Yule is a winter festival that celebrates the winter solstice. The 12 days of yule are a festive time leading up to Christmas. The seasons and weather played a very important part in their lives. The 12 Days of Yule Dec 20th Mothers Night, the Disir, Yules Eve, Frigg Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening The High Priestess then says: O Crone, the Wheel has turned once more.It is time for the Maiden to claim what is now hers.As you lie down for the winter, she is born once again. The easiest way to cast a wish spell is to write a wish on a piece of paper, charge it with your energy, then burn it and bury it. You can also bring in some bells to ward off evil spirits and bad energy. green is the color of the Irish flag, and its also the color of the Scottish thistle. Yule, otherwise known as the Winter Solstice, is a pagan holiday that marks the longest night of the year. WebWe light the Yule log to honor the beginning of the Suns return and the start of a new year. In fact, I couldnt possibly list all of the ideas I thought of to celebrate! The winter solstice is the time of year when the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, also known as Yule. You can also bake christmas cookies or prepare other festive treats to enjoy during the holiday season. Perform this ritual to celebrate the return of the sun. If you need more ideas, I like the one from Giggles Galore. Now that you know all about the basic Yule symbols, you should have some idea of what you can put on your altar. Many of the customs associated with Christmas began from Yule rites and customs. Here are the main correspondences for Yule/the Winter Solstice. The 12 days of Yule are a time for celebration and for giving thanks. Each culture may associate a different color with Yule, depending on their own traditions and customs. You can spend some more quality time with your loved ones or plan out how you are going to achieve one of those goals that have been lingering in your mind but havent had any specific direction yet. A popular modern take on the Yule log is a roulade-style cake decorated to look like a log. The point of Yule decorations is ideally to use things youve had a hand in making, not items youve purchased. On this one day, the sun stands still in the sky, and everyone on earth knows that change is coming. First, set up a Yule tree near the north side of your altar. It also brings the spirit of renewal and revitalization that pushes us toward the New Year. Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 2122 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 2021 in the Southern Hemisphere). Focus on this time of new beginnings with your Each member of the family should be responsible for their own belongings. The stump could be harvested from the surrounding estate or received as a gift, but never bought. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. And as the end-of-the-year festival, it celebrates rebirth and renewal on a more broad level too. You can give any type of gift you like, but it is traditional to give something that represents the four seasons. Your article about the yule log repeats a debunked theory about the date of Christmas. Get your bathroom clean. The Yule season is full of magic, much of it focusing on rebirth and renewal, as the sun makes its way back to the earth. If you like working with crystals and precious stones, there are several options you can use during Yuletide, including: As discussed, you can either do this the day before Yule or right after Samhain. If you make it a week or two in advance, you can enjoy it as a centerpiece prior to burning it in the ceremony. She then turns to the Mother and lights the Mother's candle. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Yule-festival, celebrating the winter solstice at Stonehenge. Theres laughter, caroling, and people exchanging Yule greetings left and right. Basically, its the shortest day of the year when we get the fewest hours of daylight and the longest night. Corrections? The Yule log is another one of those pagan customs that have inexplicably found their way into Christian traditions. The yule log was a huge log that was part of European Christmas celebrations for centuries. On the other hand, there are plenty of Yule traditions you can do on your own or with your family. Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6, and it marks the end of the Christmas season. There are many different traditions associated with Yule, including gift-giving, decorating homes with Christmas trees and lights, and singing Christmas carols. Modern practices include the nightly lighting of candles honoring the Nine Noble Virtues which come from Odinism or Asatruism. They have more meaning when you make the gift yourself or the gift can be used in magickal practice. It is customary that no work is done during the yuletide. However, that date tends to move around from year to year. Midsummer Day 2023: Why (and How) is Midsummer Celebrated? The 12 days of Christmas are a time of tradition. Perhaps your deity has blessed you in some special way, and to honor him or her, you want to share your good fortune with others. The most important part about celebrating Christmas in our modern lives is cleaning up before it begins! Your offering will be appreciated even if youre off key. You see, many pagans consider the four intermediary festivals between solstices and equinoxes more important because they are based on Celtic, not Germanic beliefs. If you find yourself celebrating Yuletide by your lonesome, there are several solitary rituals you can perform. Yule celebrates the longest night, reminding us how much darkness must exist before dawn can breakthrough once more into lightness at daybreak, leaving our issues and baggage behind. For example, you could make holly water by soaking holly leaves in spring water under a full moon. Traditionally, Yule was celebrated from the solstice on December 21 (called "Mother's Night) to January 1. The first day of yule is typically celebrated by decorating your home with christmas decorations. We give what we can, when we can, to aid those in need. Today, Wiccans would get a 1418-inch long log and decorate it with dried berries, evergreen twigs, pine cones, ribbons, feathers, and cinnamon sticks. If you want to join the carolers, ask someone whos been to the local Yuletide festival which songs they usually sing. At the same time, the Triple Goddess restarts her own cycle, this time in her maiden form. The Mother can wear a red robe and stand to the south, while the Crone dresses in a black robe and veil, and takes her place to the west of the altar. The Wild Hunt is the ghostly parade of spirits who would ride wildly throughout the night and snatch up any travelers wandering crossed their path. You'd be amazed what a good window washing can do for your house, to say nothing of the way you feel. Giuli was a two-month span that marked the time when sunlight began to increase again at the winter solstice. In towns and cities throughout Sweden during the Christmas season, large goats are constructed out of straw. Ultimately, there is no one answer to this question. they provide a lovely contrast on the evergreen tree. As Christianity began to spread in the 4th century, the Christmas feast day was set on December 25 by Pope Julius I to align with the Roman pagan holidayDies natalis solis invicti, the birthday of the invincible Sun. The rest ishistory. Likewise, If you have an all-male group, you could revise this rite so that it focuses on the battle of the Oak King and the Holly King, rather than the Crone and the Maiden. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/about-yule-rituals-2562970. This was a time when the two holidays began WebA Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule - Jenn Campus Whether you celebrate Yule as a pagan or a Christian, it is a time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate the joys of winter. However, other colors such as red, silver, and gold may also be used to represent Yule. On this day, make wassail and sing for fertility of a chosen fruit tree and for good luck in the coming year. Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening before Yule, to celebrate the Disir and feminine power. On this 4th day is the time when social rules were turned upside down, gifts were exchanged, and disguises were worn. Yule is an important holiday celebrated by many people around the world. The Fae can be a bit more provocative and aggressive than humans, so its hard for us to understand what a celebration looks like. The 12 days of Yule may have been based on the 12 days of Christmas. The wind gets colder as winter deepens. However, many people believe that Yule is a pagan holiday, although it is also celebrated by some Christians. Yule is a starting point of sorts, as that is when the Yule Goddess gives birth to the Horned God. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. A Yule tree or wreath may have red and gold ribbons on it as well as decorative lights. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Learn more about thiscenturies-old festival and its traditions (including the Yule logcake!). However, some of the most common greetings for Yule include "Happy Yule!" During the darkest day of the year, it makes sense to reflect, retreat, and reestablish your wards. Yule is typically celebrated around the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. However, green is often considered to be the traditional color of Yule. Yes, the 12 days of Christmas are the days between Christmas and Epiphany. Custom programming and server maintenance by Reinvented Inc. Wood ashes do indeed have beneficial uses in the garden! The HPs concludes the rite by saying: We make these offerings tonight,to show our love to you, O Goddess.Please accept our gifts, and know thatwe are entering this new season with joy in our hearts. Try a different devotional each day, for the next twelve days,to give you food for thought during the holiday season or simply incorporate the ones that resonate with you into your seasonal rituals! Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Here are some of my favorite ways to celebrate Yule that are authenticand easy. Theres no definitive answer, but one possible explanation is that green is often associated with the natural world. Some people like to add a small incantation to the process, like this one: Yule is here, and I smudge this place,Fresh and clean, in time and space.Sage and sweetgrass, burning free,as the sun returns, so it shall be. All rights reserved. Use your pendulum, scry, or do a Winter Solstice tarot spread. Yule is the time of theWinter Solstice, and for many Pagans, it's a time to say goodbye to the old, and welcome the new. To many pagans, Yule is like the traditional New Year holiday. A Yule Log is a fun Scandanavian tradition that you can try as well. Later, when Christianity came to the British Isles, Christians adoptedaspects of the pagan festival into a celebration of the birth of Christ. Since Yule is the festival of birth the birth of light and the Horned God thats what the red symbolizes. Some of my Winter Solstice rituals include leaving offerings for deities or my spirit guides (check out the Yule correspondences below for ideas), but I also really enjoy leaving offerings for nature. [43][45][46] It was a traditional Jewish belief that great men lived a whole number of years, without fractions, so that Jesus was considered to have been conceived on 25 March, as he died on 25 March, which was calculated to have coincided with 14 Nisan. Some modern celebrations of Yule attempt to re-create ancient traditions, while others have been adapted or reimagined to suit contemporary personal and religious practices. Some historians think that sacrifices were an important part of the observance, either to the gods and other supernatural beings (such as elves) or to the dead or both. Mistletoe is huge for both the Winter Solstice and Yule, so I definitely recommend hanging mistletoe. The Saga of Hakon the Good also speaks that the Yule was to be kept holy. In my experience, this makes the money spell much more effective. As the sun returns to the earth, life begins once moreit's a time to bid the Crone farewell, and invite the Maiden back into our lives. If you are in the woodlot, plan to cut some of that white birch into Yule logs for your friends. It has been celebrated for thousands of years by various cultures, with a wide variety of rituals and traditions. However, this has been disputed in recent years, at least one historian positing that jol was a new year festival intended to set the tone for the months ahead. Its known as a kissing plant, but its great for protection as well! Clean your windows. Once you have gathered your supplies, its time to start celebrating! They represent the light of the sun and are used to help guide the sun back to us. Everyone present should take a few moments to meditate upon the time of the season. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. The Crone says: The days will now get longer, now the Sun has returned.My season has ended, yet the season of the Maiden begins.Listen to the wisdom of those who have come before you,and yet be wise enough to make your own way. Instead, Im pretty sure the hunt is a fairy celebration. Its often used to decorate homes and trees during the holiday season. Additionally, Samhain is technically the last stop on the Wheel of the Year before Yule ushers in a New Year. [49] From this point Christmas continued to overtake Yule, although some vestiges of the original celebration remain. as the date of the death of Jesus and having conception and death on the same date signified a divine cycle. Which can be viewed as each month of the preceding year in summary. [47] Sextus Julius Africanus (c.160 c.240) gave 25 March as the day of creation and of the conception of Jesus. Try casting a quick spell over your tea before drinking it. With Tax Day quickly approaching its worth taking some time to reflect not just on tax forms (though those are important! Since weve already talked about the symbolic meaning of Yuletide, you can probably guess what each of these colors represents. You can say whatever you like, but here is an example: "Hail, sun! It is traditional to give gifts to family and friends during Yule. There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century. While youre at it, you can also decorate the rest of your home. The Sabbats are pagan holidays that honor the turning of the seasons based on the sun. It's also a time to celebrate with family and friends, and share the spirit of giving during the holidays. Cover the altar with a winter-themed altar cloth if possible, and in the center, three white candles in individual candleholders. Each of the eight festivals on the pagan calendar corresponds to the years main solar events, namely solstices, equinoxes, and the intervening cross-quarter events. BONUS: Youll also receive our freeBeginner GardeningGuide! How will you change yourself, and maintain your spirit throughout the cold months? More to the point, it is at the heart of Yule traditions, though the Wheel revolves primarily around the masculine deity. We bless this donation in the name of community and of our gods.Each of us is part of this circle, and without all of us,The circle would be broken.Lets join together, in a circle of wisdom, generosity, and caring.. In Germanic countries, Yule logs were large logs that were brought home by fathers and sons to celebrate the return of the sun. You can also make christmas ornaments or other decorations to add to your tree. It is a time for giving thanks and for gathering with family and friends. Many believed that bonfires would keep the evil spirits of the night away (essentially a protection spell), while others thought that the light from the fire would help to usher the light of the sun into the sky again. While you do that, you can think of anything youd like to accomplish in the New Year. Yule is one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, with origins among the ancient Norse thousands of years ago. Everyone was required to have ale from a measure of grain and keep the holiday while the ale lasted or else be subject to a fine. So when Alfred the Great gave free-men 12 days at Yule in the late 9th century, he meant a Christmas vacay. I do believe that there is some truth to the hunt. Vikings decorated evergreen trees with gifts such as food, carvings, and food for the tree spirits to encourage them to return There are many different types of spells that you can do, either on the Winter Solstice or during the Yule season in general. The date varies because our calendars arent exactly aligned with the Sun. The ashes of Yule logs were said to be very good for plants. Recycle the old ones as new ones come in. Yuletide concludes with the celebration on the Twelfth Night, which often coincides with the modern New Year celebrationfull of revelry, food, and drink. Tonight, light candles in the house to fill the home with light and hope. Like many Christian holidays that have their roots in pagan celebrations, Christmas is basically Yule in disguise. Pine cones, cinnamon, and evergreen twigs all represent nature and have protective properties. California Consumer Privacy Act | The eighth day of yule is typically celebrated by decorating your christmas tree. Yule is celebrated on the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. Yule Rituals. However, I dont necessarily believe that its evil. A remainder of the yule log was kept to light the next years log. Thewinter solstice is a time of reflection, during the darkest and longest night of the year. The word Yule comes fromOld Englishgeol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse, jl. The Philocalian calendar of AD 354 gives a festival of "Natalis Invicti" on 25 December. The annual festival at Stonehenge is incredibly lively, attracting crowds of Wiccans, Druids, and pagans from all over the place. If your tradition requires you to formally cast a circle, do so now. St. Lucia wore candles on her head to visit starving peasants during the coldest and darkest day of the year, and Scandinavians still honor her by dressing as St. Lucia and lighting candles around the home. Adorn your home with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, and other winter trinkets. Next, you need to light the candles and say a prayer to the sun. It should be noted that some Wiccans only distinguish between two of her phases the maiden and the mother/crone. I like to leave out offerings during the Winter Solstice. The Maiden then takes her candle and holds it while the HPs lights it for her. Yule is a good time to get rid of things you no longer use. Even if youre new to the world of Yule traditions, youre sure to recognize some of them! You could also have a potluck dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. During Yule, Wiccans bake cookies, fruitcakes, or caraway cakes soaked in cider. Use a broom to sweep out any little bits of dirt and grime it's also a symbolic way of sweeping negative energy out of your home. Yule is the perfect time to decorate! The fifth day of yule is typically celebrated by baking christmas cookies or other festive treats. Leave an offering that feels right to you. Hopefully, some of the information Ill share with you today will get your wheels turning! Yule is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the worldcelebratedon the winter solstice. For example, the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is thought to have been written in the 1700s. New year thats what the red symbolizes cones, and pagans from all over the.. The end of the most common greetings for Yule include `` Happy Yule! a Yule near! Leaves in spring water under a full moon candle and holds it while the HPs lights for... 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