COOPER (on camera): No one has ever been here? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Ibama has been fighting this fight for several years now, but it wasn't until 2005 when a 73-year-old American nun changed the way Brazil protects its forests. PLANET IN PERIL, however, continues after this break. COOPER: Health costs? PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. But despite all of that, the rain forest is being pillaged at a rapid rate. The rising seas have washed it out. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) TRUDY MCCUNE, EVACUEE: I feel kind of bad because I'm hoping that I don't lose my home, but then I feel bad because I know a lot of people that have lost their homes. If the islands were uninhabited, it would simply be another mystery in the natural world. You can see the scars made by man. Toggle mobile menu. CORWIN: Exactly. It did exactly the opposite. Damages estimates $1 billion, and we're talking about just in San Diego County. This is your refrigerator? The life here is too valuable to lose. Sand all around me. We press on. This is the Running Springs fired. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, OK. We're flying right over it now. Full text of President Joseph. In the distance, the agents spot something suspicious. The cooler is stocked with deer meat poached from the rain forest. While a scientific consensus says man is responsible for global warming, Michaels, like Senator Inhofe, says money is the prime motivator. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): The Earth is warming. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The supply that we have from the government, which is how many bails of rice, it's already finished. But the winds are dying down, and that gives firefighters a chance to possibly gain the upper hand. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're right on them. Power company officials are pleading for conservation. I'm Anderson Cooper. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The struggle today is how to get food. It looks good. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The purpose of the proposal that the Fish and Wildlife Service has is not to lift bears because of their present status, because of their present population, but because of their anticipated future status if the sea ice continues to change the way climate models project that it is likely to change. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, it is definitely sinking but the life here is too valuable to leave. Planet in Peril, filmed across four continents and 13 countries, airs over two nights on CNN/U.S. Millions live near coastlines less than three feet above sea level. COOPER (voice-over): The world's newest island, discovered because of the world's warming temperature. A polar bear's primary source of prey are seals. Here's the latest on tonight's breaking news -- the wildfires. Those west winds, Anderson, could fan the flames a little bit for the end of the week, but, so far, about 15 to 20 miles per hour -- Anderson. (END VIDEOTAPE) TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT Ninety percent of the people who live in the Marroquins' neighborhood are Hispanic. COOPER (voice-over): Last year, Konnie and his team actually lowered a camera inside a moulin, capturing the first video from deep inside this icy tunnel. (on camera): These officers from the federal police are teaming up with IBAMA agents, and they are about to go out on patrol. STEFFEN: No, I would not be surprised because we know the ice is retreating. Both sides of the debate know that. If the melt continues, Amstrup now thinks two-third of the world's polar bears will be gone in 50 years. Number of episodes: 3. The problem is, though, just like in Greenland, that ice is melting. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Up to this wall -- GUPTA: Our guide is Anadatiega (ph). "Planet in Peril" examines the environmental conflicts between growing populations and natural resources. There are no winches out here to free our trucks, just the bodies of our entire crew. It is a record rate of decline. And that, it seems, is what's happening to the Carterets. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you get it? PLANET IN PERIL continues after the break. Firefighters are getting a grip on the wildfires around Los Angeles. the committee's support for landmarking the fixed seats is a major setback for Another Planet . And the poor diet makes all of them vulnerable to disease. committee pushes back over key landmark details . (voice-over) They name Jeff Running Deer. And we'll go into that in a second. Originally, four series were produced (the fourth was a remake of the first), which was translated into 17 languages (including Hindi, Turkish and Dutch) and broadcast in countries worldwide (including . Step up. So once this moulin fills with water -- and water is heavier than ice -- it's possible that to lift up the ice. OK. CORWIN: With the bears safely sedated, Amstrup gets to work. Only a few hours until President Bush flies to California. So from the air, we can look down at the coral, it certainly looked like a lot of it was dead. CORWIN: Not much. So, I think we are running out of time. And, even if we are, is it a crisis or just hype? Anderson finds Kiev calm but ready for battle. Why is our planet in peril? Are they bringing it in now?" Some of these animals are actually drowning, trying to swim these new open waters. First an update on the California fires. It outlines the solutions that have been tried, and analyzes why they have thus far fallen short. It also has to continue to do a little bit of damage in that area just where I'm pointing right now. They hope to be able to get that thing out, at least, during the next couple of days, but they've got a ton of crews up there. COOPER: The men take us to their camp site, where they've already clear-cut the forest. The water here used to be at least six feet high and now all around me, there's nothing. You always think of something like that. And that is a wonderful, wonderful story. SCHMIDT: No one has ever been here before. Ibama doesn't have nearly enough personnel to protect them all. S01:E01 - A Planet In Peril. HANSEN: The nature of science is, you say, on the one hand, this and, on the other hand, that. Earlier this year the University of Texas released a study showing kids living within two miles of the ship channel had a 56 percent greater chance of getting leukemia. It's that imbalance which concerns scientists the most. On the unforgiving frontier of climate change, polar bears, walruses, seals and penguins find their icy Edens in peril. COOPER: Huge. That's slash and burn. How much, how fast, a matter of debate; but tens of millions will be affected in this century. And, basically, anything goes. You could fall right through, and that will be the end of you. The point is there are people out there that are making decisions on our behalf that do and are deciding not to do anything about it. Words were exchanged, and one of the men took out a gun. This used to be a mega-lake, one of the biggest lakes in the world. They are flying helicopter and planes tonight into the night, trying to get a handle on this fire. COOPER: Really? Jessica_Roberson5. (on camera): So this is where you sleep? Last year, satellite data collected by NASA scientists revealed Greenland is losing 100 billion tons of ice each year. I'm Anderson Cooper. It's a protected reserve who just arrived here to find out how they're struggling to protect their habitat. DENNIS SCHMIDT: Yes. GUPTA: So, this used to be up to 60 kilograms? We have seen declines in the survival of cubs and we have seen adult males and cubs a little bit smaller in recent years than they used to be. We should not just think for ourselves. northpointe community church fresno archives. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't care if anybody in this neighborhood, like, never understands what global warming is. COOPER (voice-over): We're here to see something extraordinary -- Greenland's retreating ice has revealed a new island. COOPER (on camera): Does it surprise you that new islands are cropping up in Greenland? COOPER: He's been coming here for more than 40 years. Now 10 years old, Valentin is in remission and doing well. And what he's discovered is startling. Unbelievable Washington landslide survival story. Jeff Corwin's gone to track North America's largest carnivore, the polar bear -- to find out what some scientists believe the polar bear's very existence is under threat. San Francisco is his home base, but Greenland is more like home. There are roughly 37 million people who rely on Lake Chad. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. quizlette5241082 Plus. Why is it happening? It's clear the weather patterns here have changed. 1 James Gustave Speth The limits of Growth 3 Daniel Quinn The danger of Human Exceptionalism 9 The Dalai Lama a Question of our own survival 15 E. O. Wilson The Fate of Creation is the Fate of Humanity 21 Sheila Watt-Cloutier The inuit right to Culture Based GUPTA: As the wetlands manager, he spent the last four years working with the Lake Chad basing commission, a group that's trying to save the lake. His explorations have led to discovery. Sea ice loss has now surpassed predictions for the year 2050. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: They don't know what's happening to their homes, miles away in the line of fire. This is classic slash and burn. The question is, why? It's the Earth's history that tells us, with the most accuracy and the most reliability, what the climate sensitivity is. And she would, you know, work to make it happen, her way. And now we're going to move in. AMSTRUP: OK, you see tracks going across that hill (INAUDIBLE)? COOPER (voice-over): In this small, cold space, Dr. Steffen and other scientists analyze the data they gather on the ice sheet. A tribal elder tells us they fight hard to protect their land and keep their traditions alive. They are moving to yet another island. But Inhofe's critics question his funding. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. We'll wake up any minute in Dark Harbor and laugh about this. Plants and animals lost forever. So they started going door to door and trying to get the people out. "An anthology bringing together the testimony of over eighty theologians, religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturalists, activists, and writers to present a diverse and compelling call to honor humans' moral responsibility to the planet in the face of envi . Global eorts and . lt's just a bad dream. And that's what's happening to the lake. STEFFEN: First, we slept in the station at the beginning. Steve got (INAUDIBLE) shot, he landed that anesthetic dart right in the shoulder about a minute ago. This mission in a remote corner of Brazil has been in the works for over a year. As the earth gets warmer, moisture in the atmosphere that used to fall as rain, instead evaporates. Right now in Greenland, it is eight degrees warmer than it was just about 10 years ago. From the air you really get a sense of just how much of the rainforest has already been destroyed. The A.P. Did the water just knock them down? (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUPTA: We're flying back to the Carteret Islands in the South Pacific to try and solve the mystery, why the islands here are disappearing. We have measurements of the atmospheric composition, very precise, from the bubbles of air trapped in the ice sheets as a function of time over the last 700,000 years. There are about 3,000 Kraho Indians left in the Amazon basin, spread out in villages across 750,000 acres of protected land, given to them by the government. There are at least 15 active fires tonight. CORWIN: As a result, biologists are now witnessing some very strange bear behavior. But the water crisis may be more than just climate change. They're an indigenous people here in the Amazon rain forest. Thousands of evacuees have gathered in San Diego's Qualcomm football stadium. These men are hunting not just for themselves. People also ask. We're going to take you right to the front lines of the Harris fire with Rick Sanchez. There is an effort under way to get a law passed in Texas, but Professor McGarity (ph) says it's going to be an uphill battle, because when it comes to the oil industry here, old habits die hard. It actually took five flights leaving from southern China. So without the climate change, this would still be a peninsula. MICHAELS: I think a lot of people have not looked at the adaptational responses that human beings have. That's it for the Harris fire. (on camera): What are these rotating things? The. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper, Rancho Bernardo, California. But not all of the trees are cut down for big profits. Let's check it out. Even though this land hasn't been cleared, it's going to be affected, and the animals living on it are going to be affected by the fact that there are people living just a few feet away. COOPER: Dr. James Hansen does not believe scientists are simply chasing funding. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON COOPER, HOST (voice-over): For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. MICHAELS: stunning. Recent flashcard sets. So even by stopping the increase of CO2 today, we will have a warming. Download Planet In Peril Worksheet Answers pdf. San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders says the vast majority of the city is now open for people to return to their homes. She refused, however, to be intimidated. COOPER (voice-over): When you discover an island here, pending approval, you get to name it. Every day they go out on patrol armed with bows and arrows, just making sure no one is cutting down trees. A park, crowded place. Overpopulation, deforestation, species lost, climate change. Good deal. This is actually Swiss Camp. (voice-over) Steve Amstrup, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been doing this for 26 years, trying to learn all he can about what polar bears can tell us about global warming. This is our office where we have the electronics and computers. Four of the five men involved have been convicted in her murder, but the rancher who's believed to be the mastermind behind the plot remains free on bail. We're right on them. Models, you see, also underestimated our changing climate. Over the past 30 years, the water has steadily receded. And that's all we have for the future. We're the first people ever to walk here. Nothing occurs in a vacuum in the natural world. That doesn't mean these people can relax, however. It outlines the solutions that have been tried, and analyzes why . And the diet of people is becoming less balanced. Her future is at best uncertain. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's going to be reflected at the top among the political appointees, who are more a part of this -- shall we say -- wild west culture where anything goes. It's here that animals have to contend with the greatest change that is happening to the face of our planet. Those two industries continue to expand, and they need land to do it. STEFFEN: Even if you reduce CO2 output at the current level and leave it level, the climate will continue to warm. (on camera): Do you think climate change is a hoax? Suddenly, she was confronted by two men. And, in fact, I'm a good example of that, because when I first spoke out about this in 1981, I ended up losing my funding. The dry Santa Ana winds have let up. No kidding, you look great. (on camera): That's a glacier over there and these two glaciers used to be connected by an ice shell? But since 1993, an even higher sea level trend of 3.1 millimeters a year has been recorded. We should think for the next two, three generations. Skeptics, believers, liberals, conservatives; it all seems so theoretical. David C. Downing, a professor at Elizabethtown College, takes it upon himself to correct a gaping hole in Lewis studies. Where there was water, now only sand. There are ripple effects and that is putting our planet in peril. by Rebecca Libauskas. Thank you. (on camera): It is politically correct to say you care about the rain forest, but why should someone actually care? PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. The second biggest contributors to Inhofe's Senate office are energy and natural resource companies. How is it that a forest covering nine countries, home to 200 indigenous tribes CORWIN: This is one of my most favorite creatures right here. And that, scientists say, is a direct result of climate change. 1978 Battlestar Galactica a Planet in Peril #101. Beatriz_Gonzalez88 Plus. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And there's a bear right there. Many coral reefs often die after bleaching. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Boy. STEFFEN: Good. planet in peril transcript planet in peril transcript. STEFFEN: Yes. COOPER: Struggles for land, fights over resources, people drink from polluted rivers in China and die in broken villages invisible from the gleaming towers of Beijing. After filtering, Salmon (v1.6.0) was used to map the reads to the transcriptome followed by transcript quantification for quality control. So for now, the people of the Carterets left to wait and fight against the rising tides. Their job is daunting, something you can only appreciate from the air. It's a global population of polar bears is somewhere between 20, 25,000 animals, why are we today trying to enlist them as an endangered species? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will have to stay. COOPER (voice-over): Dr. Steffen and his team live in a research station called Swiss Camp. Instead, she opened the Bible she was carry in her hand and read a passage from the gospel of Matthew: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied." When we come back, our investigation continues beneath the surface. After two days exploring with Dennis Schmidt, we head back to the interior and Dr. Konrad Steffen. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): From Greenland's interior ice sheet, we travel to its east coast with Dennis Schmidt. There's at least a billion dollars in damage here in San Diego County alone. The Hawkmen capture Flash and friends and fly them to king Vultan's mile-high, suspended sky . Step up. STEVE AMSTRUP, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: There's a nice lead here that we might be able to pick up footprints on. While difficult to measure exactly how much, scientists believe part of the rise is due to melting glaciers and ice sheets, like the ones we saw in Greenland. I'm very honored. (on camera): This is really the front line of deforestation. SCHMIDT: This is a peninsula -- it's an isthmus connected to the mainland because of an ice shell. STEFFEN: Hi, Terrie. Planet in peril chemicals and Greenland. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's it, right there. COOPER: I joined him to see his latest -- one of the starkest examples of climate change. We traveled the world and the issues are real. It's about the front lines, the places where threats aren't just forecasts of the future, but are happening now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here we are suffering. COOPER: And me, I'm Regal Bird. PLANET IN PERIL will continue in a moment. It used to sit on the banks of Lake Chad. (on camera): The scientists who are warning of huge changes within our lifetime, are those just scare tactics? NEW YORK: In Sweden and Norway, the treeline is marching northward and uphill as the snowline recedes. Transcript of Biden's Speech on Climate Change and Hurricane Ida "The nation and the world are in peril," President Biden said after touring storm damage in New York and Jersey. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) STANG: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (voice-over): Early February 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun from Ohio, leaves a meeting of peasant farmers, whose land she's helping to protect, and walks into the jungle towards her home. PLANET IN PERIL: Battle Lines - 'Elephant Poaching' - Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs Kathy Griffin shares her memories of Joan Rivers How young is too young for shooting? Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. But killing Sister Dorothy did not have the result some ranchers may have hoped for. Amazingly, there's no shortage of food or diapers or even toilet paper. fairbanks ice dogs standings . And when that melts, the water is affecting us because the level of the sea is rising all of the time. And the people are stronger than ever, and we do not intend to leave here. And the IBAMA agents know that. COOPER (voice-over): A projection range based on computer models. We're in the wake of the fire and you can see the devastate it's left behind. There is no online registration for the intro class Terms of usage & Conditions GUPTA: From what we have seen in Greenland, Alaska and Africa, the Earth's climate is clearly changing. It is not right. The icy expanse of Greenland, land and sky seem frozen forever. It is even very hard. It explains how they are in our hands now, and asks what we will decide. Watch your head here. PLANET IN PERIL continues after this short break. It's those types of numbers that have led to an unprecedented move. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. Yet due to its dry climate, scientists say it's the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It's creating rivers of melt water that carve deep holes in the ice called a moulins (ph). First episode date: 23 October 2007 (USA) Network: CNN. Our helicopter lowers down within feet of her. At first glance, it looks like a relatively healthy forest. COOPER: But Carter (ph) points out the people whose health is in danger, whose quality of life is degraded, more often than not remain silent. A quick search turns up a small arsenal. What we saw from above the islands was a coral reef that appeared bleached and dying. Combine that with the fact that Africa's population is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. This is a peninsula that became an island because the ice fields that connected it to the mainland of Greenland melted and structurally destabilized and broke away. PLANET IN PERIL continues after this break. Benzene and butadiene are also known to cause other serious health effects like respiratory diseases and birth defects. CORWIN (voice-over): Searching for polar bears in Northeastern Alaska isn't like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's like looking for a haystack-colored needle in a haystack. Unable to protect her little boy, Rosario Marroquin felt helpless, as she started looking for answers. Some estimates do have the Earth warming more than it currently is. Trees that once stood on the beach are now submerged. Some evacuees here are getting their first look at the damage. They're saying that very few people come to this village, very few outsiders. His mother, Rosario, was just happy she'd found somewhere free from the violence and drugs that plagued other low-income neighborhoods. They are all here, more than 200 of them, to try to put a stop to the animal poachers and loggers who are tearing this forest apart. Spin-off: Planet in Peril: Battle Lines. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. As hunters, gatherers, and farmers, the Kraho rely on the rain forest for food, water, shelter, everything. The consensus among scientists is something is different. to protect the future of a planet in peril? There's actually no law, no ambient air standards, either state or federal, requiring companies to limit the amount of hazardous air pollutants they pump out. Sister Dorothy came to Anapu from her native Ohio in 1983. Then we lift up and she takes off, racing across the ice. INHOFE: Well, if you do, then my time has expired. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One-third less pollution in the Houston Ship Channel this year compared to last year because of our approach of bringing companies in, telling them what we want and we're seeing those reductions. The agents are heavily armed, but heavily outnumbered. I believe it is. This island is a dangerous place. We're almost at the top of the world. Global warming, arctic ice melt and rising oceans will shrink nations and change world maps. So once (INAUDIBLE) we'll get down and we'll actually physically capture these cubs, anesthetize them and gather data. Some say it's just sinking naturally because it was built on a volcano. The water is so fast and has energy that actually carves into the ice before it drops into the moulin. It's not easy to land on a glacier, especially one jutting out from a steep mountain. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got a family group. The five islands that make up the Carterets are just five feet above sea level at their highest point. But part of the Krahos' land has already been illegally clear- cut, and there's little to no law enforcement to stop it. CORWIN: So, basically, it's providing this layer of viscosity to the ice to slide on. CORWIN: Very much so. So we go down a ladder here? Somewhere on this ice, on this white-reflected snow and ice, is a white creature that we need to catch up with. So, really, that's all that is remaining of it now. COOPER: When did you realize, wait a minute, this is an island, this is not part of the mainland? These four men have been taken into custody. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will have to stay. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. But that also means that the power demand on the grid will go up. (on camera): This documentary is the result of a year long investigation. Crews have largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego. It's only about eight years. From the air, it's clear the lake is dropping. CORWIN: His data indicates an animal that's changing along with the habitat around it. But above and beyond that, beyond the environment, beyond the impact on wildlife, human beings can be negatively impacted from climate change. V. MARROQUIN: To change the pollution to somewhere else. This worldwide investigation, which premiered October 23, 2007, looks at four key issues: climate change, vanishing habitats, disappearing species and human population growth. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): Greenland's ice sheet, 40 percent of it gone in the past 40 years. And if the sea ice continues to decline as it has, it's going to affect polar bears. And it's unclear exactly why. And maybe in two, three years, this whole area will be just completely washed out. Planet in Peril Aired December 20, 2009 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. What we see is startling, a gray landscape with little marine life. STEFFEN: The question is, how can we actually change it for the future? Genre: Documentary. We want to study this. Some of the nearly one million evacuees are getting a look at what's left of their homes this evening. So, what does that really spell for the forecast? Do you feel like the people here have been forgotten? But who lived with her, she wasn't a little old lady. We've arranged to visit one small tribe, the Kraho Indians in the Tacantin state of Brazil. COOPER: Right. You also see dramatic changes in the overall geography of the island, particularly on the coastal areas. But I would like to (CROSSTALK) INHOFE: No, I have 15 minutes. We actually just dove down. He's a native of Niger. And, by Friday, the winds actually blow back onshore, which means all of that smoke that's out there in the ocean will be pushed back into L.A., back into San Diego, and all the way through east and into the valleys, back through Twentynine Palms, maybe through Yuma. So we decided we would go out and put our tents outside. Planets in Peril is a slim volume, yet it contains a great deal of insight into the mind of CS Lewis in regards to the writing and possible sources and meanings behind the Ransom trilogy, otherwise known as the Space Trilogy. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The water just knocked them down. COOPER: Climb back. Sets found in the same folder. We're going to travel to the east coast of Greenland, where a new island emerged because of the retreat of ice. Natural changes in the earth's orbit and the tilt of the sun 10,000 years ago caused the climate to shift, bringing out a long drought. It might be the only way to save an animal that, along with its habitat, could simply disappear. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If these plants were emitting these kinds of levels in River Oaks, it wouldn't be happening, I promise. I want to update you, though, on tonight's breaking news. COOPER: Illegally logged, for the most part? Heard on Morning Edition. 1 In "Planet in Peril," CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Animal Planet host and wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin take viewers around the globe for a two-part documentary on the threats to the world's environment. Her home is disappearing. COOPER: That was far more unpleasant than it needed to be. CNN's Ted Rowlands is north of here in the San Bernardino Mountains, near Lake Arrowhead. A $70,000 reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of whoever may have set that blaze. PLANET IN PERIL - 2007 CNN takes viewers around the world in a four-hour documentary that examines our changing planet. We came here not with the idea to monitor the abrupt change we currently observe. GUPTA: We're going to take you next from a place that suffers not from too much water, but from not enough, Lake Chad. BOYA BAI 7. And all five fires in Los Angeles County are about 50 percent contained or more. On tonight 's breaking news five fires in Los Angeles, U.S. SURVEY. Industries continue to expand, and analyzes why they have thus far fallen short drops into night. Like Senator Inhofe, says money is the prime motivator Downing, a landscape. Gone in 50 years problem is, though, just making sure No one has been. 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