Another interesting thought going back to that 1954 research for the definition of homosexuality. After everything she had experienced before her death, she made it clear that her name was Teena. Third case (I am a railfan, partial to freight trains going far, far away). Lana M. Tisdel (born May 28, 1975) [2] is an American woman whose early life and involvement with the December 1993 murders of Brandon Teena, Lisa Lambert and Phillip DeVine, at the hands of John Lotter and Tom Nissen, is chronicled in the 1998 documentary The Brandon Teena Story and the 1999 film Boys Don't Cry (which left out DeVine). What conditions have to exist for you to let me inside your house and give me a beer? While friends would later describe him as sweet, clean cut, and respectable, Brandon did acquire some legal troubles of his own. No, Teena Brandon was a woman. One last point, there is a Teena Brandons funeral photo just before her coffin goes into the ground. I think this probably places me somewhat at odds with trans rights but such disagreement makes the world a more interesting and stimulating, if less superficially harmonious, place (though human nature might demand that disagreements in our genes and wed simply find other issues over which to disagree for those that cease to be per consensus) Nor do I think the concept of hate crime is coherent, so that probably places me at some distance from minority rights. Hes too ignorant to be ashamed of his actions (or inaction) and I dont think he was held accountable. That aspect of her life escapes you, because you have no appreciation for just how traumatized and dysfunctional she was. Instead of saying I am sorry I raped and murdered your daughter he writes I am sorry I took your daughters love away from you. Lotter is capable of self-pity. She took more religion electives in school than she did art. Poor kid. The killers spared the life of Lamberts baby son, Tanner. Confrontation with Laux did not help, or it may have been people and pressure put on her by the criminals. These men killed 3 people. Thats all that matters. Thats why hes doing life & not death row. Its a disgrace on many levels. Males react differently when subjected to the same. Peirce met with Lana Tisdel, the woman Brandon Teena fell for, and eventually secured her life rights. Teena blew him off. All the psychological issues you bring up are very common with transgender people. Talk about back water to down trash. But investigative reporters dig, except not in this case. You actually made a case for her identifying as a man with her attempted suicide, desire to be in the military, trying to be one of the gang, etc. In that Lotter sounds like dedicated Taliban fanatics, who readily accept skinning infidels alive or some other such violence. You both was there so you both participated in it. The baby was around 8 months old, so it couldnt incriminate them. If you think that life of crime, addiction and mental illness is living authentically to masculine gender identity, I pity you. Until next time, cheers. Its unclear whether Lotter and Nissen were ever employed or what they did otherwise to obtain beer and gas money before their arrests for murder. One was trying to be happy in his own body and the other two supported him. That night, adult inmates beat him to a bloody pulp, and tortured him by burning him with cigarettes and lit matches between his toes. I believe Teena Brandon has fallen victim to all these lies. He was a rich kid. Normal sexual relations are damaged by the selfish misanthrope pedophiles, and consequently the victims biological sexual identity becomes affiliated with unpleasant experience and the powerlessness of their actual sexual biology as children which becomes dangerously inverted. Regarding your other point, about common people with nothing special about them egregiously murdered. I CANT TRUST THE LAW ENFORECEMENT COMMUNITY/ When I say that Teena Brandon was awesome, I mean it. This week, well take a little sabbatical from Forensic Files to observe the 25th anniversary of Brandon Teenas murder a true-crime case little known outside of Nebraska until Hollywood came knocking. . Read an update on Lana Tisdel and her mother. A lot of women join military and jump out of airplanes, and most of them are not LGBTQ. I oppose the death penalty but if these two DO know right from wrong they surely are indeed fitting candidates, I spose this was, or would now, be termed a hate-crime: a category I think is nonsense. That cost him a brutal beating, at least thats what they claimed. Where tragedy applies there are parties wishing to exploit it for their own ends whether it be LBGT groups, so-called Christian conversion groups, race agitators, white supremacists, etc. Right on! No, they told him. me to determine this issue for myself rather than having the correct view imposed on me by the likes of the pc brigade. Lotter, Nissen and Brandon. However, if you look on the internet, you will see a photo of Teena Brandon grinning maniacally, one hand holding her crotch, another arm wrapped around none other than Lotter, her hand is tightly grabbing Lotters shirt. In addition to that, Nissen has come to see the light in that woman making love to a woman is beautiful, while two guys making love is sick and revolting. Their rights are completely taken away. She wasnt just dreaming of being an outlaw, she was turning into a delinquent. Well, maybe they did. Lisa Lambert did not associate with them and lived a town away. I AM PRESENTLY On December 24, 1993, during a . Rather than rant, Ill simply state that Im perfectly content to use whatever pronoun a person would prefer, as the likely kind thing to do; and Brandon would seemingly have wished to be known as he. Sister didnt have the kind of money the two were asking and she offered to feed them, but the two declined saying that they already ate at a different restaurant. Homosexuality was not measured in terms of who one sleeps with, but rather in terms of a person associating exclusively with people of their own gender. Another indicator that Teena needed a company of men is that photo of Teena and Lana doing homework with Nissen sitting on the couch in the background. his pronouns are he/him and you need to respect that, as well as his name. Interestingly, although Nissen reportedly has an IQ score in the 80s, Dunne, who corresponded with him in prison, said that Nissen read and understood books written by Dunnes wife, the literary journalist Joan Didion. There are millions of tragic stories of cisgender women who have been victims of violent crimes, and weve offered our full measure of empathy towards them for our entire livesat the exclusion of seeing our own tragic stories offered any reciprocal respect. [8], Tisdel graduated from Falls City High School in 1993. Also, certain things she was closer with Nissen that she was with Tisdel. Lana found out on December 12, when Teena drove her to Lincoln and introduced her to her sister. She then became a reluctant witness, not willing to implicate Nissen and get him arrested. During a Christmas Eve party, Lotter and Nissen forced Teena to take off his clothes in order to show everyone, including Lana, his genitals. Lana M. Tisdel (born May 28, 1975)[2] is an American woman whose early life and involvement with the December 1993 murders of Brandon Teena, Lisa Lambert and Phillip DeVine, at the hands of John Lotter and Tom Nissen, is chronicled in the 1998 documentary The Brandon Teena Story and the 1999 film Boys Don't Cry (which left out DeVine). Facts from the case put a large dent in a popular nation that Teena Brandon was attacked by the two jealous boyfriend once they discovered that Brandon is a girl. After moving to Falls City from his hometown of Lincoln, Brandon met a 19-year-old woman named Lana Tisdel and swept her off her feet. Im happy to refer to people as they wish so long as Im not asked to deny biological sex. She was hurt as a woman, she suffered as a woman, and her murder was a crime of violence against women. This could have been easily fixed with steroid injections you can get on the street. Not in the social register. Sheriffs deputies who interacted with her in jail liked her, and later testified that she upbeat and optimistic, talking with them about life in general, and that after the rape, Teena was different she seemed downtrodden and her voice was dead. Brandon Teena, left, with Lana Tisdel in an undated photo (Associated Press) Twenty years ago in a little Nebraskan town called Falls City, a handsome 21-year-old transman with big blue eyes. Teena's new group of friends in the area included 17-year-old Lana Tisdel, her older sister Leslie, Lana's ex-boyfriend (and former convict) John Lotter, and his pal Marvin Nissen. She rearranges the order of the events for dramatic effect. Teena was actually staying at Tom Nissens house. Real Teena was an awesome individual who was tarred and feathered in the Falls City. Very tired of hearing this low IQ score crap!! Cowboys with six guns, Gangsters with Tommy guns, gang members with their Colors on the backs of their jackets. Teena loved authority in the way of any good soldier who will fall in line and gladly stand at attention if the occasion calls for it. Tisdel defended Teena often, at one point lying to authorities and telling them she had seen him naked and saw his penis, in hopes they would leave him alone. And as a gay man myself, I can say that weve had enough of having our stories heteronormalized to make people like you feel more comfortable. Lana was one of the key witnesses in the case because of her status as Brandon's girlfriend. It may look liberal, but is in fact deeply intolerant of naysayers because its origin is in the Left, which lectures, harries, then bullies us on how and what to think (it has to, as sensible people couldnt agree with its nonsense). Nissen later admitted that their original plan was to dismember Brandon, but they didnt have a chance to go through with it, according to court papers. You say that they could have raped anybody, maybe Lisa Lambert, but that is not how domestic violence and criminal underworld work. Even if we accept that Lotters to all intents and purposes an 8-y-o (I dont, necessarily), he is clearly very dangerous and likely needs incarceration for life. You are too ready to believe bad reporting and poor journalism. Sister testified that she lied to Tom Nissen, because Teena asked her to. JoAnn received only $17,000, according to an account from writer Charles Laurence that ran in the (Ottawa) Citizens Weekly on April 2, 2000. Lotter is tall, 62, bigger than either Teena or Nissen. After sentencing, prices continue to rise. From many things. Lotter, whose criminal record traces back to a 1987 theft and escape conviction at age 16, occupies a cell on death row in the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution. now people can say or feel it was not a dangerous inversion of sexual identity but the consequences of any choice determine its nature, and she/he had a lot problems because of it including being murdered by a couple of monsters. It took 13 years of biographic research and the PC Brigade strongly objected to some unpalatable facts in it, which went against the popular narrative. thats literally transphobic. Kinda goes against the public myth, I know. Its the person who REALLY matters, not the accidental characteristics that overtake and make abstract the person in the chattering (or twittering) of liberals. Teena played a different tune for Lana Tisdel during their visit Teena is upset, listless, asking Lana to get her out of jail. 2- How many Transmen joined straight male criminal organizations or associated with heterosexuals? Incidentally, Boys Dont Cry and the documentary got it all wrong. I AM A FORMER PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER, WHO I cant decide which. That quid pro quo is what is truly missing in every aspect of our lives right now. Dissolute youths. Lana : No. It costs more to house death row inmates, who are held in segregated sections, in individual cells, with guards delivering everything from daily meals to loo paper. The coffin is pink and gray marble color, and it is noticeably short. Also in the house was Phillip DeVine, a friend of theirs who was dating Tisdel's sister Leslie. The bodies were discovered the next day by Lambert's mother, Anna Mae.[4][5]. However, i do think its silly that one is on death row and the other has life. She was a talented actress, she could make people laugh and had leadership potential. By same token, any number of women refer to themselves in the masculine in their internal stream of consciousness He being a default for anything not being directly associated with the Female and Feminine. Is everybodys IQ low in that town? Lana Tisdel testified in Court that she saw both, Teena Brandon and Tom Nissen, for the first time at the Oasis Bar, and it appears that the two were there together. All of the psychological issues Teena Brandon suffered from may be common pathology of the gay and transgender, but Teenas mental illness was the result of confirmed child sexual abuse and possible incest, and one other thing. BEING Whatever the case, Lotters last appeal was rejected by the Nebraska Supreme Court in September 2018. But its hard to imagine that the justice system would give more credence to an intelligence test taken in prison than one given during childhood when the taker wasnt trying to appear compromised. To say that Teena was experimenting is like saying that a person starving to death in a famine is dieting. Lana When Lana went to bail him out, she was told that Brandon had been placed in the women's jail; putting two and two together, she realized that, anatomically speaking, it could be possible that her boyfriend may actually be a she. As far as diagnosing trans people, sex reassignment surgery is the cure of last resort, and only after all of the other issues have been address. Your email address will not be published. But theres a movement attempting to intimidate us into annexing language, and therefore thought, to its ideology (anticipated by Orwell in 1984). and socially was worlds apart. None, because the multiple surgeries leave the person in no physical condition to run around in the field in combat boots. An Update on John Lotter and Thomas Nissen. Tisdel's mother, Linda Gutierres, who died on December 2, 2003,[6] at age 54, was portrayed in the film by Jeannetta Arnette. The sheriffs lines when interviewing Brandon after the rape(s) are appalling. Lotter applied for a license to marry Jeanne Bissonnette, 50, of Lakewood, Washington, in 2013, according to the Omaha World Herald. It would be nice if people would voice their opinions, using some facts and logic as to how that opinion was reached, then listen to the opposition and the facts and logic from that side. I would give identity politics more credence had Teena not been a psychiatric patient with severe symptoms other than gender dysphoria. She has been married to Bachman, Joshua since December 6, 2001. His story of how they murdered Teena also evolves with his demented ego. In the first version, Teena was attempting to hide under the blanket, literally tongue tied and paralyzed with terror. I may wish my old nag were a racehorse, and call him a racehorse, but calling him one no more makes him one than does calling a biological female a male or darkness light. They deposited him in his crib before they fled. There are several great articles written about Teena Brandon, and there is 99% internet drivel. But the water was frozen, and police found the items the next day. Tisdel died in 2007 at the age of 71. No matter who stabbed? Any gender identity issues should come second after these more immediate concerns. OTHER THAN PRAYER,ARE Im also happy to call Brandon whatever his preference was, too. Nor as a pharmaceutical manufacturer would I want my products, used to heal and save, used to kill, so I agree with refusal to supply. She wanted to leave Humboldt since Dec 28 and cops were okay with it. The world needs a hero, but everyone is waiting for some guy to come out of the sky and fix what is your responsibility and where it is highly likely the corrupt power structure invented or tainted that scenario just enough to make it suit their global aspirations. After dinner, the others jumped him and beat him to a bloody pulp, and they robbed him. It should be mocked and rejected as deeply dangerous. Lotter and Nissen had told Teena that if he told anyone what they did, they would kill him. Guessing your wife is with you for carnal gratification definitely not intellectually based upon your intelligent statement.. Its absolutely in the public/taxpayers/prisons/other prisoners interests to foster as functioning an inmate as possible, which is why much effort is made to enable inmates to communicate with families. Had he done his job they would have been in jail waiting to be bailed out. She has been married to Josh Bachman since 2001, and they are blessed with a daughter and two sons. I read somewhere that John Lotter is on the intellectual level of an 8-year-old, which is old enough to know right from wrong. THAT MADE A It was clearly sarcasm. Their motive couldve been for multiple reasons multiple reasons why she angered them. A bunch of not really Hoboes were having a Barbeque alongside the railway tracks. Lotter and Nissen disposed of the murder weapons, a stolen .380-caliber handgun and a knife with Lotter written on its case, by throwing them into the Nemaha River. CITIZENS! I AM UNDER CONSTANT Between the time she got kicked out of her prep school and the time the military finally rejected her, she could have gotten a GED (Graduation Equivalency Diploma). Your narrative is wrong, but it wont be the first time in history. 10 years ago, in Ca, it cost c $4.2 m each to exhaust appeals of DP offenders, over an average 20 years as appeals are multi-layered for capital offenders but less so for lifers. Killing others in retribution might make you personally feel good, but I see it as the state undermining the sanctity of human life. It isnt. When taken in this context, Sheriff Lauxs infamous interview of Teena is not as preposterous as it seems, though it does not absolve Laux, since he behave horribly towards Teena and towards her sister after she came in to take Teenas things after she was murdered. Disappointment (excerpt) a 6song, 1 track tribute to Lana Tisdel. Nothing I stated agrees with Lotter and Nissen (are you privy to their mindset, motivation, opinion, and argument as if they had a brain cell between them?) Refer to people as they prefer, not as you insist they be. While Im mindful that biological sex is fixed and significant (in the face of PC dross denying), I presume BT would wish to be referred to as male, and it seems churlish not to do so. They are monsters!!!! Being kind isnt PC, its simply decent. Who knows for sure? Maybe Teena Brandon saw John Lotter as a real world outlaw and looked up to him. Apparently an act Teena put on for Lana. Nissen was not so ignorant. You be the judge. Brandon died at the hands of two low lifes named John Lotter and Marvin Thomas Nissen just before New Years Day of 1994. What you tolerate, you had better be prepared to suffer. 100% They knew it was wrong the murder was a PUNISHMENT & it was completely premeditated. In the fall of 1993, Tisdel, aged 18, met Brandon Teena, 20, through their mutual friends. Once the lie has a toe in the door, your in for a huge amount of trouble and it will just get worse the more hogwash you entertain. In 2007, Nissen made a surprise announcement that he, and not Lotter, actually fired the bullets that killed Brandon Teena, Phillip Devine, and Lisa Lambert.Lotter demanded a new trial on that basis, but he never got one. In simplifying and celebrating the cross-dressing aspects of the story, the film makers never found out the real Teena Brandon, how awesome she was, despite her problems and her bad deeds, and what a tragedy her murder really was. She was tapped to be a manager at a restaurant where she once worked. She worked physical labor at a lumber yard. The killers, who reportedly had a total of $5 between them at the time of their arrests, would have to pay the balance, the court decided. When a inmate is sentenced he has no rights. NEED RELIABLE HELP! There is also indication that Teena took Tom Nissen to her mothers trailer home. RR. They deserve the death sentence, regardless. BRAIN INJURY,AS WELL AS OTHER INJURIES! That is because Teena needed a company of wolves to run with. You can try to twist your own transphobic narrative on this subject all you want, but Brandon exemplified in every way the accepted psycbosocial identity of a trans personhe lived and loved as a man at a time when transgender identities were dismissed and vilified as some sort of carnival sideshow or transgressive pervert, and ultimately that is why he was killedby ignorance arguably no different than your own. Lana's Mom : [drunk on the sofa] Lana? Falls City is a small town, and all of these families were well-acquainted; Lana's best friend was Michelle Lotter, John's sister. But a week later, when her father gave her a signed blank check to get a perm, Tisdel took it to a supermarket and filled it out for $250, the amount needed. Ive seen john lotters interviews and there is no way he doesnt know right from wrong. The Tisdel family did not get along well with Teena's mother, Jo Ann Brandon, and his sister, Tammy, who accused Tisdel of being responsible for the murders. This was apparently with all of the censorship of social media on only one side of the conversation. Tisdel sued the creators of the film Boys Don't Cry for using her name and likeness without permission; the suit was settled out of court. The quasi-medical needle is a dishonest compromise to render death more palatable to the public (and is not necessarily quick and painless the practical justification.) The guy is anxious and uncomfortable twirling a beer glass when he is telling this. Thats what Lotter and Nissen believed as well. Can I tie her up and keep her in my bedroom (until the Court opens after Christmas holidays, so that she can be surrendered there and bail be revoked)? He asked. 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