Ive taken to muting commercials. I also use the mute button but, Im tired of that as well. You could make your sandwich, and eat it.but if you wait too long, you will miss the three minutes of actual air time, and be back to the next set of commercials! You need to have the dislike of commercials force you to stop watching? As soon the commercial comes on; I switch my tvs input to HDMI and block them out. PBS there ok until they start asking for money, We the people own the airwaves, and we have every right to specify how many minutes per hour the stations we allow to use our airwaves may devote to commercials It does absolutely NO GOOD to gripe about TV ads on forums like this one. I would like to see another channel like abc or nbc challenge cbs by running less ads and see what kind of viewing public they get. Just what are commercial ratings? For profit, pro-corporate news will never deliver anything approaching the truth. Now my rooms are clean, my laundry is ready to fold or hang during the next set of commercials. account for about 50% of all commercials. But now I always have my remote in my hand. When I was a kiddo news-junkie in the 60s, networks did not saturate their news programs with commercials. and all of it due to GREED/their need to make as much money as possible!!!!!!!!! AARP lies & spends millions on its ads which flood the screen time after time, day in, day out. However, what Ive found lately is that the commercials seem to be corresponding with each other I cant get a break. I hate commercials so much. I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. gave me a G-mail Address, they even got that spelled wrong But it worked. So if an episode is 24-26 minutes without comercials then air the epispde in its entirety first then take the remaining 4-6 minutes for comercials and repeat. its absolutely ridiculous people are already acting and driving that way.This world is going to hell in a hand basket and it need to STOP!!! Youre shelling out good money for the dubious privilege of being treated like a mindless consumer. Last year I pretty much gave up on TV. Everone should know how much their time is worth per hour. Who can resist Martha cooking up something delicious.. He then proceeded to gut every other agency that put citizens first and business second. So it got too expensive for advertisers. Believe it or not, once you get used to being patient enough to wait for a series to run its course, its really not that hard to do. Early TV credits had me scratching my head. Best Answer. Laws that regulate this must be enforced or made. Could you imagine a Navy Seal say Frickin??? And no I am not 13 I am 14. Free TV has at least six minutes less time airing commercials than pay TV! Its rediculus that some commercials last as long as 7 minutes or longer. I now have an antenna set up to receive local programming on approx 25 to 40 stations. I rarely watch TV now because frankly, its far too damned annoying. (b) This may be increased by a further three minutes per hour (5 per cent) devoted to I watch Antenna TV network on the weekends, which is a non cable TV channel. The moment I saw Google bought you tube I knew it was not going to be a useful tool anymore. However, excessive commercials take away a lot from programs I enjoy. or because they file a claim. I was inspired to come on line here after a deluge of ads on BBC America. Disgusting! At least they play some music just before the breaks to warn me theyre coming. The only commercial breaks are at the half time, and they go on for about half of the fifteen half-time interval on the upper end (7.5 minutes). games are 60 Please help us! Your imagination comes back you may even start to question things which is a long lost art. Absolutely! The broadcast lasted three hours and 15 minutes, but it included 18 separate commercial breaks that in total lasted 43 minutes not including the halftime break. shows 15 mins of ads 10 mins of shpws and the ads are getting longer..stop with the ads we allneed to stand together and cut cable and t.v. i agree this commercial break every 6 min is annoying and dumb, this is ANNOYING i went to go watch my favourite show but there was ads so i went to 10 new channels and ALL HAD ADDS F*&#K DIS IM DONE. I named the Terracotta Army as a Tattoo choice because of its grand complexity. Judge Judy has 17-18 minutes of commercials in an hour of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows. I suppose it depends on what kind of sandwich youre making. I usually just keep switching channels, then after an hour or two, I just put some music on, something relaxing to bring down my ire from all of those terrible advertisements. And I thought it was just me. What do you use now? What will it accomplish? Because we put up with it ? These greedy bastards better wake up, streaming subscriptions are surpassing cable satillite. No more dying children and sad dogs shivering in the cold. I watched Lone Survivor on demand on comcast The other episodes were of comparable length. I do stream Netflix and Hulu along with Amazon as I have a Prime membership. Have noticed commercial are the same for over a year. WebAnswer (1 of 2): As time has gone by, television has created more ways to get advertising in front of more eyeballs. I canceled cable last year and have Hulu Netflix and amazon. How do I block your stupid add programs??? The license to operate over the public airways comes with responsibilities-it was never meant to be ABC David Muir News last 16 minutes 75% commercials Keep fast forward handy !!! Good bye David .. Nick at Nite now up to 20+ minutes of commercials per hour !!!!!!! The number of commercials has increased to the point where its no longer possible to follow, no less watch They are useless annoyances. What gives. I not only stopped paying for tv because of endless commercials but they all found a new way to rip people off and profiting showing blocks of same shows endlessly repeated day after day. Not only is commercials outrageous but the volume goes up during the commercials. Our days now dont have enough hours in them. Even pbs is loaded with advertisements. I counted 14 commercial at one time. Its been WAY out of control for far too long. David Muirs nightly news at 6:30 is absolutely THE WORST when it comes to commercials. It is merely a place for the broadcasters to offer an opinion or guests who push them or the show SO THAT THEY GET PAID. She also switches to another channel because she will have forgotten the show she was watching. I can no longer pay for TV and have more minutes of advertising than a program I am canceling my Direct TV. I havent watched commercials in years, since TIVO came out. I have timed these commercials, and the number of commercials per one half hour and one hour shows. The myth was that you would pay for cable in order to be free from commercial interruption. He did this during his first days in office. In the past month, I have actually enjoyed only 3 commercials out of hundreds. Im fed up with interruptions in flow of programs with sooo many commercials, soIm recording and watching 1hour later fast fwd thru commercials or the next day. Its time we start getting a life instead of being addicted to a Box on the wall. Advertising is the no 1 money making tool for every company, even though you dont see some companies ads, it doesnt mean they arent actively advertising. Sure you only had a few premium channels, but the whole idea was to just watch movies. I have never switched products on the word of some paid celebrity. WebMost hour shows have about 5 breaks, but the number of breaks doesn't really matter since it usually amounts to 16-19 minutes total. Choose to have the Teracota Army stencilled on your back and wait for it to heel. We are paying a lot of money for our TV viewing, and feel that customer satisfaction in the most important. Netflix and streaming services are a good option. It was cheaper for CNN to just go back to Martin about every 7 minutes than it was to actually send a news crew out on a story to investigate facts. Not to mention the newscaster is CUT OFF IN MID SENTENCE. Why are we one of them? And we get more commercial ads then ever. We refuse to pay $100 a month anymore for TV broadcasting full of ads that mostly insult our intellegence. they are totally stupid, they encourage people to think they can drive like idiots with there cell phones stuck in there ear and cars sliding all over the place. AND SO DO THEY , fucx corporate CHINA now the usa suks ass big time, CORPORATE FUCKIN DAILY FUCK THESE GREED MONGERS kick their stupid ass to curb ,GOD will sort these FAGGOTS OUT and be judged,,,,,, COCKSUCKERS. Using the autopsy feature on anything is a sure way to leave the door open to your loss. WebEach commercial break is usually a story act break. Its getting to the point I dont even want to watch regular TV, and one person that did suggest to DVR it, theyre not letting you skip through the commercials on the DVR now. I mean, if they can reject a Politicians commercial because they dont like their politics, they should be able to reject some Noisy commercial selling something no one wants. I can understand if it was free. Twice as many as CNN. So each 1/2 Are you really that weak willed? Yep, I cant watch the Golf Channel live any more. I agree with all that is being said. If people like ads that much let them get a channel that plays nothing but ads. There is an insidiousness about this. I think we all like to sit down in front of the tellie and watch a movie, sitcom or the news without so very many interruptions. m. The real concern for American citizens is the lack of FCC and State Commerce agency oversight . I can go the bathroom, make a sandwich, and finish it, and the commercials are still not over. oversight agencies and they are on a path to kill the golden goose. I noticed on one channel they have commercials about every 12 to 15 minutes for the first 45 minutes. I pride myself on having this information. .. .. .. I never realised how much utter nonsense was on tv. I have learned to be very good at commercial cleaning. In a one hour show, one is lucky to have 20 minutes of movie/tv show and 40 minutes of commercials. Best solution. our dose of corporate vomit (adverts) has been slashed significantly. I dont watch regular television any more, not one damn show. We overdo everything. If half of the time is news would be it. Its time for them to stop being so greedy, and provide a better version of the entertainment they claim to be providing. The frequent interruptions also add to our anger and frustration. There are only two countries that allow pharmaceutical ads on TV. This is in Canada using telus. at one scene Marcus Lattrell said Frick You. Thats the only way to force the cable company to modify their commercials policies. We, as human beings, watch way too much tv, and its been proven make us more complacent rather than free thinking, emotionally intelligent people. Which means my 1 hour show was almost 20mins of commercials. No cable, and sometimes no over the air television either. When (if) they get a few thousand complaints every day about the length and frequency of television commercials, only then will they have a reason to involve themselves and do something about it. OXYGEN CHANNEL IS THE WORST- ABSOLUTE WORST PROGRAMMING TOO!! I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. Day before I dropped cable counted 18 stations playing same show all day long. Soon I transfer my washer load into the dryer while I sweep the kitchen and dining room. we can always go back to the formula from the 50s where advertisers sponsored a whole program, of course, if you look at shows now they are pretty much sponsored anyhow, I remember a few episodes of Burn Notice when Fiona got that Hyundai, and the blatant advertising was horrendously written into the script! PBS! I usually go to the kitchen to make my sandwiches. Plus no one is going to produce a quality TV show if the TV stations dont have any money. You will learn to appreciate our Gift of Life, and have your brain enhanced as well. A typical TV show is usually approximately 22 minutes for every 1/2 hour of time. It is laughable the ridiculous amount of money blown on insurance advertising trying to convince all that their insurance is the least expensive. Write and send your complaints to the FCC. Nobody does it better. I can make that switch in less then a second if the commercials continue. For 1 hour shows same format. DVR or renting a movie is the best option time-wise. For shorter TV show episodes like Cobra Kai and Naruto, there were three ad breaks: one 30-second spot before the show started and two in the middle that lasted for 60 seconds. This is pathetic and we are paying for it! Most hour-long television series episodes will consist of a Teaser scene, followed by Act One, Act Two, Act Three, Act I swear, no more than 45-60 seconds of show, then 2+ full min. Web214 votes, 22 comments. Shelters dont have enough supply to meet the demand. All these advertising scumbags should have razor cuts all over their bodies then drenched in alcohol. Same goes for all the shows. Whether it happens or not depends. Bastards, TV commercials are what the mute button is for. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? Was reading comments and agree with news commercial breaks, they have pay the ridiculous 7 figure salaries of the anchors. We paid to watch TV, not the advertisers. MY GOOD GOD so much time is wasted on non-programs, the very programs we PAY to watch. Those 500 channels we supposedly get are duplicates and triplicates. A survey among media buying agencies showed that a 30 second TV ad during the broadcast of '60 Minutes' during the 2020/21 season cost around 130 Im sure the shows back then were at least 50-53 minutes long. In Duncan B.C. You know, the ones youre paying for as part of your cable subscription? ASPCA LIES & grossly misleads in its ads. I timed a recent episode of Walking Dead with there being a 4 minute commercial break for every 6 minutes of episode, making a total of 24 minutes of commercial in one hour. AARPs rival AMAC spends its money actually working on behalf of senior citizensnot wasting multiple millions on dishonest ads wooing unaware seniors to part with their money by joining AARP. Blame Disney! How about a government run insurance that only takes premiums to cover claims, and administrative costs, and returns ALL extra monies on a pro rata basis back to the customers? I cant recommend it highly enough. Instead of about 20 total names, now everyone who did anything during the production gets credit for it, but their names are zapped so fast and small you wont know anyway. Such a irritating every time whenever watching tv or one thing every news chennel has a tie up with each other they take comercial break same time such a pain. There are no actual reporters anymore WHO TRULY FIND THE NEWS AND DEVELOP IT What burns me up the most are the small viewer days like Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I have read 191 comments regarding the disgust of May they get the payback they so richly deserve. Allow me to reply to myself. The amount of times I have to see the same car ads have driven me to madness. If it's a show on a non bbc channel, then a If I decide the program is special enough to want to keep a copy, I burn it to either a DVD-R or a BD (Blu-ray) blank and file it away in my library after editing out the commercial breaks. I was watching a 1951 episode of the Adventures of Superman..guess how long the actual run time was..28.50 minutes exactly. I suppose whomever dies with the most money wins. You trying to blind us? I cut the cord in August, 2009 and have never missed it. A single episode of a one-hour network TV show typically lasts about 45 minutes, leaving roughly 15 minutes of air time for commercials. I do maintain a subscription to Sling for sports, but now find it hard to watch even a high profile football game, due to the sheer number of commercials being pushed out. She at Shaw told me it was mailed June 01,2021, I never opened it because I got a notice on my computer over due, That is a insult to me .Thank You in Advance ,But we both know the outcome. In fact the entire ad biz irks me greatly. It is now July 13, 2022. Its horrible and disgusting. Absolute bullshit. Why pay to watch commercials. IM GONE. They play on average 16 to 18 commercials per spot, and there are usually 5 spots per one half hour show. On discovery for example I may have to try watch same aired episode 3-4 times to see entire program just due to seeing same medicare commercial every 4 minutes. In 1995 the series premier of Star Trek Voyager cost over 23 million dollars to build all of the sets and then produce the very first episode. I wasnt going to bother contributing to this bitch-fest, but decided to post this comment after reading yours. Same with ASPCA, UNICEF, CARE, wasteful charities. The next commercial is in four minutes and that gives me three minutes to run my sweeper and put it away. I simply cant sit through a half hour sitcom for example, and watch 10-11 minutes of commercials. Boycott Cable, even CNN, there is no other way they will learn. All tv outlets are doing this now, Logo airs Fresh Prince in 45min blocks. They show a lot of old 80s and 90s sitcoms on Saturday and Sundays. Oh, and lets not forget when Martin Savage was run into the ground OVER and OVER again with the guy in the mock-up cockpit of a Boeing 767 to make news stories well after the fact when the airplane went down in the Indian Ocean. In the old days (mid 60s) it used to be around 6 minutes per half hour and about 11 minutes per hour. If that is still the case most of the channels are not following that. Same as the Toll Bridge myth. had three commercial breaks; the first break ran nearly 6 minutes with 15 different commercials, starting with a promo for TV Land's Happily Divorced. John. Notice that insurance companies (looking at you geico, liberty, allstate, farmers, general, etc.) The Federal Communications Commission is the only God TV broadcasters and advertisers fear. Bless you and your formula for resisting consumer propaganda. As my title says, all 3 Thanks for PBS and thanks for recordings. No telling how long the news will actually last. This channel is RIDDLED with what seems like only the following commercials. However, ads can also be 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 seconds or longer. I actually watched a Friends episode specifically for the purpose of timing the commercials. Then proceed to the bathroom and complete the three Ss, ending with a shower. I could be interested in watching them but stopped watching. 13 commercials in a row on cbs channel 4 on Wednesday 10/13/21. Mind numbing, not to mention Butt numbing, broaden your horizons, get a hobby. It costs for good internet, but Im done with cable TV. Last year, the average was 15 minutes and 38 seconds, up from 14 minutes and 27 seconds in 2009, according to the report. There are some, however, such as West Wing, which can be as long as 66 pages. I only use the TV for DVD movies where I can fast forward over the name promoting actors, director, etc. I find that I can usually watch all 3 of the major news channels at once and not miss much of the programming on any of them. Greed has no inhibitions. The rates go up, service goes down. They would be very surprised to see these being young viewers since they have known those people where never part of the cable users base. So freaking stupid. It makes me not want to watch TV. The wash is started and I make my beds during the next commercials. About 25-30% of the tv show is not what we want to see. This might be a good thing as we free ourselves from the idiot box and start taking in our surroundings. you PAY for cable and they still hit you with a shitload of commercials every 7 minutes. Just as most of the complaints on too many commercials we have cut down on TV watching BY 70% I gave up on cable 4 years ago. Its past time to turn it off! Rather this boycott will only be effective and send a clear message to all those responsible for the low and poor quality of Television today if we stand united. And I watched it for a while, just to see that it was STILL cut all to hell to add yet more commercials. Like all other TV distributors RCN also interrupt their shows every 3-4 minutes with the most stupid unintelligent add programs. Dish is adamant (rightly so I hope) that the BETAMAX case that went to the Supreme Court years ago settled the time-shifting of recorded material for the sole purpose of non commercial (not for hire or re-braodcast) use by the consumer was not an infringement on the copyright of the broadcasters nor their TV ad subsidized commercials. Ever since the :betamax, technology has only gotten better. PULL THE PLUG!! I guess we all should encourage the commercials . GREED by the program actors and producers is the cause of all the AdsIt absolutely riduclous the number of Ads we have to sit through to watch a show on TV.5 minutes of Show/5 minutes of Ads,we get 30 minutes of show of whats supposed to be an hour show and 15 minutes of show of whats supposed to be a half hour show and the actors get 6 figures a show. I am getting rid of the cable contract. These commercial messages account for 36% of But the mere frequency and length of the advert breaks makes the channel unwatchable. I had seen the excellent movie Jack Reacher, and recommended it to friendsI saw it was coming on FX, so called them to watch itI was so mad when all we got were interviews we had no interest in, so many commercials breaks that you couldnt remember what movie you were watching, and two brainless idiots telling us what the movie was about..DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!! However, CBS This Morning has so many commercials, I have to hold the remote in my hand! 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