We're finally starting to see full spoilers of unit cards. AMG really, really needs to start looking at points variety between factions I dont think anyones going to scream bloody murder if it happens. They have coordinate, Critical 1, and Agile, all of which are great benefits to them! Though he keeps on moving around, DC, Japan, ETC., he always seems to find his way back eventually. Print power:The best 3D printers for miniatures. Alternatively, two T-47 lists have been pretty successful, because theyre really good anti-armor pieces and armor is having a moment now. Broadly speaking, a meta is what sort of lists you expect to see at a tournament, and more specifically which lists you expect to need to beat in order to be successful in that tournament. But, for those players loyal to the Republic or with a love for the clanking Separatists, keep your eyes peeled for a prequel-era update to this guide in the future. Pair it with her Cover Ops card ability, allowing you to deploy Verso anywhere on the battlefield beyond range 3 of the enemy, and youll be quickly storming objectives or capturing a strategic tower to pick off the enemy units as they advance. The big threats that kept them down, Pykes and Dodge spam, have been severely neutered, so theyre stronger by default, but two of their better options have also taken a hit. They may themselves have hard counters, but those counters are either inefficient or not commonly taken in tournament lists. continue reading after the jump: https://thefifthtrooper.com/star-wars-legion-tank/. The reasons for this are myriad. Her incredible speed, coupled with tremendous defense, offers a unique option to rebel commanders who are looking for a mobile control piece. All of this transfers over to Legion, so why are they in C Tier? They have strong commanders, strong operatives, strong special forces, and recently have received strong heavy options. But, with so many tantalising options lovingly depicting your favourite Star Wars characters in all their miniaturised glory, it can be difficult to know where to begin. I am a new player, and separatists are rather new army so I cannot find many sources with gaming advice and tutorials for newbie. Strict Orders is a card avilable in the Jyn Erso expansion. They can be gimmicky, or just tough to run correctly, but arent collecting dust on your shelf. But on the flip side, how many times have games come down to whether or not you can get rid of a single suppression at an opportune time? Inspire removes suppression tokens from nearby troops, and the Take Cover ability grants doge tokens to those nearby. Lets take a look at the expected average wounds to a group of Rebel Troopers and Stormtroopers. Tauntauns, while still good, often cannot compare with the role that Wookiees have recently filled, or that Luke or Sabine could fill. The classic example of this was Tauntauns during the August 2019 (NOVA Open) through January 2020 (Las Vegas Open), which also included several other tournaments such as Warfaire Weekend and Season 4 of Invader League. This is a writeup of a recent tournament. Rebels are in a nice place because you still see a variety of competitive lists out there. If theres a lot of easily-traversable cover to move between, Fleet Troopers are guaranteed to upset the Imperial forces. I hate sand:These are the best Star Wars board games. Darth Maul. All the Rebel lists had triple Tauntauns, and all the Imperial lists had at least 2; this is a major meta factor. The dark days of Rex-star may not be on the horizon, but these cuts are a significant boost to an army that really needed it. There's still a lot of work to be done on it, and of course I'm still continuing work on the Legion list builder, but rest assured that list saving and sharing, collection tools, print views, and a facelift are all coming. The number one way to begin to improve is becoming more deliberate about the way the game is played. CIS and Rebels sort of hung around the middle, Grand Army of the Republic lagged behind after some demonstrably overenthusiastic attempts at rebalancing last year (though still finding success in the hands of some of the best players), and Empire and Shadow Collective (and to a large extend the powerful SC units splashed in to other armies) ran away with the lead. Converting surge and hits to criticals, its perfect for dealing concentrated damage with consistency in the thick of firefights. Sabine soars into the Rebel roster this week. Constant conflict:Read our guide to the best war board games. I've been an avid tabletop game player for about eight years now, have played Star Wars X-Wing for six years, and have played Star Wars Legion for two! I have to admit that first list looks tasty. Best known for his Maximum Firepower ability, which drastically boosts the chances of successfully hitting targets, and grants attacks deflection immunity, Veers is at his best when on the front lines. Today were going to take a look at a couple of new meta Rebel lists that have been getting play in recent events. Five vehicles! Prepare for Battle. Clone lists are unparalleled at slugging it out over open areas, but they lack mobility and tend to want to stay together in a ball, so if you can split their focus and force them to do things besides aiming, dodging, and shooting youve got a chance. Bearing both offensive and defensive surge, they have decent offensive and defensive capabilities, but for 70 points it doesnt carry the weight it needs to. Its a well deserved to win. Shadow Collective. You cant go fielding a battalion of heroic commanders, or filling out your ranks with swarms of squishy grunts alone, but rather must abide by Legions army composition rules. Star Wars Legion has an active community in Texas. There are many ways to do a Rebel Mando skew; you could swap Cassian/K2/Chewie for Sabine and R2, if you really wanted to go all in there (and upgrade one of the generic Mandos to Clan Wren). Rebels have some really interesting aggressive skew options that are well positioned to deal with some of the top meta lists running around right now. Excelling at rapidly dishing out high damage over short spurts, Rebel Fleet Troopers trade range for damage. I currently own all republic pieces except for the specialists and anakin as they seem impossible to find. Often gimmicky, overcosted, and underwhelming, these units cant help but sit on your shelf and gather dust. Star Wars Legion COMMANDER TIER LIST - YouTube 0:00 / 49:16 Star Wars Legion COMMANDER TIER LIST 3,939 views Jun 23, 2022 109 Dislike Share Save The Jodo Cast 2K subscribers Joe. Join. This makes it like a Mortar Trooper without range 4, but with actual firepower. An unofficial list building tool and resource for Atomic Mass Games: Star Wars: Legion. Captain DLT rebel troopers are only like 2 or 3 more points than a vet + the heavy. Credit Mike Bettle-Shaffer. But the TX-225 shows the potential for vehicles to pack destructive power worthy of their unit cost. You can still consider this series of articles speculation since on paper everything, Woah! GAR lists can capably handle some armor with ARCs and crit fishing, especially tanks, who rely on their save (Lethal goes a long way there). Been a few years since I played Legion but thinking about returning and was wondering what a competitive rebel list looks like now? The E-Web has always been the cousin that shows up for Thanksgiving and Christmas but isnt seen the rest of the year. Tenacity going up from four to six probably just means that a lot of melee units just got a sideways hit of +2 points, because it was almost an autotake for some units like Magnaguard, Wookiees and Maul. It rounds out gunlines nicely, and can be coordinated from Shoretroopers since its an emplacement trooper, but it being a support is its biggest problem. After a wild year of battleforces, mercenaries, and Imperial oppression, AMG today released their 2022 points changes for Star Wars Legion. It is of little value on the field and moderately difficult to remove, but able to put out a lot of suppression and disruption, making it an ideal harassing unit. Treat X: Capacity Y is a free card ability and can be used as a free action during a units activation. Thats a complicated way of saying that counting up certain aspects of the board will make you more aware of your win condition, and can guide you towards the next best move. A recent addition to the support roster, the DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid has made a name for itself quite quickly. Every Imperial list had multiple of them, and if there is a unit that needs to be looked at, its likely Shore Troopers. Lupo made waves with his skillful and surprising saboteur play. The BARC Speeder is the redheaded stepchild of the speeders, and even after impactful points cuts, they still suffer the same problem of any non-clone trooper unit in GAR: why not take a clone? This droid knows whats up. Finn ran this one against me in our most recent team league match. Lets take a look at the current state of the Star Wars LEGION meta after LVO. These articles are written in the hopes of taking some portion of ones Star Wars: Legion play off autopilot. Their Sharpshooter ability mitigates any cover advantages that their target might accrue by cowering behind neighbouring hunks of debris, and their DLT-19x Sniper can reach any target on the field, useful for dealing with that one pesky commander making mincemeat of your frontline. Legion is a game of taking territory and of maximizing and balancing your activations. Add an extra miniature to your Snowtroopers, equip a T-7 Ion Trooper if vehicles are the mainstay of your opponents force, or, most popularly, choose a Flametrooper, whose Spray keyword ability adds a black hit dice to the Snowtrooper units attack pool for each targeted enemy. This ability cannot be used if the card that has the Treat X: Capacity Y keyword has a number of wound tokens on it equal to or exceeding Y. Versios Loadout ability also allows you to swap any of Versios upgrade cards for others upon deployment, effectively allowing you to build multiple, comparable builds of the same point value, and choose between them at the games start. I really want to go all in with infiltrate. [], Top 8 armies at the Legion Las Vegas Open [], Over the past weekend, Dec 2nd-4th 2022, there was a Legion tournament held at Pax [], Invader League regional eliminations are over! The Landspeeders are civilian vehicles mounted with jury-rigged weapons making them lightly armored, mobile, and versatile weapons platforms and fast troop transports. An investment in the Shadow Collective is still paying off. The biggest winner here is, by a country mile, Empire. Another unit that once reigned supreme and has had a slight fall from glory, STAP Riders are the big older brother to Imperial speeder bikes. Now youre after something more. This puts us both in vulnerable positions, I generally want to deploy and activate first if possible so that I can deploy literally anywhere on the board and react to the situation first. For the past few months, Legion has been in a pretty stable place, and honestly every faction has seen some real successes with a capable pilot at the wheel, even where the weaker factions struggled without defaulting to "the" build (such as GAR with Anakin / Padme / Pykes ). Look at some of the SOCAL open lists that happened last weekend. AT-RTs were once the powerhouse of early rebel lists, but have since been outclassed by the firepower of units in nearly every category. It isnt the worst option to take an AT-RT, but if you are bringing one you have to know what your game plan is with it in any situation, otherwise it can end up being dead weight holding you back. For more information, please see our In this case it's not the tauntauns getting cut open, but your opponents on the other end of their claws! 796/800. But that was with a single infiltrate unit in a Han / Chewie list. As I mentioned in the first article I wrote about the X-34, Rebel players as a whole had been burned by the inefficient and ineffective T-47 in the Heavy role. Coming in at a lower point cost than the AT-ST, its a no brainer for any vehicle-fond commanders keen on a slow game. Star Wars Legion: Grand Army of the Republic (aka Clones) - Dice and Destruction Star Wars Legion: Grand Army of the Republic (aka Clones) Posted on March 9, 2020 By Exitiabilis No Comment I recently played my first 800-point game with the Clone Army. Load it up with Stormtroopers to ferry them to the frontlines, or simply use it as a more primitive barrier to block incoming fire. Where the Rebellion falters, the Grand Army of the Republic steps in to fill the void. Breaking down the commanders we've got: 2 Emperor Palpatine 2 Director Krennic 1 General Veers 3 Leia Organa Considering Veers was the most taken commander, it's a pretty poor showing for him to only get 1 in the top eight. Overall, these are good changes the faction (both solo and as mercenaries) is still completely playable and in contention, just probably slightly less oppressive than they were before maybe one less unit and a few more upgrades per army, which feels fair. Enter: the expansion packs. Lets turn from general stats to the look at the top eight. What does it mean for a list to be counter meta? AMG, listen to me were almost in 2023, its the future already, we have the technology where the same unit or upgrade can and should cost different points in different armies. It has a lot of potential, and as GAR is becoming less focused on running mass clones it gains more viable strategies, and it may be an interesting counter-meta pick with it being immune to Melee and having Cover 2. Click for details. Snipers were also very popular in the top eight lists; players wanted anything they could with longer range. The internet is filled with posts of Mandalorian fans asking how to make the unit work, because Mandos are just cool (give me Death Watch you cowards), and its a shame AMG hasnt taken the opportunity to try and address internal balance at the same time as faction balance. Network N Media earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. Credit Mike Bettle-Shaffer. It was fun because it was thematic, it was also nostalgic and throwing up to 14 dice at another unit is amazing (thanks to Weiss giving you arsenal 4). Lukes winning list has a lot of long-ranged firepower with Mortars and Snipers and T-21B troopers. Luke, Leia, a maxed out fleet trooper squad with officer, two medics, one objective holding rebel trooper squad and the triple Saboteurs. (Bonus: some more angles of the broken B1 basing) 1 / 2. There is no flow chart of books a new player needs to memorize and purchase. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. X-perience:Why Star Wars X-Wing is the best gateway wargame. However, the Critical Keyword is unreliable when dealing with mass amounts of armor, and GAR lists tend to leave a lot of paint (hits) on the table when all their important targets have the armor keyword. Black Sun escaped any real changes this time around, and other units are still great, just not criminally undercosted. Treat X: Capacity Y can be used on units that have the trooper, emplacement trooper, or creature trooper unit type. C Tier units are classified as units that serve a very specific purpose in your list, and are otherwise not worth taking. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. Anakin, Padme and to a lesser extend Yoda are the heroes the Republic revolves around, narratively as well as mechanically, and while Im not yet nervous about them being left untouched while the army around them gets stronger, I wouldnt want to encourage any balance tweaks for the rest of the faction until we see how the dust settles. While Luke, Han and soon Sabine headline the popular Rebel lists, there is one woman behind them all: Leia Organa, the bedrock of the Rebel Alliance. An early version of the Shatterpoint list builder is now up. Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett Step 2: Buy the Core Set that comes with that Faction. A flamethrower or a rotary blaster can be nice, but for their cost (both opportunity and in list building), the AT-RT is outclassed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Phase Two Clone Troopers Credit: LunarNight. Crabbok 34K. Ben and Andrew run two of the local tournaments here in Houston. In this video we talk getting started, local Meta, Tournament results, lists, and the upcoming escalation league. None of these changes were likely targeted at Rebels, aiming instead squarely at Dodge spam, but theyre a damn good case study in why faction specific points costs badly need to be a thing. Arc Troopers (both the core unit and the Strike Team) and Phase II Clone Troopers both received valuable points costs, while a swath of upgrades got cheaper as well. Structurally it would look pretty similar to the Mando list, but with Pathfinders instead of Mandos. While Legions core set introduces the games mechanics and operations of play, the real meat of the game comes from fielding a variable army of customisable units and their attendant accoutrements. April 12, 2023. The X-34 Landspeeder: Iconic, regconizeable, expensive. 24 days ago. The Fifth Trooper has a good breakdown of the top eight lists. Rebels have, in many ways, been the faction of identity crisis. With a smaller points price tag than Luke, fielding Leia will free up enough space to add another Rebel Trooper squadron with an added Z-6 chaingun to your army useful if youre after greater heavy firepower. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and check back soon for more Star Wars Legion, X-Wing and Armada content. Though you can take up to two commanders, none of the top eight lists took a second. GAR wasnt doing too well, but it was held up to okay level by some pretty strong pieces, and those pieces havent been touched. The Fifth Trooper Legion 101 Learning to Count in Star Wars: Legion, https://yavinbase.blog/the-generals-strict-orders/?fbclid=IwAR20xtTxpmq9ZKpcn813xIpQi01OPt1_AfpjMa8YuIFNyLaVEZ4V6qTw7Zw, The Fifth Trooper: Armor for your Armoire Lets talk about the Occupier Tank in Star Wars Legion, https://thefifthtrooper.com/star-wars-legion-tank/, https://www.legionacademy.net/2019/05/30/medical-droids/, The Fifth Trooper: When Death Troopers come knocking: Why my Star Wars Legion list has changed, Legion Academy: Sabine Wren Explosive Artist, https://www.legionacademy.net/2019/05/20/sabine-wren-explosive-artist/, Impact X Blog: X-34 Landspeeder: Unit Analysis, NTMtO Blog: Sabotaging the Meta Daniel Lupo, http://tabletopadmiral.com/legion/rebel/p0bu1au2cuEMp04u09u0au2bp06u10u40uEMuEMp06u10u40uEMuEMp06u10uEMuEMuEMp0cu1fu31u25uEMp06uEMuEMuEMuEMp0eu30uEMuEMu2buEMp0eu30uEMuEMu2buEMp0eu30uEMuEMu2buEMc08c02c06c0bc0dc12c13o00o01o02o03z00z02z03z04t00t01t02t04, https://swlegionodds.com/2019/04/25/sabotaging-the-meta-daniel-lupo/. Out of the gate this once again was a win for the Empire. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Jack Hunter, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Jack Hunter, Colin Ward and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Garrett "John Condit" Severson, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Liam "Corrode" Royle and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Will "Loxi" Angarella, Rocco Gest and Marcille "Marcy" Donato, B Phillip York, FromTheShire and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. For a long time, the vehicles of Star Wars: Legion carried a reputation of obsolescence. Although making only a fleeting cinematic appearance in Episode Vs Battle of Hoth, these flannel-faced soldiers function as a mean force of concentrated firepower in Star Wars: Legion that would be sorely missed in any Imperial force. In this article, well explore just how Strict Orders functions in a rebel army, and how its especially good on Leia Organa. Cookie Notice Your S Tier units are ones that you are happy to be including in your list, and will get milage in nearly every matchup. NR-N99 Persuader-class Tank Droid Unit Expansion. Ill tell you the skew Im looking forward to: Anakin and triple Wookiees ?? Starting with no ranged attack, only the new self-destruct attack, you are near required to equip a Hardpoint, and thankfully all of them are well worth equipping. What are you looking to do with all that infiltrate? We played as tax auditors in the new Warhammer 40k RPG. It's an easy list to play since there's usually few options you have and you gotta hope the rolls go your way. Interviewing the Top 3 Kill Team Players from Adepticon! They lack the flashiness of STAPs and the versatility of BARCs, and are left being right in the middle of cool and functional. Star Wars: Shatterpoint; Star Wars: Legion. Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion. Can you Survive Killers, Zombies, and Mars? Or the old school triple Tauntaun list; perhaps your opponent could handle one aggressive creature trooper in their face, but what about three at a time? Lets check [], Last weekend (March 11-12) Front Line Gaming hosted the Rocky Mountain Open in Denver Colorado. The problem of Tauntauns is not one of their own and rather the faction. The problem units of the problem battleforce in the problem faction, Speeder Bikes and the Stormtrooper Heavy Response Unit, werent touched, and Blizzard Force really needed some points tweaks bids of 20 points plus were pretty common, and when you can run an army that far under budget and still come out on top, somethings gone horribly wrong with the design somewhere. AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion. We learned a lot about the game through the demos at both Adepticon and SW Celebration and I was fully, We Finally have the full reveal for Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)! Having fallen behind after some needed, but heavy handed nerfs to Rex-star early in, GAR armies had fallen into a very clear build of Anakin/Padme/Pykes as sort of the list, with Padme in particular almost necessary to just function. It looks better in almost every way. Wound tokens on cards are not considered to be on units and do not count toward a units wound threshold, nor can they be removed by abilities that remove wound tokens from units. They're finally getting revenge for being killed off early in The Empire Strikes Back, and they mean business. its primary job is to get troops safely into position and then to harass and flank the opponents troops. Ideally I want to force a fight turn 1 that my opponent cant ignore, distracting him from objective play and negating his ability to out position me (admittedly throwing caution to the wind). Best miniature wargames 2023 - our five picks, Star Wars: Legion reveals Yoda and magnaguards in first thematic expansions, Check out this Star Wars: Legion fans scale model of Mos Eisley Cantina, Life after Games Workshop for Warhammer TV's Louise Sugden, We played as tax auditors in the new Warhammer 40k RPG, Premium Ragavan MTG card sells for $6500+. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Her DLT-20A Rifle carries infinite range on two black dice, with a High Velocity effect that cancels targets dodge tokens, and a Pierce 1 ability that ignores a defence roll, ensuring any landed hit deals devastating damage. What potentially may be a hot take, the Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft is a newcomer to the Legion scene just like the DSD, and it seems to be slotting into new GAR archetypes well. The "Rule of Cool" reigns supreme, and this tier list is more in terms of meta play than it is in kitchen table play, so don't let this define what you bring to your next game night. Way back eventually and triple Wookiees? a lot of easily-traversable Cover to move between, Troopers! Good breakdown of the broken B1 basing ) 1 / 2 Andrew run two of the list... Wars Legion, X-Wing and Armada content on paper everything, Woah coming in at couple. 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