who may not be in safe environments. I want to sue CPS! She misread it AGAIN! dont use a legal aid attorney they work together as well as teachers doctors therapist counselors. It is very urgent! Follow the Child Protective Services (CPS) Initial Face-To-Face (IFF) Response policy when a child cannot be located within response timeframes. If there isnt already other parents organizing and attempting this elsewhere I would be very surprised, and am willing to bet that they would join us quite quickly. The fact of the matter is they absolutely need your consent to come into your, your children with probable cause (credible. Is there anyone from southern California with knowledge on how to stop these monsters? Lied to the judge about being in contact with her and would not talk to me at all even though my daughter had written a letter allowing me to stand in for her. dont say nothing plead the 5th dont sign a service plan thats when they start using and building a case against you. Now I have no idea where they even are, I havent got to see or talk to them since covid started (March 2020). I have much more information on this then i am able to write. The authors, were victims of a false report and were falsely ac, organization whose order of the day was to deny them their 4th, 6th and 14th Amendment rights. 9. same as if I was pregnant. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. (3) These are just sample documents and links to information. Im sry to keep going on & on but i dont know wat else to do. Im so thankful for this website knowing others will get the help they need. Can I ask what county or state? This is by no means meant to be legal advice. We dont have a lot of money and they do but this girl deserves her babies back. In order to maximize learning time and promote positive behaviors, every school must establish multi-tiered systems of support for students' social, emotional and behavioral . I've thought about trying to contact a lawyer in a different }, { I also hired Vince Davis. Fight CPS Hand Book CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. SECTION 1 - Never Ever Trust Anyone from CPS/DCF 2 Also check PARENTAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION and sign up for more information. So ended up taking another polygraph this time at the Montesano police Department. Or is she done for breaking the rules of allowing her daughter to be around when she wasnt supposed to be. we love him as our own and wont stop til he is home. I had suffered from a meth addiction for many years. It sounds like we are in the same or similar nightmare. They had a lying witness, and I told a worker that statutes do not apply to me, since I was not under contract. collectively known as "CPS" for the purposes of this handbook. I gave him colodial silver, cell salts, and no meat, no cows milk, no drugs. Only do this as a last resort, if you have complied and they still wont give your child back, Attack them personally. My son has no birth certificate. Shes done everything theyve wanted and its like they keep making up more and a lot of lies weve caught them in!! Thank you! Raised 6 kids 4 are grown. In fact, Do not sell or share my personal information, kidnapping-and-adoption/home/fight-cps-hand-book/, CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND THE JUVENILE JUSTICE. If married, state name of spouse 5. When my drug test comes back clean, will they give me my son back? PLEASE HELP ME GET MY BABYBOY HOME BEFORE ITS TO LATE! HI MY NAME IS NICOLE AN IM ASKING FOR HELP ME FIGHT CPS IM RAISING MONEY FOR A ATTORNEY MY GO FUND ME PAGE IS A LINK ON TOP PLZ PASS ON THANK U. Hi, im curious to know if youve had any luck with your fund raiser? following my termination, I was }, { I'm so sorry for the pain you are doing through. but it sounds like we have some similarities in our case as my medical records }, { oh my gosh. The lawyers are a joke, and they have been stupid. The DHR investigator testified at the evidentiary hearing that the allegations were unsubstantiated. I want to sue too but no one cared what are children are going through I want to get people together and start something going to the need anything van help. CPS or law enforcement intervenes when a caregiver abuses or neglects a child. The other sw said No Shes Good then told me good job keep it up b4 walking away. Because of my past I also have CPS in my life again. I feel for all of you. Knowing your rights can help you understand that you also have power. It is sick what they do to families. I was under impression they werent sue-able TBH, which in itself is ridiculous (for the million reasons that we all know). I hope you can put together your own case. This book is a great introduction to understanding the corruption and outrageous behavior of Child Protective Services agencies around the country. figured best way but been 3 mths n they still dragging feet. Im 2.5 yrs in an unbelievably hellious case. Heck if thats the case, lets sue whoever made that rule up and/or go up the chain. Hello, my name is Sheila Black. The Oregon Child Abuse reporting Law, ORS 419B.005 to 419B.05D, was enacted in 1971 and has been updated several times. Requires all the questions to be answered as if you were them for each individual. Desperate Mommy I have all the evidence, hired a lawyer, and when this is done I am going after the county for what they did to my kids for almost a month. CPS took our kids in mid Oct. Based on lies! Not sure how much more of this I can handle Ive been living inside law books for 9 months now! I ran across your website and found it very informative. They tried to take my 1 year old daughter. Is there anything we can do. Im in Pittsburgh though. As I have nothing to hide I feel like it is wrong that I am suffering my child being placed in a different home. And passed that one. Also see our list of attorneys: Lawyers Who Take Child Protective Services Defense Cases. It doesnt come with miracles we expect. Nikki please explain more. Looking for other possible victims of CIVIL RIGHTS violations.. Maybe turn this into a CLASS-ACTION SUIT!! My history is not good, but today I am clean. Name of plaintiff or petitioner (depends on the action) 2. Thank You I am looking for an attorney who will defend the parents and or me regarding unsubstantiated claims in the DCS dependency petition. I dont know why it hasnt gone further with them tearing apart so many families. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. I am a parent who has won my child back, not from CPS, but from a jury in the county where this happens most frequently in the US. My daughter was placed in pathways almost a year ago for truancy. WHY? So fought for daughter for a total of 3 1/2 yrs was told by cps that I was doing good and as soon as I had my own place I could have her. we never abuse our children. As far as I can tell once the warrant to pick up is in place, there is nothing you could do. and to fabricate false charges without evidence. Have requested copy of both transcripts. Was previously asked exact same question by different judge and her answer was yes appropriate dress and no did not need medical was healing normally. Do you take in cases that are closed. On the 10th of July, 2019 they took away my custody. CPS Having MAJOR problems because the system in my county is crooked. Read his handbook to prepare for your case, and to discover further aspects of the injustice done to you: Child Protective Services and the Juvenile Justice System: A guide to protect the constitutional rights of both parents and children as ruled by the Federal Circuit Courts and Supreme Court. Its been far from easy along with everything else that I have to deal with and go through everyday with other things and concerns and ect too. This is a law that removes the exemption status for state employees. And go above their head always! Recently they were audited and decided to hire an outsource company (whom they already have contracts with for other things[conflict of interest]) to handle their finances Service Access & Management Inc.. aka S.A.M. The state knew nothing about us until then. I would like to know how you can help. I shouldnt have to go through this aloneamariello86 @ gmail . Do not ever think they are on your side or telling you the truth!!!! How do i find reports thst were made by my exes like false ones from cps ect and how do i get court records. Please help. Its time. say nothing even if they threaten you. I feel for you here is an important vital aspect for your PTSD called EMDR PTSD was a real problem for me based on childhood trauma. I jumped all their hoops and they still kept them. SEARCH TOPICS: THE CORRUPT BUSINESS OF CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES. Your email address will not be published. The last call she made was when we were going outside at 3 am and she had said that there we are leaving the apartment. Idk what to do .. About The Authors 1. I did everything in my treatment plan within a 2 year period to finally embrace him in open arms. Worked 45 years paid a lot of taxes. i will not can not take them and Im at the point of acting on it. 15.New, M., Berliner, L. Notice of Intent to Sue you must give CPS notice because it is a government agency. 62 years old never ever been in any trouble no record at all. This is why president Trump is a rough time people in government think low income people of all colors cant think and they will do that for us and tell us what to do. The material in this handbook should be supplemented by your own careful study of the 4th and 14th Amendments and other Constitutional protections that are guaranteed even in the context of dealing with CPS. I want to dismantle that whole department!! Introduction 1. Im a mother who has been through the battle alone and my go fund me raised $0. Our very strategic planning and actions work to investigate DSS fraud, investigate Child Protective Services fraud (CPS fraud) and investigate Child Protective Services corruption (CPS corruption) against these criminals to seek indictments for the arrests of fraudulent Child Protective Services case workers (arrests of fraudulent CPS case (I went to office unannounced on #2 & made her test me to prove my innocence & bring my babies home to me i thought) FALSE REPORTS on childs medical history. keep all legal documentation. Then coronavirus pandemic hit. harm to the child. I would expect the representation to be limited in scope. That was heard by judge and I won. Ny daughters running out of time n shes done EVERYTHING theyve asked every class ect I dont have $for post office i mean if its only way .. Well its BEEN time, and/but for me personally Im finally getting stronger (truly may never fully arrive until my babes are back. Can you explain this a tad more or share a site I could read up on your topic please!? Since your children are priceless, everything they own, will not cover the harm they have caused your children, depriving them of their mother. Me and my wife are going through same thing . I have two of her older sister that I had custody of now of several years and they are doing real well. CPS took my kids back in Febuary based ok n lies and I have proof that they lied but have not been given the opportunity to defend myself in court. Please help. go to google and search how to fight cps and dcfs and read it and use it for your own good. My kids were removed and placed in }, { hi I know your comment was posted a while ago. Hi Misty! I had TEMPORARY legal guardianship (through Probate court) of my 11 year old granddaughter when a false allegation was called in to CPS and they arrived at my home on a Sunday with a warrant to remove my granddaughter from my care. Im so sorry you all are having to go through this too. Guilty of onesie but were always weather appropriate and just so cute in the sleepers w feet. Constant harassment from DCF and CPS being threatened by them and police and my lawyer did nothing but take over $14k }, { Hello , my children were hurt by a neighbor in a play date , I had no clue what had happened till one day my }, { how do I start the process in Massachusetts? Although your answer will have no effect in my case as I am well past this point, I am interested to know. So you have my attention,although Ive only messaged one other that saya He had a master agree dont sign service plan. I am the maternal grandmother of a child who is the subject of a DCS dependency matter. In Jefferson. I will add more links as I find them. They spoke to my kids individual at home and at school theres no sexual abuse going on and then a female law enforcement comes to speak to me saying about a sexual abuse going on I then told the law enforcement that theres no sexual abuse going on what so ever and that cps has been coming with this false allegations and they spoke with my kids they seen my home and my kids ask me why are they saying that if its not not true I feel like my kids are being harassed and one morning my 2 kids get up go to school then I and Jose get woken up by law enforcement gun point saying that Jose has an arrest warrant then I notice the female law enforcement that was here like a week ago not the warrant was for something else that was drop in 2015 they say it reopen in my may but that female law enforcement never informed us she said that she looks up our address and theres nothing now I told law enforcement she was here a week ago and why I was not informed she looked at me and said what are you talking about I dont know you now me and Jose are in custody my kids are in school I asked if I can call a relative or close friend to pick my kids up they said no I told Joses older sister if she can please take care of them and tell Jose mom if she can watch them till Im out she said yes then Im in adelanto detention center still asking if I can make a call for my kids I was worried then said no them its was night cps comes to speak with me and saying that my kids are ok they are at my office watching tv they ask for any number to call to place the kids I dont know any number I dont have my phone law enforcement didnt let me they told me that they are not taking my kids that the reason why they were with them was because I was in jail when I get out I with get them back I go in on the 11/09/16 they say theres court on the 15 they will transfer me there I ask on the 14 then the 15 I was asking I have court so Im incarcerated asking they look it up nothing shows up I show them my paper work they said thats weird I dont know they dont transfer me I miss court because Im incarcerated I was every upset I miss my babys and I get out on the 18 on Friday I had to wait till Monday to go in to cps office and ask about my kids I havent seen them for like a week I dont know nothing they dont know nothing about them them a worker comes out saying there ok that I can have them I have to wait till 12/8/16 that they have them because I left my kids with no support and a sexual abuse has happened or may happen when they told me they where not removed they had them because I was in jail Im out and I still dont have my kids when I got to see my kid there scare and dont know what is happening Im not allowed to talk about the case with my kids my kids told me mom I want to go home with you why are we not with you my kids told them nothing is going on its all false and the still not home I need help please they want to check my kids my daughter is scared and keeps telling them its not true there not with me I want them home if you can help me, theres also no ordered by the judge saying i cant have my kids and the papers cps gave me r not even file no case number on there or stamped by a judge, Please can u email me? If possible, consult an attorney for help. Cps forced us to sign a safety plan giving custody of my children to my in laws after false allegations were made. and juvenile judges start using common sense b, investigations the same as police in order to, Courts whereas they are governmental officials and. Read about absolute immunity and qualified immunity. Something needs to be done. Im ordered to do UAs and also a hair test. Everything they say is lies! Please point me in the right direction to bring him back to my daughter. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { Yea, how did you get it to Federal Court?? make sure you hire a criminal defence attorney that wil fight against them. I took care of all the children. can you help me i havent seen my kids in a year there was no investigation and they had no evidence four welfare checks and the cop and the investigator were the only witnesses at the adversary hearing and the cop said there was no danger to my children. Omg I know Im going through chips case be right now with my kiddo they have had my son in 5 placements in one year its all lies unbelievable there really is evil in this world .I cant be believe someone can have so much power over someone elses child and there life too. I want to sue them too. Send me your phone number in an email and I can call you. 3rd no money to take to dr & his umbilical cord needed medical attention. we are going through our third cps case. I gave her up to mothers family havent seen her in over 10 yrs now. (4) Theres a lot more information on the message board than Ive linked to on this page. use your Miranda rights. They are sworn to represent their client. Im a grandparent my daughter has all three children taken Ive hired a lawyer but still they have done nothing but lie and deny us right to any and all things they had us believing the day she gave birth on July 16 this year. Can anyone help me file a pro se TPR appeal to the Supreme court? My child was taken from me today over drug abuse allegations. You may find that you will be able to heal more then just your PTSD. If they file a complaint against you , file a claim against them in their personal capacity. I dont understand how they get away with it, but they dont and they know they can, they know we cant do anything. It took 6 months before I accepted and really finally started working my program. Hello. Preface 1. my daughter is about to have a breakdown and further more I was a ward of the state from age five to seventeen and the state failed me when at eight years old I was molested in foster home I told my dad on a visit and once he took action in telling them I was taken and placed with another family of that person and had to see him every Sunday and was taunted .there was a egg in a nest with a smiling face on it and it said youd smile to if u just been laid. Because I could see that cps wasnt ever going to stop so. Id like to know, too, are you concerned to post it here? EMDR is the answer. Here Are 7 Ways to Fight CPS, Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU, http://austinmeetinggroup.com/david-straight/, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. Please know everytime you sign your signature you are signing a contract/agreement. I know my rights are being violated and Im in desperate need of legal representation because they are planning to take my newborn when I have him, even though Im in complete compliance with my case plan. Jesus can do more in one breath than we can do in a lifetime. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. Learning what laws and statutes theyve violated or broken. Neil, I desperately need your help!! Both parties appealled goal changed to Adoption but Cps dropped theirs 1st day in appeals court. (5) If we dont have what you need, maybe we can find it for you. Their annual budget is close to 30 million a year. use your Miranda rights. In appeal to have goal changed back to reunify from adoption. No training on new UA test procedures including how to properly administer, read & report. But I didnt. consult an defense attorney or what they call a criminal attorney that is willing to go after them. The parents have been accused of domestic violence and medical neglect. State law defines child abuse and neglect. But this was the time when they had taken my kids. Thanks so much!! No luck not only all accusations presented as findings to judge they tried to put me on child abuse registry said for neglect cause 1 paper not filed correctly for temp guardianship. 5th amendment. I honestly was just a single mother whom was having financial difficulties at the time. So much more. CPS employees will lie to you and tell you they do not, need your consent. This library contains forms and information on legal procedures. About Child Protective Services Investigations . My husband and I are losing our minds! They now are wanting appeal trial to be Sept 4 2020, now TPR moved up to Oct 16 2020. I am thinking since her and her daughter work together taking care of same client and wife is staying in bosses mothers house just behind were they work and boss has the daughter living with her family and the client her daughter. This includes making reasonable efforts to locate the family using the Guidelines for Reasonable Efforts to Locate Children or Parents as a resource if the family cannot be located. You may also send them a link to the group instead. I am about to start defending myself against a cps investigation in California for failure to protect in a domestic violence situation and would like to talk with you. 10 yrs ago I was accused of first touching my son by my sister after my daughter was born so she could hopefully get her. However, I had met with my case workers supervisor before court and she said she would give me the green light to start Goodwill Parenting as soon as I completed my IOP program. There is ample evidence they are pure evil. I am to this day still clean. dont sign a service plan that is when they start going after you in all ways even family members, doc, teachers, dont use legal aid attorney they are with them. This is a guideline for parents who have attorneys who represent them in their fights with CPS - The attorneys should be doing this even if they are public defenders. collect all records and keep them with you or safe. Were them for each individual the Supreme court? here in Kentucky in... 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Knowledge on how to fight cps Hand Book for DFCS for the State of Georgia ; IV... Your own good and no meat, no drugs it very informative thankful for this website knowing others will the. Told me good job keep it up b4 walking away even regards to her diet been through battle! A bill for $ 22,000 and he did nothing for me either the investigator. Help you understand that you will be able to write on it remove my son back { hi i your. Help, please, my son, grandson, myself, and,...