When they returned, they found Leslie McCarthy's severed torso floating in the middle of the lake, though they wouldn't confirm the body was Leslie until later. He didn't know why she was being so difficult. I am sure she has been bombarded with a million nasty emails and more then likely this is the reason she probably shut it down. Tammy Lyn was dead. American news outlets reported freely on the case, so there were actually floods of Canadians crossing the border specifically to buy up newspapers and magazines that were covering it. Today, we're exploring the crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, also known as the Ken and Barbie killers. In fact, while Kristen was their prisoner, Paul left the house to run an errand alone with the young girl. Please note, Vanessa is not a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, but she has done a lot of research for this show. Paul felt cocky and was ready for his next attack. Paul was handsome, charming, educated, and career-oriented precisely the kind of man that she had been dreaming about; the kind who could give her the story book ending she had always pictured for herself. In fact many of them enjoy the bad things they do. When Paul found out he flew into a rage, he screamed, telling her that he would bolt the doors so she could never come back. The police didn't know what it was (they thought it was Kristen French at that time), but Karla knew she soon confessed to her lawyer that the memory came to her in a dream. Psychologist Edward Thorndyke described this as a cognitive bias under which people gauge a person's character by a single positive quality. He raped the fifteen year old for hours and forced her to drink alcohol during the ordeal. I'm not sure that would shame her, Anon. They'd gotten away with their accidental murder. I am also working on reading the Galligan report as of yesterday. Paul forced Kristen to say that she loved him. Four days later, Paul was arrested. showed up at her home in Guadeloupe, but before that; I think she knew people were watching her and she kind of liked it. I agree Kitty, the picture should stay up. That is going to be their end. She was choking, panicked. They were out for blood and were horrified that Karla was given such a light punishment for her role in the murders. Lots of questions! Yesterday, Mr. Cooper read into the record virtually every word of the police transcript -- for every 15 seconds of tape, there is a descriptive paragraph or two -- of that video. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. Don't miss the story of the man who broke the sound barrier while skydiving from the edge of space, or the harrowing tale of a 17 year old girl who survived alone in a rainforest for 11 days after her plane broke apart midair. Many world leaders,Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune500 companies are members of Illuminati. Like who knows if she would have committed crimes if she had never met him. He also uses the fireside chat as a platform to push forward proposed bills that Congress had yet to act upon. He also forced her to watch her parents on television, pleading for her safe return. Karla blames the media for her horrible decisions in life - like a true psychopath. Bernardo alleges that, early on in their relationship, he asked his young girlfriend what she would think if he told her that he was a rapist. They're kids (Aurelie, Noah & the youngest one) will always have to be on the run with them. That night, he case Leslie's body parts in eight blocks of cement and then dumped them into a nearby lake. That's idiotic. But unlike Leslie, Kristen wasn't made to wear a blindfold, so it seems unlikely that they ever really intended to let her leave. The reason she got away with so much is because the Canadian government made a huge mistake, and they refused to ever fix it. Unsurprisingly, he immediately foisted the blame onto his wife. The reports of her conduct in prison do not reflect a stable, rehabilitated person. Do you think she manipulated Paul into everything and led him to believe that he was the one in control?2) Do you think Karla was the true killer of the girls? However, any protective instincts for her sister stopped there earlier. IMHO, it always has and always will be about "image" with Karla. If she's living in Quebec people need to do something about it. Hi, everyone. Paul wanted to take what he desired by force on June 7th, hoping to satisfy her husband's appetite for a young, virginal teens, Karla invited a friend over to spend time with them. Er wird dich nicht enttuschen. I remember reading an article about it on a magazine somewhere in the early 90's. (She should have been charged with murder 1 as soon as they found the tape of her sister. I agree--it is much healthier to have a full triangle of hair in that area of the body--it is healthy to have a clear way to separate the women from the girls and this is how it used to be done. When the couple looked closer and saw that there were body parts in the cement, they raised the alarm. Thanks Kitty! Franklin D. Roosevelt. But in reality, things were worse than ever. I even read that a prison girlfriend of hers was really disturbed about how Karla ordered her to tie her up and hurt her/play "sex games" with her. This is Serial Killers, a podcast original. They dumped her naked body in a ditch about 20 miles away, then returned home on April 30th. The transcripts offer a chilling journey through the mind of a woman who initially portrayed herself as a cowering victim of spousal abuse. Amongst the many sources we used, we found the book Deadly Innocence by Scott Burnside. Oral sex was no big deal. Paul Bernardo was into virgins. Apparently, Paul didn't care if Karla knew he stepped out on her. Bless her heart; she decided to spare her parents and sister the pain of loss times two. Guadeloupe has so much problems right now, and we dont need such a monster Close to our kids. Lest we forget what an utter show-off she was, as though the sole purpose of her existence was to be seen and admired. The Transcript For Paul Bernardo And Karla Homolka's Video Tapes By brandedforcarnage 6 March 2021 No Comments These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. Karlas immediate rush to clean up seems like an obvious attempt at destroying evidence, but it was likely also associated with Karla's need to absolve herself of the guilt she was feeling for killing her sister. The couple stopped at a hardware store to pick up some concrete mix. While undergoing psychiatric evaluation before her trial, Karla wrote the following letter to Karel, Dorothy, and Lori Homolka on April 13, 1993: Karla allowed Paul to drug and rape Tammy Lyn, who unintentionally died as a direct result. In truth, Karla Homolka (now calling herself "Emily Bordelais" or "Leanne Teale Bordelais") still makes her home in Canada, at least for part of the year. On May 4, 1987, he committed his first known rape. They are all sick, deranged pieces of shit. The pair put her body into their basement. Make that POS pay for what she did. After she passed out the next morning, Natasha woke up feeling sick but didn't realize why, thinking she'd had too much to drink. Unable to fully process the horrific experience, Leslie's body likely shut down some cognitive functions, resulting in her trancelike days. Who cares if she breast feeds. There has always been a good deal of discussion surrounding the timeline of that horrible Christmas Eve at the Homolka house; many have speculated that Karla could well have "finished the job" on her sister after the attack, after Paul had gone to sleep -- that's the way he says it happened. Calmly, he laid out his threat. Karla lost faith in the man of her dreams. This is exactly what major companies are paying for. Society has been asked to accept that the whole 3 dead girls thing was just a silly phase she went through when she was young, and that she is all better now. I have learned so much from the information you have provided and I havent even touched probably 10-15% of it. Hi, Anon: I'm sure your prayers are greatly appreciated by the families who continue on in their suffering.Thanks for reading :), I have a question aswell: How are the all the parents doing?I mean does Karlas family still talk to her? That said, the coroner did notice something odd about Tammys body. He loved watching himself rape his girlfriend's unconscious sister and was obsessed with the moment when he took her virginity, even though he took great joy reliving that night. Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. It was the same way in prison: she took a lover in prison, used her for protection and money, then dropped her like a hot potato after she was transferred to the mens' prison (where she met Gerbet).5) According to the scientific literature, "psychopathy" cannot be helped. Unfortunately, Karla had no idea what she was doing when she mixed her sister's drink. Or the ultra marathoner whose rare genetic condition lets him run for days without stopping. When he approached her about his desire to deflower her youngest sister, Tammy, Karla reluctantly agreed. Only Karla knows for sure, and of course Tammy Lyn.3) I read somewhere that apparently Karla had sex with quite a few young women (rapes as well as non-rapes, including a hooker at one point) and I believe most of this was caught on tape of course. According to Karla, his confidence made her feel hopeless. On April 19, 1992, Paul and Karla go out driving in search of another teenage sex slave. They encounter 15 year old Kristen French on her way home from school. Due to the graphic nature of these killer's crimes, listener discretion is advised this episode includes discussions of assault, rape, torture and murder that some people may find offensive. Shortly after her release, she legally applied to change her name but her request was denied. You've hit the nail squarely on its head: competing for Mother of the Year is simply what teen queen's do after their breasts flop and their faces break out in creases and lines. However, they couldn't make her appear too mentally unstable, as that would detract from her credibility as a witness. Instead, they loaded Kristen's naked body into their car and drove it to the town of Burlington, around 20 miles away. My thinking is, the more details the public has on this notorious child rapist & murderer the better. Right now I am on page 205 this is where I got much of the details of the crimes he committed on each of the girls he had raped. Looking closer, it was clear that the 22 year old had wounds all over her body. Feeding and diapering may be the exhausting part, but it does not compare to the much more important aspect of child rearing, which is to assist them on their way to becoming adults who function in and contribute to society. Anyone who lives near this woman or interacts with her in any capacity should be scared shitless! In addition to debilitating narcissism and being psychopaths I'm sure. I forgot to proofread! Defense lawyers for Paul Bernardo Wednesday attempted to chip away at videotapes showing sexual assaults on murder victims Kristen French, 15, and Leslie Mahaffy, 14. Her husband must be a moron. But still, she was scared of his verbal and physical abuse and did what she could to stay safe in the marriage. Back at their house, Paul subjected Kristen to the same treatment he'd shown Leslie. Personally, I think she's even sicker than he is because she wasn't compelled by psychopathy -- it was all her choice.2) Personally, I believe she killed the girls. Homolka was released on July 4, 2005 amid a media feeding frenzy camera crews staked out Ste. I was thinking her 'gardener' must have quit! They refer to themselves as "V Dogs". It was her carelessness in posting online that led to her being discovered by the admin team @ WatchingKarlaHomolka (now WKH2012), which led to ripoff artist Paula Todd flying to Guadeloupe, proving WKH right and then passing the scoop off as her own.If Karla hadn't put the information out there, she wouldn't have been found, IMO. Just a short week later, on June 15th, 1991, Paul cruised through the streets looking for prey. 488-494) These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. Believe it or not, I looked into that website that she had put together as well. But her ex husband beat the living shit out of her and she could not fight back physically because she is a coward. Can they help prevent their behavior like this?6) Do you think the act of murder turned them on and made them orgasm etc? I win.". At one stage, he invited Karla into the room, eager for a threesome. Karla has never been the rebellious sort; she'll always do exactly what is expected of her. But Paul ignored her request. It looked curiously like a chemical burn, ultimately because Timi died choking on her own bile, the coroner determined that the burn was likely just gastrointestinal acid from her vomit. The email address on there doesn't work anymore. She show no respect for us, hiding under Another name, playing the good mother rle. Hi, Anon! Then, when police rang Paul's doorbell on May 12th, 1992, with few leads in Kristen's murder. Following one of the most sensational trials in Canadian history, Paul Bernardo was convicted of a number of offences, including two counts of first-degree murder, and two counts of aggravated sexual assault. October 22, 1933. . Paul was still angry with Karla. About this speech. He beat her and threatened to tell Karla's parents and the police that she murdered her sister on her own, wielding the threat like a weapon, Paul insisted Karla find new ways to please him sexually. Vanessa is going to take over and the psychology here and throughout the episode. Karla is now living in Chateauguay, QC at 16 Beauchamp. Having gotten away with two slayings so far, it's possible Paul felt invincible. please i beg, someone help those children police hellooooooooooo 2+2=? Leslie was a girl with a troubled home life and a habit of sneaking out. Wanting to appear truthful, he made an effort to look the officers directly in the eyes, kept his legs still and held his hands together so they wouldn't shake. In them, the 24-year-old woman describes her interest. The video was eventually viewed as court evidence. Now that she's more mature, the "in" thing to do is to be a doting mom. Paul produced his video camera and set it up to record. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. I either wanted to be totally away from him or I wanted him to love me. Those intriguing results could be attributed to something called the halo effect in a 1920 paper entitled The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings. Eventually, she took this sleeping in the guest bedroom, but it still wasn't enough space for Karla. By the time he and Karla began dating, he had already committed a number of rapes and other sexual crimes against women. A media firestorm ensued yet again when it was reported that Karla had given birth to a baby boy less than two years after her release from prison. People have the right to know! If you think that's bad, rent any porno from the 1970s -- holy muff-a-thon, Batman! Such a psychopath is full of lies. Sounds like they're already off to a good start! Anyway here I'll post question 2 again:2) Do you think she intentionally murdered Tammy? On one occasion, Karla drugged Natasha's drink and Paul raped her. Thorndyke found that when military officers were asked to rank qualities of their subordinates, those with higher ratings of one characteristic typically had higher ratings of other ones. Backed into a corner, Karla felt forced to stay. His girlfriend, 20 year old Karla Homolka, was ignoring his orders and he wasn't happy about it. Karla didn't argue with him, but she did suggest they at least sedate Leslie with sleeping pills so she wouldn't know what was happening during their trial. Paul claimed that Karla then gave the young girl a lethal dose. Some psychologists refer to this as moral cleansing. She went from trying to emulate 1980's Polo wearing, big muff sporting (referring to hairstyle lol) yuppie lifestyle while torturing & murdering young girls to "I'm a granola mom now who's whole life revolves around baby shit & how to make a living from it.". In April of 1992, 27 year old Paul Bernardo and his wife, 21 year old Karla Homolka, abducted, raped and murdered 15 year old Kristen French. 4) Why do you think psychiatrists were so mind-boggled by her? This excerpt describes the second video filmed by Karla Homolka and Ken Bernardo, a few weeks after their rape and murder of Karla's little sister, Tammy Lyn Homolka. I'm the same, like last post, I'm a psychologist but also an astrologer, and I see this sadomasoquism in both of their natal chartsAlso the cruelty to women (venus conj mars) and both have moon in aries. Together, they watched approximately 20 minutes of Lisa and the Devil before Tammy passed out unconscious. According to researchers Philip Tetlock, Ori Cristel, Beth Ellson and Melanie Green, one of the three ways people practice moral cleansing is through acts of physical cleaning, like bathing or washing hands. The commotion woke Karla's family, who watched in horror as Tammy was carried out on a stretcher when her parents asked what had happened. She might have seen his face, he said, or remember his car. Because of Tammys age, and the fact that she probably wasnt accustomed to drinking alcohol (only on special occasions), nobody seemed concerned when she began slurring her speech and claimed that she was seeing double. Had put together as well in Psychological Ratings Tammys body habit of sneaking out feel hopeless also on... Of a woman who initially portrayed herself as a platform to push forward proposed that... Qc at 16 Beauchamp the ultra marathoner whose rare genetic condition lets run! Something about it on a magazine somewhere in the guest bedroom, but she done! N'T make her appear too mentally unstable, as that would shame her, Anon media for her role the. 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